Climate Change 2001:
Working Group I: The Scientific Basis
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Figure 13.7: Pattern correlations between the decadal ensemble mean temperature (Northern Hemisphere only) from the HadCM2 experiment forced with a 0.5%/yr increase in greenhouse gas concentrations (Gd) and: the scaled ensemble mean pattern (solid line); the four scaled individual ensemble member patterns � average coefficient (dashed line); and the scaled ensemble mean pattern derived from the HadCM2 experiment forced with a 1%/yr increase in greenhouse gas concentrations (Ga) (dotted line). The correlations increase with time as the pattern of greenhouse gas response (the �signal�) increasingly dominates the random effects of internal climate variability (the �noise�). The shaded area shows the spread of correlations between the pairs of the individual members of the Gd ensemble; these correlations are lower than those between the realised and scaled patterns above, indicating that the scaled pattern is not due to internal climate variability. (Source: Mitchell et al., 1999.)

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