5.4. Other Greenhouse Gases
Non-CO2 GHGs (CH4 ,N2O, and halocarbons) account for about 40% of the total
induced additional radiative forcing compared to pre-industrial times (Houghton
et al., 1996). Whereas CO2 emissions are largely attributable to two major sources
(energy and land use), other gases arise from many different sectors and applications
as shown in Table 5-3. Consequently, their emission
levels are more uncertain. Also the base-year emissions of non-CO2 GHGs are
subject to considerable uncertainty, in particular when it comes to regional
and sectoral breakdowns.
Emissions of non-CO2 radiatively important gases are subject to considerable
and unresolved uncertainties and are driven by a more complex set of forces
than CO2 emissions. Therefore, the types of models employed for the SRES analyses
are not expected to produce unambiguous and widely approved estimates of emissions
of these gases for a period of over a century. Despite the limited knowledge,
at some point in time causal relationships between driving forces and non-CO2
emissions need to be crafted into the models for the sake of completeness. Even
if new insights are generated by specialist researchers in certain fields of
environmental science, and these become accepted as the mainstream view, their
adoption in the models is often far from straightforward, as appropriate links
to drivers may not be readily available in the underlying structure. Limited
manpower and resources imply that priorities must be assigned when deciding
on further model development, and as a consequence the models lag behind "common
wisdom" in certain areas. Of course, this does not necessarily limit their abilities
to capture major trends at a more aggregate level, the main purpose of these
In the following sections emission trajectories generated in the SRES scenarios
are presented and discussed. However, model structures and properties, and exogenous
assumptions made by the modelers involved, may give rise to systematic deviations
within scenario families that may prove very significant compared to average
inter-family differences. Further investigation and analysis is required to
understand these issues more fully.