Working Group I: The Scientific Basis

Other reports in this collection

Appendix IV - Reviewers of the IPCC WGI Third Assessment Report
M. Nuñez Ciudad Universitaria
K. Abel Australian Greenhouse Office
G. Ayers CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
S. Barrell Bureau of Meteorology
P. Bate Bureau of Meteorology
B. Bates CSIRO Division of Land and Water
T. Beer CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
R. Boers CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
W. Budd University of Tasmania
I. Carruthers Australian Greenhouse Office
S. Charles CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
J. Church CSIRO Division of Marine Research
D. Collins Bureau of Meteorology
R. Colman Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
D. Cosgrove Bureau of Transport Economics
S. Crimp Department of Natural Resources
B. Curran Bureau of Meteorology
M. Davison Australian Industry Greenhouse Network
M. Dix CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
B. Dixon Bureau of Meteorology
M. England University of New South Wales
I. Enting CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
D. Etheridge CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
G. Farquhar Australian National University
P. Forster Monash University
R. Francey CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
P. Fraser CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
R. Gifford CSIRO Division of Plant Industry
I. Goodwin University of Tasmania
J. Gras CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
G. Hassall Australian Greenhouse Office
A. Henderson-Sellers Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
K. Hennessy CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
A. Ivanovici Australian Greenhouse Office
J. Jacka Australian Antarctic Division
I. Jones University of Sydney
R. Jones CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
D. Karoly Monash University
J. Katzfey CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
B. Kininmonth Australasian Climate Research
J. Lough Australian Institute of Marine Science
G. Love Bureau of Meteorology
M. Manton Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
B. McAvaney Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
T. McDougall CSIRO Division of Marine Research
A. McEwan Bureau of Meteorology
J. McGregor CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
L. Minty Bureau of Meteorology
B. Mitchell Flinders University of South Australia
N. Plummer Bureau of Meteorology
L. Powell Australian Greenhouse Office
L. Quick Australian Greenhouse Office
P. Rayner CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
L. Rikus Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
L. Rotstayn CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
W. Scherer Flinders University of South Australia
I. Smith CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
P. Steele CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
K. Walsh CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
I. Watterson CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
P. Whetton CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
J. Zillman Bureau of Meteorology
M. Hantel University of Vienna
K. Radunsky Federal Environment Agency
T. Fichefet Université Catholique de Louvain
J. Franklin Solvay Research and Technology
A. Mouchet Astrophysics and Geophysics Institute
J. van Ypersele Université Catholique de Louvain
R. Zander University of Liege
E. Ahlonsou National Meteorological Service
P. Fearnside National Institute for Research in the Amazon
J. Marengo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
P. Austin University of British Columbia
E. Barrow Atmospheric and Hydrologic Science Division
J. Bourgeois Geological Survey of Canada
R. Brown Atmospheric Environment Service
E. Bush Environment Canada
M. Demuth Geological Survey of Canada
K Denman Department of Fisheries and Oceans
P. Edwards Environment Canada
W. Evans Trent University
D. Fisher Geological Survey of Canada
G. Flato University of Victoria
W. Gough University of Toronto at Scarbrough
D. Harvey University of Toronto
H. Hengeveld Environment Canada
W. Hogg Atmospheric Environment Service
P. Kertland Natural Resources Canada
R. Koerner Geological Survey of Canada
R. Laprise University of Quebec at Montreal
Z. Li Natural Resources Canada
U. Lohmann Dalhousie University
J. Majorowicz Northern Geothermal
L. Malone Environment Canada
N. McFarlane University of Victoria
L. Mysak McGill University
W. Peltier University of Toronto
I. Perry Fisheries and Oceans Canada
J. Rudolph York University
P. Samson Natural Resources Canada
J. Sargent Finance Canada
J. Shaw Geological Survey of Canada
S. Smith Natural Resources Canada
J. Stone Environment Canada
R. Street Environment Canada
D. Whelpdale Environment Canada
R. Wong Government of Alberta
F. Zwiers University of Victoria
D. Gong Peking University
W. Li Institute of Atmospheric Physics
G. Ren National Climate Center
S. Sun Institute of Atmospheric Physics
R. Yu Institute of Atmospheric Physics
P. Zhai National Climate Center
X. Zhang Institute of Atmospheric Physics
G. Zhou Institute of Atmospheric Physics
T. Zhou Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Czech Republic
R. Brazdil Masaryk University
J. Bates University of Copenhagen
