Nuclear Power Present Situation
Nuclear power is a mature technology with 434 nuclear reactors operating in
32 countries in 1999, with a total capacity of around 349GWe generating
2,398 TWh or some 16% of global electricity generation in 1999 (IAEA, 2000b).
In general, the majority of current nuclear power plants worldwide are competitive
on a marginal cost basis in a deregulated market environment20.
The life cycle GHG emissions per kWh from nuclear power plants are two orders
of magnitude lower than those of fossil-fuelled electricity generation and comparable
to most renewables (EC, 1995; Krewitt et al., 1999; Brännström-Norberg
et al., 1996; Spadaro et al., 2000). Hence it is an effective GHG mitigation
option, especially by way of investments in the lifetime extension of existing
Whether or not nuclear power would be accepted in the market place depends
on new capacities becoming economically competitive and on its ability to restore
public confidence in its safe use. Nuclear Economics
Where gas supply infrastructures are already in place, new nuclear power plants
at US$1700US$3100/kWe (Paffenberger and Bertel, 1998) cannot
compete against natural gas-fuelled CCGT technology at current and expected
gas prices (OECD, 1998b). Nuclear power can be competitive versus coal and natural
gas, especially if coal has to be transported over long distances or natural
gas infrastructures are not in place. Discount rates are often critical in tilting
the competitive balance between nuclear power and coal. A study (OECD, 1998b)
surveyed the costs of nuclear, coal, and natural gas-fuelled electricity generation
in 18 countries for plants that would go into operation in 2005. The results,
estimated for both 5% and 10% discount rates, showed that nuclear power is the
least cost option in seven countries at a 5% discount rate (generating cost
range US$0.0250.057/kWh), but only in two countries at a 10% discount
rate (generating cost range US$ 0.0390.080/kWh). In fully deregulated
markets such as the UKs, rates of return in excess of 14% have been required
at which level new nuclear plant construction would not be competitive at current
fossil fuel market prices21. Waste Disposal
Technological approaches for safe and long-term disposal of high-level radioactive
waste have been extensively studied (Posiva Oy, 1999; EC, 1999). One possible
solution involves deep geological repositories, however, no country has yet
disposed of any spent fuel or high-level waste in such a repository because
of public and political opposition (NEA, 1999). Several countries are actively
researching this issue. Long-term disposal of radioactive wastes should not
be an intractable problem from a technical perspective, because of the small
quantities of storage space required (Goldemberg, 2000; Rhodes and Beller, 2000).
Radioactive waste storage density limits defined for storing light water reactor
(LWR) fuel at Yucca Mountain are about 41 m2/MWe of nuclear
generating capacity for a power plant over its expected 30 years of operating
(Kadak, 1999). High level waste volumes can be further reduced if spent fuel
is reprocessed so that most of the plutonium and unused uranium is extracted
for reuse. The remaining high-level waste is compacted and vitrified
(melted with other ingredients to make a glassy matrix), and placed into canisters
that are appropriate for long-term disposal. However, reprocessing of spent
fuel and the separation of plutonium are often viewed as potentially opening
the door for nuclear weapons proliferation. For this and economic reasons, several
countries therefore prefer once-through fuel cycles and direct disposal of spent
reactor fuel.
Because of the low waste volumes, it may be plausible to accumulate high level
radioactive wastes in a few sites globally rather than every country seeking
national solutions (Goldemberg, 2000) These international repositories would
be operated and controlled by an international organization which would also
assume the responsibility of safeguarding these sites (McCombie, 1999a; 1999b;
McCombie et al., 1999; Miller et al., 1999). For the time being, most governments
remain committed to identifying suitable high-level waste disposal or interim
storage solutions within their own national territories.
In the longer run, fundamentally new reactor configurations may need to be
developed that are based on innovative designs that integrate inherent operating
safety features and waste disposal using previously generated radioactive waste
as fuel and, by way of transmutation, convert nuclear waste or plutonium to
less hazardous and short-lived isotopic substances (Rubbia, 1998).
Present technology can be used to reduce the growth of the plutonium stocks
by use of mixed plutonium/uranium oxide fuels (MOX) in thermal reactors. Belgium,
France, Germany, and Switzerland use MOX fuels in existing reactors. Japan also
has been progressing its MOX utilizing programme.