na = not available
† Numbers in italics indicate simulations with other than a 1%/yr increase
in CO
* 1%/yr of current CO
2 concentrations.
1 Polar deep ocean quantities constrained.
2 Three additional 50-year runs, each from different initial conditions.
3 CO
2 from IPCC scenario 90A after greenhouse gas forcing from 1880 to
4 As (1) with a representation of aerosol forcing, with increases after
1990 based on IS92a.
5 Equilibrium model excluded sea ice dynamics. Coupled model has warmer
than observed tropical sea surface temperatures and a vigorous ice albedo
feedback (Washington and Meehl, 1996) contributing to the high sensitivity.
6 Average of three experiments from different initial conditions.
7 CO
2 increased by 1%/yr from 1990. Observed greenhouse gas forcing used
from 1860 to 1990.
8 As (7) with a representation of aerosol forcing, with increases of aerosol
and greenhouse gases after 1990 based on IS92a.