B. Christiansen Danish Meteorological Institute
P. Frich Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU)
A. Hansen University of Copenhagen
A. Jørgensen Danish Meteorological Institute
T. Jørgensen Danish Meteorological Institute
E. Kaas Danish Meteorological Institute
P. Laut Technical University of Denmark
B. Machenhauer Danish Meteorological Institute
L. Prahm Danish Meteorological Institute
M. Stendel Danish Meteorological Institute
P. Thejll Danish Meteorological Institute
T. Carter Finnish Environment Institute
E. Holopainen University of Helsinki
R. Korhonen Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
M. Kulmala University of Helsinki
J. Launiainen Finnish Institute of Marine Research
H. Tuomenvirta Finnish Meteorological Institute
A. Alexiou Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
P. Braconnot Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environment
J. Brenguier Meteo France
N. Chaumerliac Université Blaisi Pascal
M. Deque Meteo France
Y. Fouquart Université des Science & Techn de Lille
C. Genthon Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Geophysique de l’Environment du CNRS
M. Gillet Mission Interministerielle de l’Effet de Serre
S. Joussaume Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environment
J. Jouzel Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environment
R. Juvanon du Vachat Mission Interministerielle de l’Effet de Serre
H. Le Treut Center National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique
M. Petit Ecole Polytechnique
P. Pirazzoli Center National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire de Géographie Physique
S. Planton Meteo France
J. Polcher Center National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique
A. Riedacker INRA
J. Salmon Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Environnement
D. Tanre Laboratoire d’Optigue Atmospherique
H. Ahlgrimm Federal Agricultural Research Center
M. Andreae Max-Planck Institut für Biochemistry
R. Benndorf Federal Environmental Agency
U. Boehm Universität Potsdam
O. Boucher Max-Planck Institut für Chemie
S. Brinkop Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
M. Claussen Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
M. Dehn Universität Bonn
P. Dietze Private
E. Holland Max-Planck Institut für Biochemistry
J. Jacobeit Universität Wuerzburg
K. Kartschall Federal Environmental Agency
B. Kärcher Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
K. Lange Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
P. Mahrenholz Federal Environmental Agency
J. Oberhuber German Climate Computing Centre
R. Sartorius Federal Environmental Agency
C. Schoenwiese J.W. Goethe University
U. Schumann Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
U. Ulbrich Institut für Geophysik und Meteorolgie
T. Voigt Federal Environment Agency
A. Volz-Thomas Forschungsezentrum Juelich
G. Weber Gesamtverband Steinkohlenbergbau (GVST)
G. Wefer Universität Bremen
M. Widmann GKSS-Forschungszentrum
G. Koppány University of Szeged
T. Johannesson Icelandic Meteorological Office
P. Alpert Tel Aviv University
S. Krichark Tel Aviv University
C. Price Tel Aviv University
Z. Levin Tel Aviv University
W. Dragoni Perugia Universita
A. Mariotti National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Environment (ENEA)
T. Nanni ISAO National Research Council
P. Ruti National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Environment (ENEA)
R. van Dingenen Enviroment Institute of European Commission
G. Visconti Università Degli Studi dell’ Aquila
M. Amino Japan Meteorological Agency
T. Asoh Japan Meteorological Agency
H. Isobe Japan Meteorological Agency
H. Kanzawa Environment Agency
H. Kato Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
M. Kimoto University of Tokyo
K. Kurihara Japan Meteorological Agency
S. Kusunoki Meteorological Research Institute
S. Manabe Institute for Global Change
S. Nagata Environment Agency
Y. Nikaidou Japan Meteorological Agency
J. Ohyama Japan Meteorological Agency
Y. Sato Meteorological Research Institute
A. Sekiya National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research
M. Shinoda Tokyo Metropolitan University
S. Taguchi National Institute for Research & Environment
T. Tokioka Japan Meteorological Agency
Y. Tsutsumi Japan Meteorological Agency
O. Wild Frontier Research System for Global Change
R. Yamamoto Kyoto University
J. Ng’ang’a University of Nairobi
N. Sabogal United Nations Environment Programme
A. Chan Malaysian Meteorological Service
A. Allali Ministry of Agriculture & Moroccan Association for Environment Protection
S. Khatri Meteorological Office of Morocco
A. Mokssit Meteorological Office of Morocco
A. Sbaibi Universite Hassan II - Mohammedia
A.P.M. Baede Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
J. Beersma Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
L. Bijlsma Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee
T. Buishand Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
G. Burgers Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
H. Dijkstra University of Utrecht
S. Drijfhout Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
W. Hazeleger Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
B. Holtslag Wageningen University
C. Jacobs Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
