C.1. Introduction
Global vegetation models (GVM) have in the past decade evolved from largely
statistical-correlational to more process-based, rendering greater confidence
in their abilities to address questions of global change. There are generally
two classes of GVMs, biogeography models and biogeochemistry models. The biogeography
models place emphasis on determination of what can live where, but either do
not calculate or only partially calculate the cycling of carbon and nutrients
within ecosystems. The biogeochemistry models simulate the carbon and nutrient
cycles within ecosystems, but lack the ability to determine what kind of vegetation
could live at a given location. BIOME3 has significantly blurred this model
distinction (Haxeltine and Prentice, 1996). There are over 20 biogeochemistry
models and about 5 biogeography models. Two of the biogeography models, MAPSS
(Neilson, 1995) and BIOME3 were used to provide estimates of changes in vegetation
distribution, density and hydrology for this IPCC special report. These are
equilibrium models, which simulate the potential 'climax' vegetation that could
live at any well-drained, upland site in the world under an 'average' seasonal
climate. Equilibrium models provide useful 'snapshots' of what a terrestrial
biosphere in equilibrium with its climate might look like, but can provide only
inferential information about how the biosphere will make transitions from one
condition to another. This is in contrast to other models, which simulate the
timeseries of vegetation change at a point (Shugart and Smith, 1996), but which
do not produce maps of vegetation distribution and function. Fully dynamic versions
of the spatially-explicit GVMs are being developed and incorporate both biogeography
and biogeochemistry processes, but the dynamic global vegetation models (DGVM)
are not yet ready for assessment purposes (Neilson and Running, 1996). Several
model intercomparison projects are underway and can serve to provide some context
for the two models used here. One such intercomparison is the VEMAP process.
C.2. VEMAP Model Intercomparison
The Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) compared three
biogeography models, MAPSS (Neilson, 1995), BIOME2 (Haxeltine et al., 1996),
and DOLY (Woodward and Smith, 1994; Woodward et al., 1995) and three biogeochemistry
models TEM (Raich et al., 1991; McGuire et al., 1992; Melillo et al., 1993),
CENTURY (Parton et al., 1987; Parton et al., 1988; Parton et al., 1993), and
BIOME-BGC (Hunt and Running, 1992; Running and Hunt, 1993). The two classes
of global models were intercompared and loosely coupled for an assessment of
both model capabilities and the potential impacts of global warming on U.S.
ecosystems (VEMAP Members, 1995). The VEMAP process determined that all the
models have roughly equal skill in simulating the current environment, but exhibit
some divergences under alternative climates, in some cases producing vegetation
responses of opposite sign.
Given the timeframe of this IPCC special report, only MAPSS and BIOME3 were
able to provide global simulations. MAPSS and BIOME2 (a precursor to BIOME3)
were found to produce generally similar results under the future climate scenarios
of the VEMAP process. However, MAPSS is consistently more sensitive to water
stress, producing a more xeric outcome under future climates and it also has
a more sensitive response to elevated CO2. That is, when incorporating a direct,
physiological CO2 effect, MAPSS produces a larger benefit to vegetation from
increased water-use-efficiency (VEMAP Members, 1995).
C.3. Biogeography Model Description
MAPSS (Mapped Atmosphere-Plant-Soil System; Neilson, 1995) and BIOME3 (Haxeltine
and Prentice, 1996) are among a new generation of process-based, equilibrium
biogeographic models (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 1.3.4; VEMAP Members, 1995).
The models simulate the distribution of potential global vegetation based on
local vegetation and hydrologic processes and the physiological properties of
plants. Both models simulate the mixture of vegetation lifeforms, such as trees,
shrubs, and grasses, that can coexist at a site while in competition with each
other for light and water. A set of physiologically-grounded 'rules' determines
whether the woody vegetation will be broadleaved or needleleaved, or evergreen
or deciduous, as well as other properties. The models also simulate the maximum
carrying capacity, or vegetation density, in the form of leaf area that can
be supported at the site, under the constraints of energy and water. Energy
constraints, largely applicable to cold ecosystems, are prescribed in MAPSS,
but are simulated by an explicit carbon flux model in BIOME3. The two models
simulate a similar set of water balance processes, incorporating soil texture
Thus, MAPSS and BIOME3 simulate the distribution of vegetation, such as forests,
savannas, shrubland, grasslands and deserts over all non-wetland sites of the
Earth, based on the relative densities or productivity of overstory and understory,
vegetation leaf characteristics and thermal tolerances. The models simulate
the distribution of generalized vegetation lifeforms (e.g. tree, shrub, grass;
evergreen-deciduous; broadleaf-needleleaf), rather than species and assemble
these into a vegetation type classification. There are currently 45 different
vegetation types simulated by MAPSS and 18 by BIOME3. The vegetation types are
hierarchical, representing biomes (e.g., boreal forest, temperate savanna, grassland,
etc.) at the top and more detailed community-level descriptions at the lower
end (e.g., subtropical, xeromorphic woodland). Only the top of the hierarchy
is utilized in this analysis. Since both models simulate a full site water balance,
they are also calibrated and tested hydrologic models, thereby, allowing estimates
of impacts on water resources fully integrated with the simulated impacts on
vegetation (Neilson and Marks, 1994; VEMAP Members, 1995). As equilibrium models,
MAPSS and BIOME3 simulate vegetation distribution and hydrology under an average
seasonal cycle of climate. They simulate an equilibrium land-surface biosphere
under current or future climate, but not the transitional vegetation changes
from one climate to another. Thus, the models show the long term potential consequences
of climate change, but one can only infer immediate (1-10 year) effects.
