Table SPM.1: Estimates of potential global
greenhouse gas emission reductions in 2010 and in 2020 (Sections 3.3-3.8
and Chapter 3 Appendix) |
Sector |
Historic emissions in 1990
(MtCeq/yr) |
Historic Ceq annual growth rate in
1990-1995 (%) |
Potential emission reductions in 2010
(MtCeq/yr) |
Potential emission reductions in 2020
(MtCeq/yr) |
Net direct costs per tonne of carbon avoided |
CO2 only |
1,650 |
1.0 |
700-750 |
1,000-1,100 |
Most reductions are available at negative net direct costs. |
Transport CO2 only |
1,080 |
2.4 |
100-300 |
300-700 |
Most studies indicate net direct costs less than US$25/tC but two suggest
net direct costs will exceed US$50/tC. |
Industry CO2 only |
2,300 |
0.4 |
-energy efficiency |
300-500 |
700-900 |
More than half available at net negative direct costs. |
-material efficiency |
~200 |
~600 |
Costs are uncertain. |
Non-CO2 gases |
170 |
~100 |
~100 |
N2O emissions reduction costs are US$0-US$10/tCeq.
Agricultureb |
Most reductions will cost between US$0-100/tCeq
with limited opportunities for negative net direct cost options. |
CO2only |
210 |
Non-CO2 gases |
1,250-2,800 |
n.a |
150-300 |
350-750 |
CH4 only |
240 |
1.0 |
~200 |
~200 |
About 75% of the savings as methane recovery from landfills at net negative
direct cost; 25% at a cost of US$20/tCeq. |
Non-CO2 gases |
0 |
n.a. |
~100 |
n.a |
About half of reductions due to difference in study replacement applications
baseline and SRES baseline values. Remaining half of the reductions available
at net direct costs below US$200/tCeq. |
Energy supply and conversionc |
Limited net negative direct cost options exist; many options
are available for less than US$100/tCeq. |
CO2 only |
(1,620) |
1.5 |
50-150 |
350-700 |
Total |
6,900-8,400d |
1,900-2,600e |
3,600-5,050e |
9. . To achieve stabilization at these levels, the
scenarios suggest that a very significant reduction in world carbon emissions
per unit of GDP from 1990 levels will be necessary. Technological improvement
and technology transfer play a critical role in the stabilization scenarios
assessed in this report. For the crucial energy sector, almost all greenhouse
gas mitigation and concentration stabilization scenarios are characterized by
the introduction of efficient technologies for both energy use and supply, and
of low- or no-carbon energy. However, no single technology option will provide
all of the emissions reductions needed. Reduction options in non-energy sources
and non-CO2 greenhouse gases will also provide significant potential
for reducing emissions. Transfer of technologies between countries and regions
will widen the choice of options at the regional level and economies of scale
and learning will lower the costs of their adoption (Sections 2.3.2,
2.4, 2.5).
Box SPM.2. Approaches to Estimating Costs and Benefits,
and their Uncertainties
For a variety of factors, significant differences and uncertainties surround
specific quantitative estimates of the costs and benefits of mitigation
options. The SAR described two categories of approaches to estimating
costs and benefits: bottom-up approaches, which build up from assessments
of specific technologies and sectors, such as those described in Paragraph
7, and top-down modelling studies, which proceed from macroeconomic
relationships, such as those discussed in Paragraph
13. These two approaches lead to differences in the estimates of costs
and benefits, which have been narrowed since the SAR. Even if these differences
were resolved, other uncertainties would remain. The potential impact
of these uncertainties can be usefully assessed by examining the effect
of a change in any given assumption on the aggregate cost results, provided
any correlation between variables is adequately dealt with.
10. Social learning and innovation, and changes
in institutional structure could contribute to climate change mitigation.
Changes in collective rules and individual behaviours may have significant effects
on greenhouse gas emissions, but take place within a complex institutional,
regulatory and legal setting. Several studies suggest that current incentive
systems can encourage resource intensive production and consumption patterns
that increase greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors, e.g. transport and housing.
In the shorter term, there are opportunities to influence through social innovations
individual and organizational behaviours. In the longer term such innovations,
in combination with technological change, may further enhance socio-economic
potential, particularly if preferences and cultural norms shift towards lower
emitting and sustainable behaviours. These innovations frequently meet with
resistance, which may be addressed by encouraging greater public participation
in the decision-making processes. This can help contribute to new approaches
to sustainability and equity (Sections 1.4.3,
5.3.8, 10.3.2,