6.3.7. Marine Mammals and Seabirds
Marine mammals and seabirds are sensitive indicators of changes in ocean environments.
Springer (1998) concluded that synchrony in extreme fluctuations of abundance
of marine birds and mammals across the North Pacific and Western Arctic were
a response to physical changes, including climate warming. The linkages with
climate change were compelling enough for Springer to suggest that fluctuations
in marine bird and mammal populations in the North Pacific are entirely related
to climate variations and change.
The climate variations beginning in the 1990s and associated with El Niño
conditions (Trenberth and Hoar, 1996), in combination with overfishing, have
been linked to behavioral changes in killer whales. These changes drastically
reduced sea otter abundance along the Aleutian Islands, which in turn changed
the ecology of the kelp forests (Estes et al., 1998). The changes in
prey resulting from persistent changes in climate appear to be one of the important
impacts of a changing climate on the marine mammals that feed from the top of
the food chain.
Climate change also may have an effect on access to prey among marine mammals.
For instance, extended ice-free seasons in the Arctic could prolong the fasting
of polar bears (Ursus maritimus), with possible implications for the
seal population (Stirling et al., 1999). Reduced ice cover and access
to seals would limit hunting success by polar bears and foxes, with resulting
reductions in bear and fox populations. This dynamic could have negative effects
on the lifestyle, food, and health standards of some indigenous peoples (Hansell
et al., 1998). Because global climate change is likely to have profound
impacts on sea-ice extent and duration, it is in this habitat where the initial
impacts on marine mammals may be first evident. Reductions in sea ice have been
predicted to alter the seasonal distributions, geographic ranges, migration
patterns, nutritional status, reproductive success, and ultimately the abundance
of Arctic marine mammals (Tynan and DeMaster, 1997). Studies recognizing multi-year
to decadal variability in marine biotic systems include Mullin (1998) on zooplankton
over 5 decades in the eastern Pacific (with connections to El Niño),
and Tunberg and Nelson (1998) on soft bottom macrobenthic communities in the
northeast Atlantic (with connections to the North Atlantic Oscillation). Sagarin
et al. (1999) have argued that changes in the distribution of intertidal
macroinvertebrates on rocky shores in California over the past 60 years have
been caused by climate change.
Seabirds are an integral part of marine ecosystems, where they may consume
vast amounts of fish. It has been estimated that seabirds consume 600,000 t
yr-1 of food in the North Atlantic (Hunt and Furness, 1996). Modeling
studies have shown that in several marine ecosystems, seabirds eat 20-30%
of the annual pelagic fish production. The dependence on some species of fish,
particularly during breeding, and their large abundance make seabirds a good
indicator of ecosystem change. Where changes in breeding success or mortality
occur, however, distinguishing the climate impact from fishing impacts can be
difficult (Duffy and Schneider, 1994). Very few decadal-scale studies of seabirds
are available to assess the impacts of long-term variations in climate, however.
In general, seabirds have evolved to adapt to weather patterns (Butler et
al., 1997). The ability of a species to alter its migration strategy appears
to be important to survival in a changing climate. Food resources appear to
be critical to general survival, especially for young seabirds. Dolman and Sutherland
(1994) proposed that feeding rate affects the ability of individuals to survive
winter. The change in marine ecosystem described by Roemmich and McGowan (1995)
was associated with a mortality resulting in a 40% decline in seabird abundance
within the California current system from 1987 to 1994 (Veit et al.,
1996). The decline was largely related to a dramatic (90%) decline of sooty
shearwaters (Puffinus girseus), but the response in the ecosystem was
not characterized only by declines. There was a northward movement of some species,
and in offshore waters the abundance of the most common species, Leach's
storm petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), increased over the same period.
The authors were careful to note that the changes in abundance they described
could not be related directly to population dynamics because of complex migratory
patterns and the size of the habitat.
Such changes are evidence of the sensitivity of seabirds to climate-ocean changes
and that survival and distribution impacts will occur as climates shift. The
anomalous cold surface waters that occurred in the northwest Atlantic in the
early 1990s changed the fish species composition in the surface waters on the
Newfoundland shelf. These changes were readily detected in the diets of northern
gannet (Sula bassana). The sensitivity of the distribution patterns of
the pelagic prey of fish-feeding and plankton-feeding seabirds imply to Montevecchi
and Myers (1997) that small changes in the ocean environment resulting from
climate changes could affect seabird reproductive success. Changes in fish-feeding
seabird abundance in the eastern Bering Sea are related to the abundance of
juvenile pollock (Springer, 1992). It has been argued that long lifespans and
genetic variation within populations enable seabirds to survive adverse short-term
environmental events, as evidenced by the response to El Niño and La
Niña events in the tropical Pacific (Ribic et al., 1997). However,
small populations tied to restricted habitat, such as the Galapagos Penguin
(Spheniscus mendiculus), may be threatened by long-term climate warming
(Boersma, 1998).
6.3.8. Diseases and Toxicity
Changes in precipitation, pH, water temperature, wind, dissolved CO2,
and salinity can affect water quality in estuarine and marine waters. Some marine
disease organisms and algal species are strongly influenced by one or more of
these factors (Anderson et al., 1998). In the past few decades there
has been an increase in reports of diseases affecting closely monitored marine
organisms, such as coral and seagrasses, particularly in the Caribbean and temperate
oceans. The worldwide increase in coral bleaching in 1997-1998 was coincident
with high water temperatures associated with El Niño, but Harvell et
al. (1999) suggest that the demise of some corals might have been accelerated
by opportunistic infections affecting the temperature-stressed reef systems.
Talge et al. (1995) report a new disease in reef-dwelling foraminifera,
with implications for coastal sedimentation.
ENSO cycles and increased water temperatures have been correlated with Dermo
disease (caused by the protozoan parasite Perkinsus marinus) and MSX (multinucleated
spore unknown) disease in oysters along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts. In
addition to affecting marine hosts, several viruses, protozoa, and bacteria
affected by climatic factors can affect people, by direct contact or by seafood
consumption. Many of the reported cases of water-borne diseases involve gastrointestinal
illnesses; some can be fatal in infants, elderly people, and people with weakened
immune systems (ASM, 1998).
The bacterium Vibrio vulnificus, which is found in oysters and is potentially
lethal to humans with immune-system deficiencies, becomes more abundant as water
temperature increases (Lipp and Rose, 1997). The incidence and severity of cholera
(Vibrio cholerae) epidemics associated with marine plankton also has
been linked with prolonged elevated water temperature. Annual epidemics of cholera
in Bangladesh have been correlated with increased SST and sea-surface height
(Harvell et al., 1999).