MAPSS and BIOME3 contain algorithms that allow the incorporation of a direct
physiological CO2 effect. Elevated CO2 concentrations can, among other effects,
enhance productivity and increase the water-use-efficiency (WUE, carbon fixed
per unit water transpired) of the vegetation thereby reducing the sensitivity
of the vegetation to drought stress (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section A.2.3; Bazzaz
et al., 1996; Eamus, 1991). BIOME3 allows a direct CO2 effect on both productivity
and water-use-efficiency. MAPSS accomplishes the same effect by reducing stomatal
conductance, which then results in increased leaf area, thus indirectly incorporating
a productivity effect. Individual species exhibit variations in their expressions
of direct CO2 effects. For example, the productivity and WUE effects are not
necessarily tightly coupled (Eamus, 1996a). However, since the models simulate
functional types, rather than species, both models have generalized the direct
CO2 effects to all vegetation, with the exception in BIOME3 of differentiating
C3 and C4 physiological types. In BIOME3 C4 plants do not experience the elevated
growth of C3 plants, but do experience increased water-use-efficiency. The realized
importance of the direct CO2 processes in complex, mature ecosystems remains
a matter of debate (Bazzaz et al., 1996).
A review of 58 studies indicated an average 32% increase in plant dry mass
under a doubling of CO2 concentration (Wullschleger, Post, and King, 1995).
Norby (1996) documented an average 29% increase in annual growth per unit leaf
area in seven broadleaf tree species under 2 x CO2 over a wide range of conditions.
Increased WUE, examined in another review, averaged about 30-40% as indexed
by reductions in leaf conductance to water vapor (Eamus, 1991). If such responses
were maintained in forests over many decades, they would imply a substantial
potential for increased storage of atmospheric carbon, as well as conferring
some increased tolerance to drought due to increased WUE. However, some species
or ecosystems exhibit acclimation to elevated CO2 by downregulating photosynthesis
(Bazzaz, 1990; Grulke et al., 1993; Grulke et al., 1990); while others do not
exhibit acclimation (Bazzaz, 1990; Teskey, 1997). Most of the early CO2 research
was done on juvenile trees in pots and growth chambers. New research is beginning
to emerge which focuses on larger trees or intact forested ecosystems. Recent
reviews of this newer literature (Eamus, 1996a; Curtis, 1996) indicate that
acclimation may not be as prevalent when roots are unconstrained and also that
leaf conductance may not be reduced and that both responses are dependent on
the experimental conditions, the length of exposure and the degree of nutrient
or water stress. These results imply that forests could produce more leaf area
under elevated CO2, but may not gain a benefit from increased WUE. In fact,
with increased leaf area, transpiration should increase on a per tree basis
and the stand would use more water. Elevated temperatures would increase transpiration
even further, perhaps drying the soils and inducing a drought effect on the
ecosystem (ibid). Prominent among the environmental influences that are thought
to moderate long-term responses to elevated CO2 is nitrogen supply (Kirschbaum
et al., 1994; McGuire et al., 1995; Eamus, 1996b). Unless CO2 stimulates an
increase in N mineralization (Curtis et al., 1995), productivity gains in high
CO2 are likely to be constrained by the system's N budget (Körner, 1995). Nitrogen
limitations may constrain carbon gains to structural tissue, rather than leaves
(Curtis et al., 1995). Thus, in areas receiving large amounts of N deposition,
a direct CO2 response could result in large increases in leaf area, increasing
transpiration and possibly increasing sensitivity to drought via rapid soil
water depletion. Early growth increases may disappear as the system approaches
carrying capacity as limited by water or nutrients (Körner, 1995). Shifts in
species composition will likely result from different sensitivities to elevated
CO2 (Bazzaz et al., 1996; Körner, 1995). Both MAPSS and BIOME3 have been operated
with and without the direct CO2 effects in this study in order to gauge the
importance and sensitivity of the processes within the modeling framework. The
direct effects of elevated CO2 are imparted only in the ecological model processes
and not in the GCMs. There are no feedbacks between the ecological and atmospheric
The MAPSS model also contains a fire model that shifts some vegetation to a
'fire climax' state, such as in many grasslands or savannas. BIOME3 embeds these
processes in the calibration. Neither model considers current or past land-use
practices. Thus, some areas that the models indicate as grassland, for example,
might actually be shrublands, due to either grazing or fire suppression. Although
the two models do not simulate actual land-use, the 'potential' land-cover simulated
by the models should provide an accurate estimate of the land-surface potential.
That is, forests cannot be grown in deserts or shrublands without irrigation;
and, agricultural productivity should be higher in a potential forest landscape
than in a potential shrubland landscape (given similar soils). Changes in LAI
can be interpreted as a change in the overall carrying capacity or standing
crop of the site, regardless of whether it is in potential natural vegetation
or under cultivation. Additions from irrigation or nitrogen could alter this
conclusion, but it should hold for non-irrigated, upland systems. Thus, simulated
changes in potential natural vegetation should be valuable indicators of general
shifts in agricultural potential.