Appendix 1-16 Case Study by Chapter Cross Reference
The following lists case studies in relation to chapters.
CHAPTER 1: Case (s) 1, 15,
17, 19, 27.
These cases reflect transfer processes that cover applications/technologies
ranging from small scale (e.g. cookstoves) to large scale (e.g. heat recovery
in the Chinese steel industry).
CHAPTER 2: Case studies illustrate inter-country technology transfer
(forestry -case 25); South-South transfer (cookstoves
- case 1); North-South (many including CFC-free refrigerators
case 23); and North-East (biomass boilers in the Baltics
- case 18). The cases also illustrate TT processes based
on best practices (DSM - case 10, CPACC - Case
20), as well as cases meant for demonstration purposes of stimulating technology
transfer (Case 18).
CHAPTER 3: The case studies bring out the experiences from international
agreements such as the Montreal Protocol (cases 4, 17
and 23), and the AIJ process (case 12).
CHAPTER 4: Cases that bring out the importance of institutional arrangements
as an enabling environment include: DSM in Thailand (case
10), TIFAC (case 27).
CHAPTER 5: A large number of case studies address the use of subsidies
to promote market development. These include: wind in Inner Mongolia (case
3), Butane gas stove by TOTAL (case 7), renewables
in Ladakh (case 14). Innovative private sector initiatives
include: Mobil (case 13), Green Lights (case2),
PV in Kenya (case 5), micro-hydro in Peru (case
25), GEF in India (case 22). Public-private partnerships
are illustrated by cases 4, 17,
22 and 23
CHAPTER 7: Cases relevant are: cookstoves (case 1),
Green Lights (case 2), Inner Mongolia Wind (case
3), PV in Kenya (333.htm), Butane in Senegal (case 7),
Ladakh renewables (case 14), CFC-free refrigerators in
Thailand (case 23).
CHAPTER 8: Cases relevant: Brazilian Ethanol programme (case8),
Transport in Uganda (case 11).
CHAPTER 9: Cases relevant fall in the category of technologies, new
innovations and corporate leadership. Cases reflecting a technological initiative
are Ecofrig in India (case 4), heat recovery in Chinese
steel industry (case 15), ODS in Mexico (case
17), Biomass boilers in the Baltics (case 18), CFC-free
refrigerators in Thailand (case 23). Mobil (case
13) reflects corporate leadership. The Bamboo reinforced cement case (case
9) represents the new innovations in technologies and an application from
North-South transfer to South-South transfer.
CHAPTER 10: Cases cover decentralised and centralised applications.
Decentralised applications include: Coal power plant (case
6), Inner Mongolia Wind (case 3), PV in Kenya (case
5). Centralised applications include micro-hydro in Peru (case
CHAPTER 11: Cases available: mangrove rice variety (case
CHAPTER 12: Cases relevant are: tree growers cooperative (case
25), reduced impact logging (case 26), and ethnomedicine
(case 28).
CHAPTER 13: Cases available: biogas digester (case
CHAPTER 14: Ethnomedicine (case 28)
CHAPTER 15: Cases include indigenous technologies (now case
16, earlier case 30), CPACC (case 20), concrete armouring
(21), Coastal zone management in Cyprus (case