13.5 Representing Uncertainty in Climate Scenarios
13.5.1 Key Uncertainties in Climate Scenarios
Uncertainties about future climate arise from a number of different sources
(see Figure 13.2) and are discussed extensively
throughout this volume. Depending on the climate scenario construction method,
some of these uncertainties will be explicitly represented in the resulting
scenario(s), while others will be ignored (Jones, 2000a). For example, scenarios
that rely on the results from GCM experiments alone may be able to represent
some of the uncertainties that relate to the modelling of the climate response
to a given radiative forcing, but might not embrace uncertainties caused by
the modelling of atmospheric composition for a given emissions scenario, or
those related to future land-use change. Section 13.5.2
therefore assesses different approaches for representing uncertainties in climate
scenarios. First, however, five key sources of uncertainty, as they relate to
climate scenario construction, are very briefly described. Readers are referred
to the relevant IPCC chapters for a comprehensive discussion. Specifying alternative emissions futures
In previous IPCC Assessments, a small number of future greenhouse gas and aerosol
precursor emissions scenarios have been presented (e.g., Leggett et al., 1992).
In the current Assessment, a larger number of emissions scenarios have been
constructed in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) (Nakic´enovic´
et al., 2000), and the uncertain nature of these emissions paths have been well
documented (Morita and Robinson, 2001). Climate scenarios constructed from equilibrium
GCM experiments alone (e.g., Howe and Henderson-Sellers, 1997; Smith and Pitts,
1997) do not consider this uncertainty, but some assumption about the driving
emissions scenario is required if climate scenarios are to describe the climate
at one or more specified times in the future. This source of uncertainty is
quite often represented in climate scenarios (e.g., Section