17.2.8. Food Security Crop Agriculture
Subsistence agricultural production is vital to the economies, nutritional
status, and social well-being of small islandsparticularly the small,
low-lying, atoll states where food security is a major concern. The main subsistence
crops include taro, sweet potato, yam, breadfruit, bananas, coconut, and a variety
of vegetables. Production of cash crops such as sugarcane, copra, coffee, cocoa,
rubber, and tea (grown at higher elevations on high islands) also is important
because export of these products earns valuable foreign exchange. Climate change
could precipitate heat stress, changes in soil moisture and temperature, evapotranspiration,
and rainfall that might affect the growth of some subsistence root crops and
vegetables. The consequences of such changes for agriculture are likely to be
more severe in areas that already are under stressfor example, water-scarce
islands. Crop agriculture also can be affected by tropical cyclones and other
extreme events, such as floods and droughts. To the extent that many small islands
are susceptible to these phenomena, it is highly likely that crop production
in these states would be impacted by alterations in the patterns of these events
as a consequence of climate change.
On low islands and atolls in the Pacific, practically all crop agriculture
is concentrated at or near the coast. Thus, changes in the height of the water
table and salinization as a result of sea-level rise would be stressful for
most varieties of taro and other crops, which have low tolerance for salt. It
has been suggested that in general, C3 crops, which include many
tropical crops, will benefit more from the effect of CO2 fertilization
than C4 plants. However, recent findings indicate that the impact
on sugarcane and maize yields would be adverse (Jones et al., 1999).
Singh and El Maayar (1998), using GCM (CCC 11) outputs and high, medium, and
low CO2 emission scenarios coupled with a crop model (FAO) to simulate
crop yields, found that sugarcane yields may decrease by 20-40% under a
2xCO2 climate change scenario in Trinidad and Tobago in the southern
Caribbean. The decrease in yields is attributed to increased moisture stress
caused by the warmer climate. These reductions in sugarcane yields deriving
from climate change are similar to those found for maizeanother C4
cropin nearby Venezuela (Maytin et al., 1995). These results are
supported by similar findings in Mauritius, which are derived from the Agricultural
Production Systems Simulator Model (APSIM-Sugarcane) developed by the Agricultural
Production Systems Research Unit, Australia. The study projects a decline in
sucrose yield by more than 50% with a doubling of CO2 (Cheeroo-Nayamuth
and Nayamuth, 1999). Fisheries
Although fishing is largely artisanal or small-scale commercial, it is an important
activity on most small islands and makes a significant contribution to the protein
intake of island inhabitants (Blommestein et al., 1996; Mahon, 1996).
The impacts of climate change on fisheries are complex and in some cases are
indirect. As with other renewable resources, an assessment of climate change
impacts on fisheries is complicated by the presence of anthropogenic and other
non-climate-related stresses, such as habitat loss and overexploitation (Challenger,
Many breeding grounds for commercially important fish and shellfish are located
in shallow waters near coasts. These areas include mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass
beds, and salt pondsall of which are likely to be affected by climate
change. Generally, fisheries in the small island states are not expected to
be adversely affected by sea-level rise per se. Higher sea level would be a
critical factor for fisheries only if the rate of rise were far more rapid than
the current succession of coastal ecosystems (e.g., mangroves, seagrasses, corals)
on which some fish species depend (Everett, 1996). In tropical islands, these
ecosystems function as nurseries and forage sites for a variety of important
commercial and subsistence species. In this context, the unfavorable effects
of higher CO2 concentrations on coral reef development, coupled with
widespread coral bleaching, must be considered a significant threat in many
small island states (see Section Fish
production obviously would suffer if these habitats were endangered or lost
(Costa et al., 1994).
On a global scale, it is not expected that climate change and climate variability
will lead to any significant reduction in fisheries production. However, important
changes in the abundance and distribution of local stocks (which may be of direct
concern to some small islands) are likely to occur (IPCC, 1996). For example,
Lehodey et al. (1997) have shown that spatial shifts in the abundance
of skipjack tuna in the Pacific are linked to the ENSO cycle. They note that
catches are highest in the western equatorial Pacific warm pool, which can be
displaced by as much as 50° of longitude eastward during El Niño
episodes and westward in La Niña years (Lehodey et al., 1997).
This must be a concern to Pacific islanders whose access to the skipjack stocks
now appears to be largely controlled by the periodicity of ENSO events.
Several management strategies for minimizing the adverse effects of climate
change on fish stocks have been proposed. These measuresmany of which
already are being implemented in some island statesinclude conservation,
restoration, and enhancement of vital habitats such as mangroves, coral reefs,
and seagrass beds; establishment and management of marine reserves and protected
areas for identified critical species; and implementation of bilateral and multilateral
agreements and protocols for exploitation and management of shared fisheries
(migratory and straddling stocks) (IPCC, 1998; Berkes et al., 2001).
Aquaculture also may be considered by island states as another means of reducing
stress on wild stocks. However, great precaution must be taken to ensure that
this measure does not exacerbate existing problems of habitat loss and competition
for nutrients (Carvalho and Clarke, 1998; see also Section