12.5.3 Barriers of Credibility and Uncertainties in Mitigation in the Forestry
Forestry mitigation projects are likely to be largely funded by Annex I countries
and implemented in non-Annex I countries and countries with economies in transition
(CEITs). Technology, including management systems, is an integral part of all
projects funded by bilateral or multilateral or commercial agencies. Thus, promotion
of mitigation projects also automatically promotes flow of technology from donor
agencies or countries to host agencies or countries. Thus, technology transfer
is already happening. Forestry sector options are of relatively low cost compared
to those in the energy sector (Sathaye and Ravindranath, 1998). But there are
some problems and uncertainties regarding the incremental C abated, its sustainability,
its measurement, verification and certification. All forestry sector GHG mitigation
projects must ensure that they meet accepted standards for sustainable forest
management (Sathaye et al., 1997). An independent international verification
and certification of carbon abatement is fundamental to ensure the flow of funding
to forestry-sector mitigation projects. Some of the policies and measures for
promoting technology transfer according to different pathways are listed in
Table 12.5.