Working Group I: The Scientific Basis

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II.1.10: OC aerosol emissions (Tg/yr)
Year A1B A1T A1FI A2 B1 B2 A1p A2p B1p B2p IS92a
2000 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4
2010 91.2 91.3 92.6 89.3 74.5 86.0 100.0 89.3 66.7 89.4 85.2
2020 93.6 102.6 107.1 97.0 71.5 92.8 120.3 97.0 77.4 95.2 89.0
2030 99.6 119.5 125.3 111.4 59.9 99.8 128.9 111.0 67.9 92.3 93.9
2040 103.6 134.7 148.1 118.1 54.2 108.3 142.6 117.4 71.0 99.6 99.8
2050 107.9 151.6 182.1 124.7 49.5 116.1 156.4 124.6 74.0 106.2 105.8
2060 110.3 165.2 190.9 133.9 48.6 124.3 170.8 133.3 77.3 115.2 111.5
2070 112.8 175.8 207.6 143.1 48.3 135.9 185.4 142.7 80.6 127.7 117.2
2080 119.1 182.5 230.6 157.2 46.0 149.4 192.9 156.0 83.9 141.7 122.9
2090 130.3 181.9 223.5 176.2 43.8 160.7 193.5 174.3 79.3 153.1 128.6
2100 143.2 175.7 214.4 195.2 41.0 169.8 194.2 195.2 74.6 162.4 134.4
Note: Emissions for OC are scaled to SRES anthropogenic CO emissions offset to year 2000.

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