Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | ALLEN | Myles | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Oxford |
1 | DUBE | Pauline | CLA | F | Botswana | Botswana | University of Botswana |
1 | SOLECKI | William | CLA | M | United States of America | USA | City University of New York |
1 | ARAGóN-DURAND | Fernando | LA | M | Mexico | Mexico | Program on Sustainable Development El Colegio de México |
1 | CRAMER | Wolfgang | LA | M | France | Germany | Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE), Batiment Villemin |
1 | HUMPHREYS | Stephen | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Ireland | London School of Economics and Political Science |
1 | KAINUMA | Mikiko | LA | F | Japan | Japan | Institute for Global Environmental Strategies |
1 | KALA | Jatin | LA | M | Australia | Australia | Murdoch University |
1 | MAHOWALD | Natalie | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Cornell University |
1 | MULUGETTA | Yacob | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Ethiopia | University College London |
1 | WAIRIU | Morgan | LA | M | Fiji | Solomon Islands | Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development |
1 | ZICKFELD | Kirsten | LA | F | Canada | Germany | Simon Fraser University |
1 | ELGIZOULI IDRIS | Ismail | RE | M | Sudan | Sudan | |
1 | FISCHLIN | Andreas | RE | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
1 | GAO | Xuejie | RE | M | China | China | Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | JIANG | Kejun | CLA | M | China | China | Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission |
1 | ROGELJ | Joeri | CLA | M | Austria | Belgium | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
1 | SHINDELL | Drew | CLA | M | United States of America | USA | Duke University |
1 | FIFITA | Solomone | LA | M | Tonga | Tonga | Pacific Community |
1 | FORSTER | Piers | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Leeds |
1 | GINZBURG | Veronika | LA | F | Russian Federation | Russia | Institute of Global Climate and Ecology Roshydromet and RAS |
1 | HANDA | Collins | LA | M | Kenya | Kenya | Technical University of Kenya |
1 | KHESHGI | Haroon | LA | M | United States of America | USA | ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company |
1 | KOBAYASHI | Shigeki | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Transport Institute of Central Japan |
1 | KRIEGLER | Elmar | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
1 | MUNDACA | Luis | LA | M | Sweden | Chile | Lund University, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics |
1 | SÉFÉRIAN | Roland | LA | M | France | France | CNRM, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, Météo-France/CNRS |
1 | VILARIÑO | Maria Virginia | LA | F | Argentina | Argentina | Argentinean Business Council for Sustainable Development |
1 | FLATO | Gregory | RE | M | Canada | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis |
1 | FUGLESTVEDT | Jan | RE | M | Norway | Norway | Center for International Climate and Environmental Research Oslo (CICERO) |
1 | MRABET | Rachid | RE | M | Morocco | Morocco | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) |
1 | SCHAEFFER | Roberto | RE | M | Brazil | Brazil | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | HOEGH-GULDBERG | Ove | CLA | M | Australia | Australia | University of Queensland |
1 | JACOB | Daniela | CLA | F | Germany | Germany | Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht |
1 | TAYLOR | Michael | CLA | M | Jamaica | Jamaica | University of the West Indies |
1 | BINDI | Marco | LA | M | Italy | Italy | University of Florence |
1 | BROWN | Sally | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Southampton |
1 | CAMILLONI | Inés | LA | F | Argentina | Argentina | WGI Vice-Chair |
1 | DIEDHIOU | Arona | LA | M | Cote d'Ivoire | Senegal | Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement / Université Félix Houphouet Boigny |
1 | DJALANTE | Riyanti | LA | F | Japan | Indonesia | Kendari City Government |
1 | EBI | Kristie | LA | F | United States of America | USA | University of Washington |
1 | ENGELBRECHT | Francois | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | University of the Witwatersrand |
1 | GUIOT | Joel | LA | M | France | France | CNRS / CEREGE |
1 | HIJIOKA | Yasuaki | LA | M | Japan | Japan | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
1 | MEHROTRA | Shagun | LA | M | United States of America | India | The World Bank, Washington DC and The New School, New York |
