IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007
Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis

Rates of Observed Surface Elevation Change

Figure TS.14

Figure TS.14. Rates of observed recent surface elevation change for Greenland (left; 1989–2005) and Antarctica (right; 1992–2005). Red hues indicate a rising surface and blue hues a falling surface, which typically indicate an increase or loss in ice mass at a site, although changes over time in bedrock elevation and in near-surface density can be important. For Greenland, the rapidly thinning outlet glaciers Jakobshavn (J), Kangerdlugssuaq (K), Helheim (H) and areas along the southeast coast (SE) are shown, together with their estimated mass balance vs. time (with K and H combined, in Gt yr–1, with negative values indicating loss of mass from the ice sheet to the ocean). For Antarctica, ice shelves estimated to be thickening or thinning by more than 30 cm yr–1 are shown by point-down purple triangles (thinning) and point-up red triangles (thickening) plotted just seaward of the relevant ice shelves. {Figures 4.17 and 4.19}