3.9 Summary and Conclusions
The analysis in this chapter is based upon a review of existing and emerging
technologies, and the technological and economic potential that they have for
reducing GHG emissions. In many areas, technical progress relevant to GHG emission
reduction since the SAR has been significant and faster than anticipated. A
broad array of technological options have the combined potential to reduce annual
global greenhouse gas emission levels close to or below those of 2000 by 2010
and even lower by 2020.
Estimates of the technical potential, an assessment of the range of potential
costs per metric tonne of carbon equivalent (tCeq), and the probability
that a technology will be adopted are presented in Table 3.36
by sector. Specific examples and the estimation methodologies are discussed
more fully in the chapter for each sector.
Table 3.36: Estimations of greenhouse gas emission
reductions and cost per tonne of carbon equivalent avoided following the
anticipated socio-economic potential uptake by 2010 and 2020 of selected
energy efficiency and supply technologies, either globally or by region
and with varying degrees of uncertainty |
US$/ tC avoided
References, comments, and relevant
section in Chapter 3 of this report |
Region |
Buildings/appliances |
Residential sector |
Acosta Moreno et al., 1996;
Brown et al., 1998 |
Dev. cos. |
Wang and Smith, 1999 |
Commercial sector |
Dev. cos. |
Transport |
Automobile efficiency improvements |
Interlab. Working Group, 1997
Brown et al., 1998 |
Europe |
US DOE/ EIA, 1998
ECMT, 1997 (8 countries only) |
Japan |
Kashiwagi et al., 1999
Denis and Koopman, 1998 |
Dev. cos. |
Worrell et al., 1997b |
Manufacturing |
CO2 removal fertilizer; refineries |
Global |
Table 3.21 |
Material efficiency improvement |
Global |
Table 3.21 |
Blended cements |
Global |
Table 3.21 |
N2O reduction by chem. indus. |
Global |
Table 3.21 |
PFC reduction by Al industry |
Global |
Table 3.21 |
HFC-23 reduction by chem. industry |
Global |
Table 3.21 |
Energy efficient improvements |
Global |
Table 3.19 |
Agriculture |
Increased uptake of conservation tillage and cropland
management |
Dev. cos. |
Zhou, 1998; Table 3.27
Dick et al ., 1998 |
Global |
IPCC, 2000 |
Soil carbon sequestration |
Global |
Lal and Bruce, 1999
Table 3.27 |
Nitrogenous fertilizer management |
Kroeze & Mosier, 1999
Table 3.27 |
Global |
OECD, 1999; IPCC, 2000 |
Enteric methane reduction |
Kroeze & Mosier, 1999
Table 3.27 |
OECD, 1998
Reimer & Freund, 1999 |
Dev. cos. |
Chipato, 1999 |
Rice paddy irrigation and fertilizers |
Global |
Riemer & Freund, 1999
IPCC, 2000 |
Wastes |
Landfill methane capture |
Landfill methane USEPA, 1999 |
Energy supply |
Nuclear for coal |
Global |
Totalsc See Section
3.8.6 |
Annex I |
Table 3.35a |
Non- Annex I |
Table 3.35b |
Nuclear for gas |
Annex I |
Table 3.35c |
Non- Annex I |
Table 3.35d |
Gas for coal |
Annex I |
Table 3.35a |
Non- Annex I |
Tables 3.35b |
CO2 capture from coal |
Global |
Tables 3.35a + b |
CO2 capture from gas |
Global |
Tables 3.35c + d |
Biomass for coal |
Global |
Tables 3.35a + b
Moore, 1998; Interlab w. gp. 1997 |
Biomass for gas |
Global |
Tables 3.35c + d |
Wind for coal or gas |
Global |
Tables 3.35a - d
BTM Cons 1999; Greenpeace, 1999 |
Co-fire coal with 10% biomass |
Sulilatu, 1998 |
Solar for coal |
Annex I |
Table 3.35a |
Non- Annex I |
Table 3.35b |
Hydro for coal |
Global |
Tables 3.35a + b |
Hydro for gas |
Global |
Tables 3.35c + d |
Available estimates of the technological potential to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and its costs suffer from several important limitations:
- There are no consistent estimates of technological and economic potential
covering all the major regions of the world;
- Country- and region-specific studies employ different assumptions about
the future progress of technologies and other key factors;
- Studies make different assumptions about the difficulty of overcoming barriers
to the market penetration of advanced technologies and the willingness of
consumers to accept low-carbon technologies;
- Most studies do not describe a range of costs over a domain of carbon reduction
levels, and many report average rather than marginal mitigation costs; and
- Social discount rates of 5%-12% are commonly used in studies of the economic
potential for specific technologies which are lower than those typically used
by individuals and in industry.
A summary of the estimates of the potential for worldwide emission reductions
is given in Table 3.37. Overall, the total potential for
worldwide greenhouse gas emissions reductions resulting from technological developments
and their adoption are estimated to amount to 1,900-2,600MtC/yr by 201028
and 3,6005,050MtC/yr by 2020.