A. Jeuken Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
H. Kelder Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
G. Komen Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut and University of Utrecht
N. Maat Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
L. Meyer Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning & the Environment
J. Olivier Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
J. Opsteegh Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
A. Petersen Vrije Universiteit
H. Radder Vrije Universiteit
H. Renssen Vrije Universiteit
J. Ronde Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee
M. Scheffers Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee
C. Schuurmans University of Utrecht
P. Siegmund Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
A. Sterl Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
H. ten Brink Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland
R. Tol Vrije Universiteit
S. van de Geijn Plant Research International
R. van Dorland Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
G. van Tol Expertisecentrum LNV
A. van Ulden Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
M. van Weele Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
P. Veefkind Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
G. Velders Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
J. Verbeek Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
H. Visser KEMA
New Zealand
C. de Freitas University of Auckland
B. Fitzharris University of Otago
V. Gray Climate Consultant, New Zealand
J. Kidson National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
H. Larsen National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
P. Maclaren University of Canterbury
M. Manning National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
J. Renwick National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
T. Asphjell Norwegian State Pollution Control Authority
R. Benestad Norwegian Meteorological Institute
O. Christophersen Ministry of Environment
E. Forland Norwegian Meteorological Institute
J. Fuglestvedt University of Oslo
O. Godal University of Oslo
S. Grønås University of Bergen
I. Hanssen-Bauer Norwegian Meteorological Institute
E. Jansen University of Bergen
N. Koc Norsk Polarinstitutt
H. Loeng Institute of Marine Research
S. Mylona Norwegian State Pollution Control Authority
M. Pettersen Norwegian State Pollution Control Authority
A. Rosland Norwegian State Pollution Control Authority
T. Segalstad University of Oslo
J. Winther Norwegian Polar Institute
N. Gamboa Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
M. Mietus Institute of Meteorology & Water Management
C. Borrego Universidade de Aveiro
Russian Federation
O. E. Anisimov State Hydrological Institute
R. Burlutsky Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russia
N. Datsenko Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russia
G. Golitsyn Institute of Atmospheric Physics
N. Ivachtchenko Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russia
I. Karol Main Geophysical Observatory
K. Kondratyev Research Centre for Ecological Safety
V. P. Meleshko Main Geophysical Observatory
I. Mokhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics
D. Sonechkin Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russia
Saudi Arabia
M. Al-Sabban Ministry of Petroleum
Slovak Republic
M. Lapin Comenius University
K. Mareckova Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
A. Kranjc Hydrometeorological Institute of Slovenia
S. Alonso Universitat de les Illes Balears
L. Balairon National Institute of Meteorology
Y. Castro-Diez Universidad de Granada
J. Cortina Universitat d’Alacant
M. de Luis Universitat d’Alacant
E. Fanjul Clima Maritimo - Puertos del Estado
B. Gomez Clima Maritimo - Puertos del Estado
M. Gomez-Lahoz Puertos del Estado
J. Gonzalez-Hidalgo University of Zaragoza
A. Lavin Instituto Español de Oceanografía
J. Peñuelas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
J. Raventos Universitat d’Alacant
J. Sanchez Universitat d’Alacant
I. Sanchez-Arevalo Clima Maritimo - Puertos del Estado
M. Vazquez Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
N. Awad Higher Council for Environment & Natural Resources
I. Elgizouli Higher Council for Environment & Natural Resources
N. Goutbi Higher Council for Environment & Natural Resources
R. Charlson Stockholm University
E. Källén Stockholm University
A. Moberg Stockholm University
N. Morner Stockholm University
J. Raisanen Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
H. Rodhe Stockholm University
M. Rummukainen Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
U. Baltensperger Paul Scherrer Institute
D. Gyalistras University of Bern
W. Haeberli University of Zurich
F. Joos University of Bern
H. Lang Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
C. Pfister Unitobler
J. Romero Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape
C. Schaer Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
J. Staehelin Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
H. Wanner University of Bern
M. Wild Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
J. Boonjawat Chulalongkorn University
A. Ajavon Universite du Benin
A. Danchev Fatih University
M. Turkes Turkish State Meteorological Service
United Kingdom
