10.7 Long Term Climate Change and Commitment
10.7.1 Climate Change Commitment to Year 2300 Based on AOGCMs
Building on Wigley (2005), we use three specific definitions of climate change commitment: (i) the ‘constant composition commitment’, which denotes the further change of temperature (‘constant composition temperature commitment’ or ‘committed warming’), sea level (‘constant composition sea level commitment’) or any other quantity in the climate system, since the time the composition of the atmosphere, and hence the radiative forcing, has been held at a constant value; (ii) the ‘constant emission commitment’, which denotes the further change of, for example, temperature (‘constant emission temperature commitment’) since the time the greenhouse gas emissions have been held at a constant value; and (iii) the ‘zero emission commitment’, which denotes the further change of, for example, temperature (‘zero emission temperature commitment’) since the time the greenhouse gas emissions have been set to zero.
The concept that the climate system exhibits commitment when radiative forcing has changed is mainly due to the thermal inertia of the oceans, and was discussed independently by Wigley (1984), Hansen et al. (1984) and Siegenthaler and Oeschger (1984). The term ‘commitment’ in this regard was introduced by Ramanathan (1988). In the TAR, this was illustrated in idealised scenarios of doubling and quadrupling atmospheric CO2, and stabilisation at 2050 and 2100 after an IS92a forcing scenario. Various temperature commitment values were reported (about 0.3°C per century with much model dependency), and EMIC simulations were used to illustrate the long-term influence of the ocean owing to long mixing times and the MOC. Subsequent studies have confirmed this behaviour of the climate system and ascribed it to the inherent property of the climate system that the thermal inertia of the ocean introduces a lag to the warming of the climate system after concentrations of greenhouse gases are stabilised (Mitchell et al., 2000; Wetherald et al., 2001; Wigley and Raper, 2003; Hansen et al., 2005b; Meehl et al., 2005c; Wigley, 2005). Climate change commitment as discussed here should not be confused with ‘unavoidable climate change’ over the next half century, which would surely be greater because forcing cannot be instantly stabilised. Furthermore, in the very long term it is plausible that climate change could be less than in a commitment run since forcing could plausibly be reduced below current levels as illustrated in the overshoot simulations and zero emission commitment simulations discussed below.
Three constant composition commitment experiments have recently been performed by the global coupled climate modelling community: (1) stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases at year 2000 values after a 20th-century climate simulation, and running the model for an additional 100 years; (2) stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases at year 2100 values after a 21st-century B1 experiment (e.g., CO2 near 550 ppm) and running the model for an additional 100 years (with some models run to 200 years); and (3) stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases at year 2100 values after a 21st-century A1B experiment (e.g., CO2 near 700 ppm), and running the model for an additional 100 years (and some models to 200 years). Multi-model mean warming in these experiments is depicted in Figure 10.4. Time series of the globally averaged surface temperature and percent precipitation change after stabilisation are shown for all the models in the Supplementary Material, Figure S10.3.
The multi-model average warming for all radiative forcing agents held constant at year 2000 (reported earlier for several of the models by Meehl et al., 2005c), is about 0.6°C for the period 2090 to 2099 relative to the 1980 to 1999 reference period. This is roughly the magnitude of warming simulated in the 20th century. Applying the same uncertainty assessment as for the SRES scenarios in Fig. 10.29 (–40 to +60%), the likely uncertainty range is 0.3°C to 0.9°C. Hansen et al. (2005a) calculate the current energy imbalance of the Earth to be 0.85 W m–2, implying that the unrealised global warming is about 0.6°C without any further increase in radiative forcing. The committed warming trend values show a rate of warming averaged over the first two decades of the 21st century of about 0.1°C per decade, due mainly to the slow response of the oceans. About twice as much warming (0.2°C per decade) would be expected if emissions are within the range of the SRES scenarios.
For the B1 constant composition commitment run, the additional warming after 100 years is also about 0.5°C, and roughly the same for the A1B constant composition commitment (Supplementary Material, Figure S10.3). These new results quantify what was postulated in the TAR in that the warming commitment after stabilising concentrations is about 0.5°C for the first century, and considerably smaller after that, with most of the warming commitment occurring in the first several decades of the 22nd century.
Constant composition precipitation commitment for the multi-model ensemble average is about 1.1% by 2100 for the 20th-century constant composition commitment experiment, and for the B1 constant composition commitment experiment it is 0.8% by 2200 and 1.5% by 2300, while for the A1B constant composition commitment experiment it is 1.5% by 2200 and 2% by 2300.
The patterns of change in temperature in the B1 and A1B experiments, relative to the pre-industrial period, do not change greatly after stabilisation (Table 10.5). Even the 20th-century stabilisation case warms with some similarity to the A1B pattern (Table 10.5). However, there is some contrast in the land and ocean warming rates, as seen from Figure 10.6. Mid- and low-latitude land warms at rates closer to the global mean of that of A1B, while high-latitude ocean warming is larger.