6.3.2 Project-based Mechanisms (Joint Implementation and the Clean Development
Project-based mechanisms allow actions that reduce GHG emissions from, or enhance
sinks beyond, what would otherwise occur to receive credits for
the emissions mitigated; these credits can be used by Annex I Parties to help
meet their emissions limitation commitments. These mechanisms include technology
transfer and provide opportunities for mutual co-operation. JI involves emissions
reduction or sink enhancement projects in Annex I countries. CDM involves emissions
mitigation projects in non-Annex I countries.64
Central to these mechanisms is the operational definition of what emissions
would have been in the absence of the project; the baseline from which emission
reductions (or sink enhancements) are measured. This section focuses on setting
the baselines for crediting. Joint Implementation (Article 6)
Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol allows an Annex I country to contribute to
the implementation of a project to reduce emissions (or enhance a sink) in another
Annex I country and to receive emission reduction units (ERUs) equal to part
or all of the emission reduction (sink enhancement) achieved. The ERUs received
by the investor country can be used to help meet its national emissions limitation
In the case of JI, some analysts have suggested that an independent authority
responsible for approving the project baseline is needed in addition to the
Parties approval of the project. Others argue that the host government
has an incentive to ensure that ERUs are issued for real emission reductions
only if the government is bound to strong and credible penalties for non-compliance
(see also Section 6.3.5).
Numerous issues related to JI remain to be agreed, including:
- host and project eligibility;
- the possibility of awarding ERUs for emission reductions from JI projects
prior to the start of the first commitment period (see Parkinson et al., 1999);
- monitoring, verification, and reporting requirements;
- baseline updating frequency;
- ERU approval, registry, and trading conditions;
- supplementarity provisions; and
- incentives for compliance. The Clean Development Mechanism (Article 12)
The purposes of the CDM are to assist non-Annex I Parties to achieve sustainable
development and to contribute to the ultimate objective of the Convention while
assisting compliance by Annex I Parties (UNFCCC, 1997, Article 12.2). The CDM
allows a project to reduce emissions, or possibly to enhance sinks, in a country
without a national commitment to generate certified emission reductions (CERs)
equal to the reduction achieved.65
Annex I Parties can use CERs to meet national emissions limitation commitments.
In contrast to JI, for which there is little peer-reviewed literature, the literature
is rapidly growing on the CDM (Goldemberg, 1998; Michaelowa and Dutschke, 1998;
TERI, 1998; Hassing and Mendis, 1999; Jepma and van der Gaast, 1999; Haites
and Yamin, 2000).
A process for independent review of the certification of the emission reductions
achieved is necessary for the credibility of the CDM. Article 12.4 establishes
an executive board for the CDM and Article 12.5 specifies that emission reductions
must represent real, measurable, and long-term benefits related to the mitigation
of climate change and be certified by designated operational entities. The certification
process and the respective roles of the operational entities and the executive
board remain to be defined, but they will be critical.
The host government must approve proposed CDM projects. As part of its approval
process it will need to assess whether the proposed project contributes to sustainable
development (Matsuo, 1998; Begg, et al., 2000). Some Parties have proposed criteria
or procedures that the host government be required to follow when determining
whether a project contributes to sustainable development of the country (see
also Thorne and La Rovere, 1999; Chadwick, et al., 2000; Begg, et al., 2000).
Investments in CDM projects by Annex I governments could lead to a reduction
in their official development assistance (ODA).66
The effect of government investment in CDM projects on the level of ODA will
be difficult to determine since the level of ODA in the absence of CDM projects
is unobservable. However, historical figures compiled by the OECD Development
Assistance Committee could be used to try to deal with this.
Article 12.8 specifies that a share of the proceeds from CDM projects will
be used to cover administrative expenses and to assist developing country Parties
that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change to
meet the costs of adaptation. Articles 6 and 17 do not impose a comparable levy
on JI projects or international transfers of AAUs, although a number of developing
countries have proposed that the levy be applied to all three mechanisms.
CDM projects can begin to create CERs upon ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.
The advantage is that it supports developing countries obtaining access to cleaner
technologies earlier. It means that a supply of CERs should be available prior
to the start of the 2008 to 2012 commitment period when they can be used by
Annex I Parties.67
Parkinson et al. (1999) argue that creation of CERs during 2000 to 2007, which
are credited towards 2008 to 2012 compliance, increases the emissions trajectories
of Annex I countries for 2000 to 2012. They estimate that increased Annex I
emissions offset 3060% of the CERs created during 2000 to 2012.
Some analysts argue that the CDM facilitates the transfer of CERs from low-cost
emission reduction actions to Annex I investors when they might subsequently
be needed by the host government to meet a future emissions limitation commitment.
However, this assumes a fixed stock of emission reduction actions. In practice,
the stock of possible emission reduction (or possibly sink enhancement) actions
changes over time in response to turnover of the capital stock, technological
change, and other developments. Rose et al. (1999) analyzes the optimal strategy
for a host government given a dynamic stock of potential projects.68
Numerous issues related to implementation of the CDM remain to be negotiated,
- host and project eligibility;
- eligibility of sequestration actions;
- demonstrating contribution to sustainable development;
- project financing arrangements;
- monitoring, verification, and reporting requirements;
- baseline establishment;
- CER certification, registry, and trading conditions;
- the share of proceeds for administrative expenses and adaptation assistance;
- adaptation assistance fund administration;
- supplementarity provisions;
- executive board composition and responsibilities;
- process for designation of operational entities; and
- penalties for non-compliance.