Table 3.37: Estimates of potential global
greenhouse gas emission reductions in 2010 and in 2020. |
Sector |
Historic emissions
in 1990
Historic Ceq annual
growth rate in
1990-1995 (%)
Potential emission
reductions in 2010
Potential emission
reductions in 2020
Net direct costs per tonne of carbon avoided
Buildingsa |
CO2 only
Most reductions are available at negative net direct costs. |
Transport |
CO2 only
Most studies indicate net direct costs less than US$25/tC
but two suggest net direct costs will exceed US$50/tC. |
-energy efficiency
-material efficiency |
CO2 only
More than half available at net negative direct costs.
Costs are uncertain. |
Industry |
Non-CO2 gases
N2O emissions reduction costs are US$0-$10/tCeq. |
Agricultureb |
CO2 only
Non-CO2 gases
Most reductions will cost between US$0-100/tCeq with
limited opportunities for negative net direct cost options. |
Wasteb |
CH4 only
About 75% of the savings as methane recovery from
landfills at net negative direct cost; 25% at a cost of
US$20/tCeq. |
Montreal Protocol
replacement applications |
Non-CO2 gases
About half of reductions due to difference in study
baseline and SRES baseline values. Remaining half of
the reductions available at net direct costs below
US$200/tCeq. |
Energy supply and
conversionc |
CO2 only |
(1620) |
1.5 |
50-150 |
350-700 |
Limited net negative direct cost options exist; many
options are available for less than US$100/tCeq. |
Total |
6,900-8,400d |
1,900-2,600e |
3,600-5,050e |
In the scenarios that were constructed within the SRES emissions of the six
Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gases develop as follows (in MtCeq, rounded
1990: 9,500
2000: 10,500
2010: 11,500 13,800
2020: 12,000 15,900
It was not possible to calculate the emission reduction potential of the short-term
mitigation options presented in this Chapter on the basis of the SRES scenarios,
mainly because of lack of technological detail in the SRES. In order to come
to a comprehensive emission reduction estimate, it has been ensured that for
all the sectors the estimates are compatible with one of the scenarios, i.e.
the B2-Message (standardized) scenario. The emission reductions presented in
Table 3.37 total 14% - 23% of baseline emissions in the
year 2010 and to 23% - 42% of baseline emissions in the year 2020.29
If these percentages also apply to the other scenarios - there is no obvious
reason why this would not be the case it is concluded that in most situations
the annual global greenhouse gas emission levels can be reduced to a level close
to or below those of 2000 by 2010 and even lower by 2020.
The evidence on which this conclusion is based is extensive, but is subject
to the limitations outlined above. Therefore, the estimates as presented in
the table should be considered to be indicative only. Nevertheless, the main
conclusion presented above can be drawn with a high degree of confidence.
Costs of options vary by technology, sector and region (see cost discussion
in Table 3.37). Based upon the costs in a majority of
the studies, approximately half of the potential for emissions reductions cited
above for 2010 and 2020 can be achieved at net negative costs (value of energy
saved exceeds capital, operating and maintenance costs) using the social discount
rates cited. Most of the remainder can be achieved at a cost of less than US$100/tCeq.
The overall rate of diffusion of low emission technologies is insufficient
to offset the societal trend of increasing consumption of energy-intensive goods
and services, which results in increased emissions. Nevertheless, substantial
technical progress has been made in many areas, including the market introduction
of efficient hybrid engine cars, the demonstration of underground carbon dioxide
storage, the rapid advancement of wind turbine design, and the near elimination
of N2O emissions from adipic acid production.
Hundreds of technologies and practices exist to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
from the buildings, transport, and industrial sectors. These energy efficiency
options are responsible for more than half of the total emission reduction potential
of these sectors. Efficiency improvements in material use (including recycling)
will also become more important in the longer term.
The energy supply and conversion sector will remain dominated by cheap and
abundant fossil fuels but with potential for reduction in emission caused by
the shift from coal to natural gas, conversion efficiency improvement of power
plants, the adoption of distributedcogeneration plants, and carbon dioxide recovery
and sequestration. The continued use of nuclear power plants (including their
lifetime extension) and the application of renewable energy sources will avoid
emissions from fossil fuel use. Biomass from by-products, wastes, and methane
from landfills is a potentially important energy source which can be supplemented
by energy crop production where suitable land and water are available. Wind
energy and hydropower will also contribute, more so than solar energy because
of the latters relatively high costs.
N2O and some fluorinated greenhouse gas reductions have already
been achieved through major technological advances. Process changes, improved
containment, recovery and recycling, and the use of alternative compounds and
technologies have been implemented. Potential for future reductions exists,
including process-related emissions from insulated foam and semiconductor production,
and by-product emissions from aluminium and HCFC-22. The potential for energy
efficiency improvements connected to the use of fluorinated gases is of a similar
magnitude to reductions of direct emissions.
Agriculture contributes 20% of total global anthropogenic emissions, but although
there are a number of technology mitigation options available, such as soil
carbon sequestration, enteric methane control, and conservation tillage, the
widely diverse nature of the sector makes capture of emission reductions difficult.
Appropriate policies are required to realize these potentials. Furthermore,
on-going research and development is expected to significantly widen the portfolio
of technologies to provide emission reduction options. Maintaining these R&D
activities together with technology transfer actions will be necessary if the
longer term potential as outlined in Table 3.37 is to
be realized. Balancing mitigation activities in the various sectors with other
goals such as those related to development, equity, and sustainability is the
key to ensuring they are effective.