10.2.3 No Participation
No participation constitutes the benchmark for evaluating the costs and benefits
of policies designed to control GHG emissions under alternative coalition structures.
It is usually named the baseline (or business as usual) scenario, because it
identifies the values of the main environmental and economic variables when
no coalition forms and no action, unilateral or co-operative, is adopted (IPCC
SAR (IPCC, 1995) is a good example of this approach). The construction of the
baseline scenario is very important to assess both the profitability and the
stability (i.e., whether it is self-enforcing) of a coalition. A coalition is
profitable when welfare after the coalition is formed is larger than in the
no participation case. A coalition is self-enforcing if there are no incentives
to leave or enter the coalition. The baseline scenario crucially affects these
incentives also. If the no participation case is such that emissions decline
and the target can be achieved easily through small emission reductions, then
the incentives to join the coalition (sign the agreement) are much higher, so
a coalition with many countries is more likely to form (Barrett, 1997b). Symmetrically,
if large emission reductions are necessary, abatement becomes more costly, and
incentives to free-ride increase, which further increases the costs for co-operating
countries (particularly if leakage is high).
A careful definition of the no participation case is therefore very relevant
to assess the likelihood of large coalitions and thus the efficiency of a climate
agreement. But it is also very relevant in terms of equity. When the burden
of emissions abatement has to be shared equitably, it is important to distribute
emissions targets with reference to the baseline scenario. Each country therefore
has an incentive to pretend that its own baseline scenario implies larger emissions
than is actually true (Grubb, 1998; Bohm, 1999). In this way, the actual cost
for the country would be lower. An optimistic scenario in which predicted emissions
are lower than true emissions (as measured ex-post) leads countries
to agree on low emission-reduction targets, but forces countries to more reductions
later and to pay abatement costs larger than expected. A pessimistic scenario
makes the agreement more difficult because larger emission reductions have to
be agreed, but countries find themselves in a better situation and pay lower
costs ex-post. Hence, if a country succeeds in convincing the others that its
own baseline emissions are larger than the true ones, then this
country achieves relative benefits in terms of less-stringent emission targets
and lower abatement costs.
The definition of a baseline scenario has therefore a strategic dimension and
can hardly be defined as an objective evaluation of future economic
and environmental cycles and trends. It is therefore important to collect, as
in Chapter 2, the largest amount of information from
different sources and to identify the scenario more as an average of much scattered
information, rather than as a subjective analysis of likely future events. This
may reduce the likelihood of strategic definitions of the baseline scenario
and may partly prevent the consequent impacts on the equilibrium coalition and
on the assessment of costs and benefits of climate policies.