M. Allen Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
S. Allison Southampton Oceanography Centre
R. Betts Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
S. Boehmer-Christiansen Sussex University
R. Braithwaite University of Manchester
K. Briffa University of East Anglia
S. Brown Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
I. Colbeck University of Essex
R. Courtney European Science and Environment Forum
M. Crompton Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
X. Dai IPCC WGI Technical Support Unit
C. Doake British Antarctic Survey
C. Folland Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
N. Gedney Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
N. Gillett University of Oxford
W. Gould Southampton Oceanography Centre
J. Gregory Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
S. Gregory University of Sheffield
D. J Griggs IPCC WGI Technical Support Unit
J. Grove University of Cambridge
J. Haigh Imperial College
R. Harding Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
M. Harley English Nature
J. Haywood Meteorological Research Flight, Met Office
J. Houghton IPCC WGI Co-Chairman
W. Ingram Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
T. Iversen European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting
J. Lovelock Retired, United Kingdom
K. Maskell IPCC WGI Technical Support Unit
A. McCulloch Marbury Technical Consulting, United Kingdom
G. McFadyen Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
J. Mitchell Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
J. Murphy Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
C. Newton Environment Agency
M. Noguer IPCC WGI Technical Support Unit
T. Osborn University of East Anglia
D. Parker Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
D. Pugh Southampton Oceanography Centre
S. Raper University of East Anglia
D. Roberts Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
D. Sexton Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
K. Shine University of Reading
K. Smith University of Edinburgh
P. Smithson University of Sheffield
P. Stott Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
S. Tett Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office
P. Thorne University of East Anglia
R. Toumi Imperial College
P. Viterbo European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting
D. Warrilow Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
R. Wilby University of Derby
P. Williamson Plymouth Marine Laboratory
P. Woodworth Bidston Observatory
United States of America
M. Abbott Oregon State University
W. Abdalati NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
D. Adamec NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
R. B. Alley Pennsylvania State University
R. Andres University of Alaska at Fairbanks
J. Angel Illinois State Water Survey
P. Arkin Columbia University
R. Arritt Iowa State University
E. Atlas National Center for Atmospheric Research
D. Bader Department of Energy
T. Baerwald National Science Foundation
R. Bales University of Arizona
R. Barber Duke University
T. Barnett Scripps Institute of Oceanography
P. Bartlein University of Oregon
J. J. Bates NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory
T. Bates NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
M. Bender Princeton University
C. Bentley University of Wisconsin at Madison
K. Bergman NASA Global Modeling and Analysis Program
C. Berkowitz Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
M. Berliner Ohio State University
J. Berry Carnegie Institution of Washington
R. Bindschadler NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
D. Blake University of California at Irvine
T. Bond University of Washington
A. Broccoli Princeton University
W. Broecker Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
L. Bruhwiler NOAA Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
K. Bryan Princeton University
K. Caldeira Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
M. A. Cane Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
A. Carleton Pennsylvania State University
R. Cess State University of New York
W. Chameides Georgia Institute of Technology
T. Charlock NASA Langley Research Center
M. Chin NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
K. Cook Cornell University
W. Cooke Princeton University
C. Covey Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
T. Crowley Texas A&M University
D. Cunnold Georgia Institute of Technology
J. A. Curry University of Colorado
R. Dahlman Department of Energy
A. Dai National Center for Atmospheric Research
B. DeAngelo Environmental Protection Agency
P. DeCola NASA
P. DeMott Colorado State University
A. S. Denning Colorado State University
W. Dewar Florida State University
R. E. Dickerson University of Maryland
R. Dickinson Georgia Institute of Technology
L. Dilling NOAA Office of Global Programs
E. Dlugokencky NOAA Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory
S. Doney National Center for Atmospheric Research
S. Drobot University of Nebraska
H. Ducklow Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences
W. Easterling Pennsylvania State University
J. Elkins NOAA Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory
E. Elliott National Science Foundation
W. Elliott NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
