Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer

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8.4.2 Policies and Programmes for Technology Transfer within Countries

Important policies for transport technology transfers within a country are promotional policies for the development and strengthening of small and medium-scale sub-contracting companies. Also, major firms should be encouraged to enter into technology agreements with local sub-contracting companies. These policies could include incentives, loans and grants (UNCTAD, 1998). Providing grants or other incentives for institutional building and strengthening could assist small and medium-scale businesses to achieve the necessary capacities required by major firms. Promoting specialised training programmes to suit required skills would help to enhance local capacities. Creation of and support for a locally organised information network using professional societies will assist to improve the knowledge of local companies on the necessary local capabilities available. Demonstration of technical options along with a reward system as incentive can boost technology flows between countries. Encouraging indigenous R&D and continuing education programmes, and supporting the necessary linkage with local educational institutions will create the opportunity for the development of new skills and innovation. Setting up of stringent standards with the complimentary compliance mechanisms can assist to transfer technology within a country (Pacudan, 1999). Furthermore, standards set up by a region in a country can influence activities in other regions and such standards get replicated. Standards, such as those for emissions, can stimulate technology change in the process of compliance.

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