Technological Spillovers
The theoretical discussion about spillovers emerging from impacts on industrial
competitiveness and industrial reallocation is based on a comparative static
framework. When extended to a dynamic context, the production possibility frontiers
of industries are assumed to shift outwards in a way determined by technological
change in different sectors as a reflection of an endogenous feedback from GHG
emission reduction policies on technological change.
There are three routes by which technology policies in one country affect development
in other countries or specific sectors. First, R&D may increase the knowledge
base and this will be a general benefit for all the users of a technology. Second,
increased market access for low-CO2 technologies, through niche-markets
or preferential buyback rates in one country may induce a generic improvement
in technology in others. Third, domestic regulations on technology performance
and standards, whether imposed or voluntary can create a strong signal for foreign
industrial competitors. A paper by Goulder and Schneider (1999) similarly argues
that climate change policies bias technical change towards emissions savings.
The possibility of a positive technological spillover from GHG emission reduction
policies has not been taken into account in any of the global mitigation studies
reviewed in Chapter 8. If this materializes, it could
cause further complex shifts of the production possibility frontier, including
an outwards shift in the production of the affected goods.
7.4.4 Equity Alternative Methods of Addressing Equity Concerns
A key issue in evaluating climate change policies is their impact on intragenerational
equity, in which one impact indicator is the income distributional consequences
of the policies seen in a national context or across countries. Other related
equity issues are the distributional impacts of avoided climate change damages
that emerge as a result of mitigation policies, which is dealt with by the IPCC
WGII TAR, and intergenerational equity, which is discussed in Section
There are essentially two ways to deal with intragenerational equity. The first
is not to deal with it at all in the benefitcost analysis, but to report
the distributional impacts separately. These can then be taken into account
by policymakers as they see fit, or the information can be fed into a multi-criteria
analysis that formalizes the ranking of projects with more than one indicator
of their performance.
The second method of analysis is to use income weights, so that
impacts on individuals with low incomes are given greater weight than those
on individuals with high incomes. Although a number of analysts do not support
the use of such weights, some do and policymakers sometimes find an assessment
that uses income weights useful. Hence they are included in this chapter.
The costs of different GHG programmes, as well as any related benefits, belong
to individuals from different income classes. Economic costbenefit analysis
has developed a method of weighting the benefits and costs according to who
is impacted. This is based on converting changes in income into changes in welfare,
and assumes that an addition to the welfare of those on a lower income is worth
more an addition of welfare to richer people. More specifically, a special form
can be taken for the social welfare function, and a common one that has been
adopted is that of Atkinson (1970). He assumes that social welfare is given
by the function:
W is the social welfare function,
Yi is the income of individual i,
is the elasticity
of social marginal utility of income or inequality aversion parameter, and
A is a constant.
The social marginal utility of income is defined as:
Taking per capita national income, ,
as the numeraire, and giving it a value of one gives:
In this way the marginal social welfare impact of income changes by individuals
is the elasticity of the ratio of the per capita income
and the income of individual i, Yi. The marginal social welfare
impact of income changes by individual i also can be denoted as SMUi, where
SMUi is the social marginal utility of a small amount of income going to individual
i relative to income going to a person with the average per capita income. The
values of SMUi are, in fact, the weights to be attached to costs and benefits
to groups relative to different cost and benefit components.
To apply the method, estimates of
and are required.
The literature contains estimates of the inequality aversion parameter ()
in the range 12 (Murty et al. 1992; Stern, 1977 ). Some recent
studies that estimate the value of
for the Indian economy (Murty et al., 1992) resulted in values in the
range 1.752.0.19