H. Ellsaesser Atmospheric Consultant
S. Esbensen Oregon State University
C. Fairall NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory
Y. Fan Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
P. Farrar Naval Oceanographic Office
R. Feely NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
F. Fehsenfeld NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories
G. Feingold NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory
R. Fleagle University of Washington
R. Forte Environmental Protection Agency
M. Fox-Rabinovitz University of Maryland
J. Francis Rutgers University
M. Free NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
R. Friedl Jet Propulsion laboratory
I. Fung University of California
D. Gaffen NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
W. Gates Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
C. Gautier University of California at Santa Barbara
P. Geckler Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
L. Gerhard University of Kansas
S. Ghan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
M. Ghil University of California at Los Angeles
P. Gleckler Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
V. Gornitz NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
V. Grewe NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
W. Gutowski Iowa State University
P. Guttorp University of Washington
R. Hallgren American Meteorological Society
D. Hardy University of Massachusetts
E. Harrison NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
G. Hegerl Texas A&M University
B. Hicks NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
W. Higgins NOAA Climate Protection Center
D. Houghton University of Wisconsin at Madison
R. Houghton Woods Hole Research Center
Z. Hu Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
B. Huang Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
J. Hudson Desert Research Institute
M. Hughes University of Arizona
C. Hulbe NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
D. Jacob Harvard University
S. Jacobs Columbia University
M. Jacobson Stanford University
A. Jain University of Illinois
D. James National Science Foundation
G. Johnson NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
R. Johnson Colorado State University
T. Joyce Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
R. Katz National Center for Atmospheric Research
R. Keeling Scripps Institute of Oceanography
J. Kiehl National Center for Atmospheric Research
J. Kim Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
J. Kinter Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
B. Kirtman Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
T. Knutson NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
D. Koch National Center for Atmospheric Research
S. Kreidenweis Colorado State University
V. Krishnamurthy Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
D. Kruger Environmental Protection Agency
J. Kutzbach University of Wisconsin at Madison
C. Landsea NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory
N. Laulainen Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
J. Lean Naval Research Laboratory
M. Ledbetter National Science Foundation
T. Ledley TERC
A. Leetmaa NOAA National Weather Service
C. Leith Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
S. Levitus NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center
J. Levy NOAA Office of Global Programs
L. Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R. Lindzen Massachusetts Institute of Technology
C. Lingle University of Alaska at Fairbanks
J. Logan Harvard University
A. Lupo University of Missouri
M. MacCracken Office of the US Global Change Research Program
G. Magnusdottir University of California
J. Mahlman Princeton University
T. Malone Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering
M. E. Mann University of Virginia
P. Matrai Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
D. Mauzerall Princeton University
M. McFarland Dupont Fluoroproducts
A. McGuire University of Alaska at Fairbanks
S. Meacham National Science Foundation
M. Meier Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research
P. Michaels University of Virginia
N. Miller Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
M. Mishchenko NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
V. Misra Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
R. Molinari NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
S. Montzka NOAA Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory
K. Mooney NOAA Office of Global Programs
A. Mosier Department of Agriculture
D. Neelin University of California at Los Angeles
R. Neilson Oregon State University
J. Norris Princeton University
G. North Texas A & M University
T. Novakov Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
W. O’Hirok Institute for Computational Earth System Science
M. Palecki Illinois State Water Survey
S. Pandis Carnegie Mellon University
C. L. Parkinson NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
J. Penner University of Michigan
K. Pickering University of Maryland
R. Pielke Colorado State University
S. Piper Scripps Institution of Oceanography
H. Pollack University of Michigan
G. Potter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
M. Prather University of California at Irvine
R. Prinn Massachusetts Institute of Technology
