Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | ABRAM | Nerilie | CLA | F | Australia | Australia | Australian National University |
1 | GATTUSO | Jean-pierre | CLA | M | France | France | CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie and IDDRI |
1 | PRAKASH | Anjal | CLA | M | India | India | Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Indian School of Business |
1 | CHENG | Lijing | LA | M | China | China | Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences |
1 | CHIDICHIMO | María Paz | LA | F | Argentina | Argentina | Argentine Scientific Research Council (CONICET) / Hydrographic Service / University of Buenos Aires |
1 | CRATE | Susie | LA | F | United States of America | USA | George Mason University |
1 | ENOMOTO | Hiroyuki | LA | M | Japan | Japan | National Institute of Polar Research |
1 | GARSCHAGEN | Matthias | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
1 | GRUBER | Nicolas | LA | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | ETH Zürich |
1 | HARPER | Sherilee | LA | F | Canada | Canada | University of Alberta |
1 | HOLLAND | Elisabeth | LA | F | Fiji | USA | University of the South Pacific |
1 | KUDELA | Raphael Martin | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of California Santa Cruz |
1 | RICE | Jake | LA | M | Canada | Canada | Chief Scientist Emeritus. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. |
1 | STEFFEN | Konrad | LA | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL |
1 | VON SHUCKMANN | Karina | LA | F | France | Germany | Mercator Ocean International |
1 | RHEIN | Monika | RE | F | Germany | Germany | University Bremen |
1 | SCHOEMAN | David | RE | M | Australia | Australia | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | HOCK | Regine | CLA | F | United States of America | Germany | University of Alaska Fairbanks |
1 | RASUL | Golam | CLA | M | Nepal | Bangladesh | International Center for Integrated Mountain Development |
1 | ADLER | Carolina | LA | F | Switzerland | Chile | Universität Bern Geographisches Institut |
1 | CÁCERES | Bolívar | LA | M | Ecuador | Ecuador | Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología - Ecuador |
1 | GRUBER | Stephan | LA | M | Canada | Germany | Carleton University |
1 | HIRABAYASHI | Yukiko | LA | F | Japan | Japan | Shibaura Institute of Technology |
1 | JACKSON | Miriam | LA | F | Norway | UK | Glacier and Snow Section, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate |
1 | KÄÄB | Andreas | LA | M | Norway | Norway | Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo |
1 | KANG | Shichang | LA | M | China | China | State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
1 | KUTUZOV | Stanislav | LA | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Institure of Geogrpahy Russian Academy of Sciences |
1 | MILNER | Alexander | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences |
1 | MOLAU | Ulf | LA | M | Sweden | Sweden | University of Gothenburg |
1 | MORIN | Samuel | LA | M | France | France | Météo-France – CNRS |
1 | ORLOVE | Ben | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Columbia University |
1 | STELTZER | Heidi | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Fort Lewis College |
1 | KASER | Georg | RE | M | Austria | Italy | University of Innsbruck |
1 | MUKHERJI | Aditi | RE | F | India | India | International Water Management Institute |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | MEREDITH | Michael | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | BRITISH ANTARCTIC SURVEY |
1 | SOMMERKORN | Martin | CLA | M | Norway | Germany | WWF |
1 | CASSOTTA | Sandra | LA | F | Denmark | Italy | Aalborg University (AAU), Departemnt of Law |
1 | DERKSEN | Chris | LA | M | Canada | Canada | Climate Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada |
1 | EKAYKIN | Alexey | LA | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute |
1 | HOLLOWED | Anne | LA | F | United States of America | USA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Alaska Fisheries Science Center |
1 | KOFINAS | Gary | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of Alaska Fairbanks |
1 | MACKINTOSH | Andrew | LA | M | New Zealand | Australia | Victoria University of Wellington |
1 | MATHIAS COSTA MUELBERT | Mônica | LA | F | Brazil | Brazil | PPGOB-IO/FURG |
1 | MELBOURNE-THOMAS | Jessica | LA | F | Australia | Australia | Australian Antarctic Division |
1 | OTTERSEN | Geir | LA | M | Norway | Norway | Institute of Marine Research |
1 | PRITCHARD | Hamish | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council |
1 | SCHUUR | Ted | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Northern Arizona University |
1 | ANISIMOV | Oleg | RE | M | Russian Federation | Russia | State Hydrological Institute |
1 | FLATO | Gregory | RE | M | Canada | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis |
1 | XIAO | Cunde | RE | M | China | China | Beijing Normal University |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | GLAVOVIC | Bruce | CLA | M | New Zealand | South Africa | Massey University |
1 | OPPENHEIMER | Michael | CLA | M | United States of America | USA | Princeton University |
1 | ABD-ELGAWAD | Amro | LA | M | Egypt | Egypt | Governamental, Academic & International Organisation |
1 | CAI | Rongshuo | LA | M | China | China | Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China |
