Some features of scenario development and application that are now well established
and tested include continued development of global and regional databases for
defining baseline conditions, widespread use of incremental scenarios to explore
system sensitivity prior to application of model-based scenarios, improved availability
and wider application of estimates of long-term mean global changes on the basis
of projections produced by specialized international organizations or the use
of simple models, and a growing volume of accessible information that enables
construction of regional scenarios for some aspects of global change. [3.9.1]
There also are numerous shortcomings of current scenario development, many
of which are being actively investigated. These investigations include efforts
to properly represent socioeconomic, land-use, and environmental changes in
scenarios; to obtain scenarios at higher resolution (in time and space); and
to incorporate changes in variability as well as mean conditions in scenarios.
Increasing attention is required on construction of scenarios that address policy-related
issues such as stabilization of GHG concentrations or adaptation, as well as
improving the representation of uncertainties in projections, possibly within
a risk assessment framework. [3.9.2]