Lake levels are sensitive to changes in precipitation and evaporation, which
lead to changes in streamflow and groundwater flow. Changes in lake levels will
depend on regional changes in temperature and precipitation (the latter of which
is highly uncertain). In areas where climate change scenarios suggest that precipitation
or soil moisture levels could decline, lake levels are likely to decline or
to fluctuate more widely (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 10.5.2). Decreases in precipitation
and/or soil moisture are indicated for the southeastern United States and much
of the midcontinental region of North America in several 2xCO2 GCM simulations
with only CO2 forcing. Water-level declines would be most severe in lakes and
streams in dry evaporative drainage basins and basins with small catchments.
Semipermanent prairie sloughs are fed by groundwater in addition to precipitation
and spring snowmelt. Severe droughts deplete groundwater storage and cause these
sloughs to dry out-resulting in turn in a decline of bird habitats (Poiani and
Johnson, 1991, 1993). In the north-central United States, some drainage lakes
and seepage lakes are highly responsive to precipitation; lake levels declined
substantially during the late-1980s drought (Eilers et al., 1988).
High-latitude lakes also may be particularly vulnerable to changes in precipitation
and temperature. For a 2xCO2 climate change scenario with temperature increases
of 3-5°C and precipitation increases of 10-15%, lake levels in the Mackenzie
delta of arctic Canada fluctuate more widely. If precipitation were to decline
by 10% with these temperature increases, however, many lakes could disappear
within a decade as a consequence of decreased flood frequency (Marsh and Lesack,
The Great Lakes of North America are a critically important resource, and potential
climate change effects are of great concern. Based on 2xCO2 scenarios from several
GCMs that indicated seasonal temperature increases of 2.6-9.1°C and seasonal
precipitation changes of -30% to +40% (generally summer/autumn declines and
winter increases), the following lake level declines could occur: Lake Superior
-0.2 to -0.5 m, Lakes Michigan and Huron -1.0 to -2.5 m, and Lake Erie -0.9
to -1.9 m; the regulation plan for Lake Ontario cannot meet the minimum downstream
flow requirements and maintain lake levels (Croley, 1990; Hartmann, 1990; Mortsch
and Quinn, 1996). Using the Canadian Climate Centre (CCC) GCM II scenario (which
generally has drier summer and autumn conditions than other GCMs for this region),
the surface area of Lake St. Clair decreases by 15%; its volume is reduced by
37%; the water level declines 1.6 m; and the shoreline may be displaced 1-6
km lakeward, exposing lake bottom (Lee et al., 1996). These Great Lakes water-level
changes are based on climate change scenarios from models that produced global
temperature increases that are at least twice as large and precipitation changes
that generally are greater than the most recent climate change simulations with
aerosols included. Nonetheless, although highly uncertain at this time, the
potential declines in lake water levels shown in these analyses could have large
effects on wetlands, fish spawning, recreational boating, commercial navigation,
and municipal water supplies in the Great Lakes area. Also of concern is the
exposure of toxic sediments and their remediation with declines in lake levels
(Rhodes and Wiley, 1993).
Responses to adapt to these large changes in lake levels in developed areas
could be costly. Changnon (1993) estimated the costs for dredging, changing
slips and docks, relocating beach facilities, and extending and modifying water
intake and sewage outfalls for a 110-km section of the Lake Michigan shoreline
including Chicago to range from $298-401 million for a 1.3-m decline and $605-827
million (1988 dollars) for a 2.5-m decline.
Water quality could deteriorate during summer low flows in regions experiencing
reduced summer runoff.
Changes in water quality as well as changes in hydrological regimes could occur
as a result of climate warming. Increases in water temperature in streams and
rivers reduce oxygen solubilities and increase biological respiration rates
and thus may result in lower dissolved oxygen concentrations, particularly in
summer low-flow periods in low- and mid-latitude areas (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section
10.5.4). Although temperature increases also may stimulate photosynthesis via
increased nutrient cycling and thus prevent dissolved oxygen declines during
the day, sharp nighttime declines could occur. Summer dissolved oxygen concentrations
in the hypolimnion of lakes, particularly more eutrophic lakes, also may decline,
and areas of anoxia may increase because of increased respiration rates in a
warmer climate (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 10.5.4). However, reduction in the
length of winter ice cover may reduce the incidence of winter anoxia in more
northerly lakes and rivers. Increases in water temperature also will impact
industrial uses of water, primarily in the low and mid-latitudes, by reducing
the efficiency of once-through cooling systems (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 14.3.3).
Increases in water temperature will have a positive impact on navigation in
the mid- and high latitudes, especially in the Great Lakes, by increasing the
length of the ice-free season (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 14.3.4)-perhaps compensating
for reduced cargo capacity due to low water levels.
Changes in the seasonality of runoff also may affect water quality. In the
middle and high latitudes, the shift in the high-runoff period from late spring
and summer to winter and early spring might reduce water quality in summer under
low flows. Extended droughts in boreal regions have been shown to result in
acidification of streams due to oxidation of organic sulfur pools in soils (Schindler,
1997). However, acidic episodes associated with spring snowmelt in streams and
lakes in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada might be reduced
under a warmer climate with lower snow accumulation and lower discharges during
the spring melt (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 10.5.3; Moore et al., 1997). In general,
water-quality problems (particularly low dissolved oxygen levels and high contaminant
concentrations) associated with human impacts on water resources (e.g., wastewater
effluents) will be exacerbated more by reductions in annual runoff than by other
changes in hydrological regimes (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 14.2.4).
Increases in competition for limited water under a warmer climate could
lead to supply shortfalls and water-quality problems, particularly in regions
experiencing declines in runoff.
Under a warmer climate, more intensive water resource management will be required
because population growth, economic development, and altered precipitation patterns
will lead to more intense competition for available supplies (IPCC 1996, WG
II, Sections 12.3.5 and 14.4). Managing increased and diversified water demands
will be particularly problematic in regions that currently have the lowest water
availability (e.g., western-central North America) and those that will experience
declines in runoff with climate change.
National water summaries by the U.S. Geological Survey provide comprehensive
data on water availability and demand. Agriculture and steam electric generation
account for approximately 75% of total water withdrawals in the United States;
agricultural uses are most dominant west of the 100th meridian, where evaporation
generally exceeds precipitation. When seasonal and interannual variability of
regional climates are considered, the most inadequate water supplies within
the United States (70% depletion of available supplies by off-stream uses) are
in the southWest-including the lower Colorado River basin, the southern half
of California's Central Valley, and the Great Plains river basins south of the
Platte River.
A warmer climate will likely increase the demand for irrigation water by agriculture
(IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 14.3.1) and for industrial cooling water at the same
time that urban growth will be increasing the demand for municipal water supplies.
In addition, higher water temperatures will reduce the efficiency of cooling
systems (Dobrowolski et al., 1995), and might make it increasingly difficult
to meet regulatory constraints defining acceptable downstream water temperatures,
particularly during extremely warm periods (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 14.3.3).
Furthermore, growing instream flow requirements to protect aquatic ecosystems
also will reduce effective water supplies. However, improved management of water
infrastructure, pricing policies, and demand-side management of supply have
the potential to mitigate some of the impacts of increasing water demand (Frederick
and Gleick, 1989; IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 12.5.5).