N. Psuty State University of New Jersey
V. Ramanathan Scripps Institute of Oceanography
V. Ramaswamy Princeton University
R. Randall The Rainforest Regeneration Institution
J. Randerson California Institute of Technology
C. Raymond University of Washington
P. Rhines University of Washington
C. Rinsland NASA Langley Research Center
D. Ritson Stanford University
A. Robock Rutgers University
B. Rock University of New Hampshire
J. Rodriguez University of Miami
R. Ross NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
D. Rotman Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
C. Sabine University of Washington
D. Sahagian University of New Hampshire
E. Saltzman National Science Foundation
S. Sander NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
E. Sarachik University of Washington
V. Saxena North Carolina State University
S. Schauffler National Center for Atmospheric Research
E. Scheehle Environmental Protection Agency
W. Schlesinger Duke University
C. Schlosser Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
R. W. Schmitt Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
E. Schneider Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
S. Schneider Stanford University
S. Schwartz Brookhaven National Laboratory
M. Schwartzkopf Princeton University
J. Seinfeld California Institute of Technology
A. Semtner Naval Postgraduate School
J. Severinghaus University of California
D. Shindell NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
H. Sievering University of Colorado
J. Simpson University of California
H. Singh NASA Ames Research Center
D. Skole Michigan State University
S. Smith Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
B. J. Soden Princeton University
R. Somerville University of California
M. Spector Lehigh University
T. Spence National Science Foundation
P. Stephens National Science Foundation
P. Stone Massachusetts Institute of Technology
R. Stouffer Princeton University
D. Straus Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
C. Sucher NOAA Office of Global Programs
Y. Sud NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
B. Sun University of Massachusetts
P. Tans NOAA Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory
R. Thomas NASA Wallops Flight Facility
D. Thompson University of Washington
J. Titus Environmental Protection Agency
K. E. Trenberth National Center for Atmospheric Research
S. Trumbore University of California at Irvine
G. Tselioudis NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
C. van der Veen Ohio State University
M. Visbeck Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
M. Vuille University of Massachusetts
M. Wahlen University of California
J. Wallace University of Washington
J. Walsh University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
J. Wang NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
W. Wang State University of New York at Albany
Y. Wang Georgia Institute of Technology
M. Ward Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
S. Warren University of Washington
W. Washington National Center for Atmospheric Research
B. Weare University of California at Davis
T. Webb Brown University
M. Wehner Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
R. Weller Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
P. Wennberg California Institute of Technology
H. Weosky Federal Aviation Administration
D. Williamson National Center for Atmospheric Research
D. Winstanley Illinois State Water Survey
S. Wofsy Harvard University
J. Wong NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
C. Woodhouse NOAA National Geophysical Data Center
Z. Wu Centre for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
X. Xiao University of New Hampshire
Z. Yang University of Arizona
S. Yvon-Lewis NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory
C. Zender University of California at Irvine
United Nations Organisations and Specialised Agencies
N. Harris European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit, United Kingdom
F. Raes Enviroment Institute of European Commission, Italy
Non-Governmental Organisations
J. Owens 3M Company
C. Kolb Aerodyne Research Inc.
H. Feldman American Petroleum Institute
J. Martín-Vide Asociación Española de Climatología, Spain
M. Ko Atmospheric & Environmental Research Inc.
S. Baughcum Boeing Company
C. Field Carnegie Institute of Washington
K. Gregory Centre for Business and the Environment, United Kingdom
W. Hennessy CRL Energy Ltd., New Zealand
E. Olaguer The Dow Chemical Company
D. Fisher DuPont Company
A. Salamanca ECO Justicia, Spain
C. Hakkarinen Electric Power Research Institute, USA
M. Oppenheimer Environmental Defense, USA
H. Kheshgi Exxon Mobil Research & Engineering Company, USA
S. Japar Ford Motor Company
W. Hare Greenpeace International, Netherlands
L. Bishop Honeywell International Inc.
J. Neumann Industrial Economics, Incorporated
I. Smith International Energy Agency Coal Research, United Kingdom
L. Bernstein International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
J. Grant International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
D. Hoyt Raytheon
K. Green Reason Public Policy Institute
S. Singer Science & Environmental Policy Project, USA
J. Le Cornu SHELL Australia Ltd.

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