1 | PAYNE | Antony | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Bristol |
1 | SENEVIRATNE | Sonia | LA | F | Switzerland | Switzerland | WGI Vice Chair |
1 | THOMAS | Adelle | LA | F | Bahamas | Bahamas | University of The Bahamas; Climate Analytics |
1 | WARREN | Rachel | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of East Anglia |
1 | ZHOU | Guangsheng | LA | M | China | China | China Meteorological Administration |
1 | MARENGO ORSINI | Jose Antonio | RE | M | Brazil | Peru | CEMADEN |
1 | PEREIRA | Joy Jacqueline | RE | F | Malaysia | Malaysia | Institute for Environment and Development |
1 | SHERSTYUKOV | Boris | RE | M | Russian Federation | Russia | All Russian Research Inst. of Hydrometeorological Information, World Data Center |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | DE CONINCK | Heleen | CLA | F | Netherlands | Netherlands | Eindhoven University of Technology |
1 | REVI | Aromar | CLA | M | India | India | Indian Institute for Human Settlements |
1 | BABIKER | Mustafa | LA | M | Saudi Arabia | Sudan | Saudi Aramco |
1 | BERTOLDI | Paolo | LA | M | Italy | Italy | EUROPEAN COMMISSION |
1 | BUCKERIDGE | Marcos S. | LA | M | Brazil | Brazil | University of Sao Paulo |
1 | CARTWRIGHT | Anton | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | African Centre for Cities (UCT) |
1 | DONG | Wenjie | LA | M | China | China | Sun Yat-sen University |
1 | FORD | James | LA | M | Canada | Canada | Dept of Geography, McGill University |
1 | FUSS | Sabine | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change |
1 | HOURCADE | Jean-charles | LA | M | France | France | CNRS/CIRED |
1 | LEY | Debora | LA | F | Guatemala | Mexico | UN ECLAC |
1 | MECHLER | Reinhard | LA | M | Austria | Germany | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
1 | NEWMAN | Peter | LA | M | Australia | Australia | Curtin University |
1 | REVOKATOVA | Anastasiia | LA | F | Russian Federation | Russia | Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russian Federation (Hydrometcentre of Russia) |
1 | SCHULTZ | Seth | LA | M | United States of America | USA | The Resilience Shift |
1 | STEG | Linda | LA | F | Netherlands | Netherlands | University of Groniningen, Department of Psychology |
1 | SUGIYAMA | Taishi | LA | M | Japan | Japan | The Canon Institute of Global Studies |
1 | ABDULLA | Amjad | RE | M | United Arab Emirates | Maldives | International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) |
1 | BOER | Rizaldi | RE | M | Indonesia | Indonesia | Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management, Bogor Agricultural University |
1 | HOWDEN | Mark | RE | M | Australia | Australia | Australian National University, |
1 | ÜRGE-VORSATZ | Diana | RE | F | Hungary | Hungary | Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP), Central European University |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | ROY | Joyashree | CLA | F | Thailand | India | Asian Institute of Technology |
1 | TSCHAKERT | Petra | CLA | F | Australia | Austria | University of Western Australia |
1 | WAISMAN | Henri | CLA | M | France | France | Iddri (Institut du Développement Durable et des relations Internationales) |
1 | ABDUL HALIM | Sharina | LA | F | Malaysia | Malaysia | Institute for Environment and Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia |
1 | ANTWI-AGYEI | Philip | LA | M | Ghana | Ghana | Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology |
1 | DASGUPTA | Purnamita | LA | F | India | India | Institute of Economic Growth |
1 | HAYWARD | Bronwyn | LA | F | New Zealand | New Zealand | University of Canterbury |
1 | KANNINEN | Markku | LA | M | Finland | Finland | University of Helsinki, Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) |
1 | LIVERMAN | Diana | LA | F | United States of America | USA | University of Arizona |
1 | OKEREKE | Chukwumerije | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Nigeria | University of Reading |
1 | PINHO | Patricia Fernanda | LA | F | Sweden | Brazil | University of Sao Paulo |
1 | RIAHI | Keywan | LA | M | Austria | Austria | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
1 | SUAREZ RODRIGUEZ | Avelino Gumersindo | LA | M | Cuba | Cuba | Research Center for World Economy |
1 | KRAKOVSKA | Svitlana | RE | F | Ukraine | Ukraine | Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute |
1 | PICHS MADRUGA | Ramón | RE | M | Cuba | Cuba | Centro de Investigaciones de EconomÃa Mundial (CIEM) |
1 | SáNCHEZ RODRíGUEZ | Roberto | RE | M | Mexico | Mexico | El Colegio de la Frontera Norte |