2.3.4. How should Integrated Scenarios of Climatic and Socioeconomic Change
be Used?
As a result of time lags in the impact assessment research cycle, impact assessment
studies included in this Third Assessment Report (TAR) do not necessarily employ
the set of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reference scenarios
outlined in Chapter 3. This time lag is unavoidable because
it takes almost half a year to define emissions of GHG after setting socioeconomic
scenarios. Following that, it usually takes several months to produce local
climate change data used in impact assessment studies. Thus, most of the impact
studies reported in the TAR are based on the set of IS92 emission scenarios
developed for the IPCC in 1992 and included in the SAR (e.g., Parry and Livermore,
To assist researchers, the IPCC took the initiative to create the IPCC Data
Distribution Centre (http://ipcc-ddc.cru.uea.ac.uk/)
and posted the SRES scenarios on the Consortium for International Earth Science
Information Network (CIESEN) Web site (http://sres.ciesin.org/index.html).
The IPCC is responsible for distributing consistent scenarios, including socioeconomic
trends and regional climate change data. Consistent use of common scenarios
provides a consistent reference for comparing and interpreting the results of
different studies.
Vulnerability assessments can be conducted on temporal and spatial scales where
the effects of climate change could feed back to GHG emissions and climatic
changes. In such cases, there may be reason to ensure that scenarios of climate
change that are based on GHG emissions and scenarios of changing social, economic,
and technological conditions are consistent. This is essential for global assessments
and integrated assessment (see Section 2.4). It may not
be as critical for studies of local adaptation where there is little feedback
between mitigation and adaptation, particularly over a typical planning horizon
of several decades. Downscaling the global reference scenarios to local socioeconomic
and political conditions remains a significant methodological challenge.