Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer

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8.4.1 Barriers to Technology Transfer within Countries

There are barriers specific to the transport sector to the transfer of transport technology within a country. The first is lack of suitable local companies with the required technical skills and competence to supply technology components and services suited to the detailed and precise requirements of major firms. Also in countries where these capabilities exist, the number of such companies is not large enough to encourage competition which can enhance quality of output (UNCTAD, 1998). Another barrier is lack of technical, business and general information within a country, which can lead to poor links between the different local stakeholders. An organised local information network with necessary local data and inter-linkages to external networks is needed for effective technology flows. Access to capital by local companies to build or strengthen technical and other capacities can be a financial barrier, especially if local financial institutions do not perceive such need as a priority. An overriding barrier is the lack of political will among the different government authorities to transfer technology within a country.

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