1 | CIFUENTES JARA | Miguel | LA | M | Costa Rica | Costa Rica | Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) |
1 | DECONTO | Robert | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of Massachusetts-Amherst |
1 | HAY | John | LA | M | Cook Islands | New Zealand | University of the South Pacific - Cook Islands Campus |
1 | HINKEL | Jochen | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Global Climate Forum (GCF) |
1 | ISLA | Federico | LA | M | Argentina | Argentina | National Research Council of Argentina |
1 | MAGNAN | Alexandre | LA | M | France | France | Institute for Sutainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) |
1 | MARZEION | Ben | LA | M | Germany | Germany | University of Bremen |
1 | MEYSSIGNAC | Benoit | LA | M | France | France | Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiale (LEGOS) |
1 | SEBESVARI | Zita | LA | F | Germany | Hungary | United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security |
1 | VAN DE WAL | Roderik | LA | M | Netherlands | Netherlands | Faculty of Geosciences, Department of Physical Geography. Utrecht University |
1 | ABE-OUCHI | Ayako | RE | F | Japan | Japan | Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo |
1 | GUPTA | Kapil | RE | M | India | India | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
1 | PEREIRA | Joy Jacqueline | RE | F | Malaysia | Malaysia | Institute for Environment and Development |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | BINDOFF | Nathaniel Lee | CLA | M | Australia | Australia | University of Tasmania and CSIRO |
1 | CHEUNG | William (wai Lung) | CLA | M | Canada | Canada | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, The University of British Columbia |
1 | KAIRO | James Gitundu | CLA | M | Kenya | Kenya | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute |
1 | ARÍSTEGUI | Javier | LA | M | Spain | Spain | Institute of Oceanography and Global Change (IOCAG). Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
1 | GUINDER | Valeria Ana | LA | F | Argentina | Argentina | Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO-CONICET) |
1 | HALLBERG | Robert | LA | M | United States of America | USA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory |
1 | HILMI | Nathalie Jeanne Marie | LA | F | Monaco | France | Centre Scientifique de Monaco |
1 | JIAO | Nianzhi | LA | M | China | China | State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University |
1 | KARIM | Md Saiful | LA | M | Australia | Australia | Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) |
1 | LEVIN | Lisa | LA | F | United States of America | USA | University of California San Diego |
1 | O'DONOGHUE | Sean | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | University of KwaZulu-Natal and EThekwini Municipality |
1 | PURCA CUICAPUSA | Sara Regina | LA | F | Peru | Peru | INSTITUO DEL MAR DEL PERÚ |
1 | RINKEVICH | Baruch | LA | M | Israel | Israel | National Institute of Oceanography |
1 | SUGA | Toshio | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University and RCGC, JAMSTEC |
1 | TAGLIABUE | Alessandro | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool |
1 | WILLIAMSON | Phillip | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Natural Environment Research Council and University of East Anglia |
1 | BARANGE | Manuel | RE | M | Italy | South Africa | Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations |
1 | SEIBEL | Brad | RE | M | United States of America | USA | College of Marine Science, University of South Florida |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | COLLINS | Matthew | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Exeter |
1 | SUTHERLAND | Michael | CLA | M | Trinidad and Tobago | Jamaica | University of the West Indies |
1 | BOUWER | Laurens | LA | M | Germany | Netherlands | Climate Service center Germany, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht |
1 | CHEONG | So Min | LA | F | United States of America | Republic of Korea | University of Kansas |
1 | FRÖLICHER | Thomas | LA | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | University of Bern, Switzerland |
1 | JACOT DES COMBES | Helene | LA | F | Fiji | France | The University of the South Pacific |
1 | KOLL | Roxy Mathew | LA | M | India | India | Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology |
1 | MCINNES | Kathleen | LA | F | Australia | Australia | CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere |
1 | RATTER | Beate | LA | F | Germany | Germany | University of Hamburg and Institut of Coastal Research, Helmhotz Zentrum Geesthacht |
1 | RIVERA-ARRIAGA | Evelia | LA | F | Mexico | Mexico | Institute EPOMEX, University of Campeche |
1 | SUSANTO | Raden Dwi | LA | M | United States of America | Indonesia | University of Maryland |
1 | SWINGEDOUW | Didier | LA | M | France | France | CNRS-EPOC |
1 | TIBIG | Lourdes | LA | F | Philippines | Philippines | Climate Change Commission - National Panel of Technical Experts |
1 | ABDULLA | Amjad | RE | M | United Arab Emirates | Maldives | International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) |
1 | HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ | Marcelino | RE | M | Cuba | Cuba | Instituto de Ciencias del Mar |
1 | TURLEY | Carol | RE | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Plymouth Marine Laboratory |