Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | ARA BEGUM | Rawshan | CLA | F | Australia | Bangladesh | Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance |
1 | LEMPERT | Robert | CLA | M | United States of America | USA | RAND |
1 | ALI | Elham | LA | F | Egypt | Egypt | University of Suez |
1 | BENJAMINSEN | Tor Arve | LA | M | Norway | Norway | Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
1 | BERNAUER | Thomas | LA | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
1 | CRAMER | Wolfgang | LA | M | France | Germany | Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE), Batiment Villemin |
1 | CUI | Xuefeng | LA | M | China | China | Beijing Normal University |
1 | MACH | Katharine | LA | F | United States of America | USA | University of Miami |
1 | NAGY | Gustavo | LA | M | Uruguay | Uruguay | Universidad de la República |
1 | STENSETH | Nils Christian | LA | M | Norway | Norway | University of Oslo |
1 | SUKUMAR | Raman | LA | M | India | India | Indian Institute of Science |
1 | WESTER | Philippus | LA | M | Nepal | Netherlands | International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development |
1 | SáNCHEZ RODRíGUEZ | Roberto | RE | M | Mexico | Mexico | El Colegio de la Frontera Norte |
1 | SUTHERLAND | Michael | RE | M | Trinidad and Tobago | Jamaica | University of the West Indies |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | MORECROFT | Mike | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Natural England |
1 | PARMESAN | Camille | CLA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | USA | CNRS Ecology Station (SETE) |
1 | TRISURAT | Yongyut | CLA | M | Thailand | Thailand | Kasetsart University |
1 | ADRIAN | Rita | LA | F | Germany | Germany | Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries |
1 | ANSHARI | Gusti Zakaria | LA | M | Indonesia | Indonesia | Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province |
1 | ARNETH | Almut | LA | F | Nigeria | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
1 | GAO | Qingzhu | LA | M | China | China | Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) |
1 | GONZALEZ | Patrick | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of California, Berkeley |
1 | HARRIS | Rebecca | LA | F | Australia | Australia | University of Tasmania |
1 | PRICE | Jeff | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of East Anglia (UEA) |
1 | STEVENS | Nicola | LA | F | South Africa | South Africa | Stellenbosch University |
1 | TALUKDAR | Gautam Hirak | LA | M | India | India | Wildlife Institute of India |
1 | DIDUKH | Yakiv | RE | M | Ukraine | Ukraine | M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine<br />International Association for Vegetation Science |
1 | FISCHLIN | Andreas | RE | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
1 | FRANCO BILLINI | Carol | RE | F | United States of America | Dominican Republic | Virginia Tech |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | COOLEY | Sarah | CLA | F | United States of America | USA | Ocean Conservancy |
1 | SCHOEMAN | David | CLA | M | Australia | Australia | University of the Sunshine Coast |
1 | BOPP | Laurent | LA | M | France | France | LSCE |
1 | BOYD | Philip W. | LA | M | Australia | UK | Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania |
1 | DONNER | Simon | LA | M | Canada | Canada | University of British Columbia |
1 | GHEBREHIWET | Dawit Yemane | LA | M | South Africa | Eritrea | Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries; branch Fisheries management |
1 | ITO | Shin-ichi | LA | M | Japan | Japan | The University of Tokyo |
1 | KIESSLING | Wolfgang | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
1 | MARTINETTO | Paulina | LA | F | Argentina | Argentina | National Council for Research and Technology |
1 | OJEA | Elena | LA | F | Spain | Spain | Universidade de Vigo |
1 | RACAULT | Marie-fanny | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia |
1 | ROST | Björn | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research |
1 | SKERN-MAURITZEN | Mette | LA | F | Norway | Norway | Institute of Marine Research |
1 | HILMI | Karim | RE | M | Morocco | Morocco | Institut National de Recherche Halieutique |
1 | LEVIN | Lisa | RE | F | United States of America | USA | University of California San Diego |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | CARETTA | Martina Angela | CLA | F | United States of America | Sweden | Lund University |
1 | MUKHERJI | Aditi | CLA | F | India | India | International Water Management Institute |
1 | ARFANUZZAMAN | Md. | LA | M | Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies |
1 | BETTS | Richard A. | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Met Office Hadley Centre and University of Exeter |
1 | GELFAN | Alexander | LA | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Water Problems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences |
1 | HIRABAYASHI | Yukiko | LA | F | Japan | Japan | Shibaura Institute of Technology |
1 | LISSNER | Tabea Katharina | LA | F | Germany | Germany | Climate Analytics |
1 | LIU | Junguo | LA | M | China | China | Southern University of Science and Technology |
1 | LóPEZ-GUNN | Elena | LA | F | Spain | Spain | I-Catalist, S.L. |
1 | MORGAN | Ruth | LA | F | Australia | Australia | Australian National University |
1 | MWANGA | Sixbert | LA | M | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzania | Climate Action Network Tanzania |
1 | SUPRATID | Seree | LA | M | Thailand | Thailand | Climate Change and Disaster Center, Rangsit U. |
1 | JIMéNEZ CISNEROS | Blanca E. | RE | F | Mexico | Mexico | Comision Nacional del Agua |
1 | KUNDZEWICZ | Zbigniew | RE | M | Germany | Poland | Polish Academy of Sciences |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | BEZNER KERR | Rachel | CLA | F | United States of America | Canada | Cornell University |
1 | HASEGAWA | Toshihiro | CLA | M | Japan | Japan | National Agricultural and Food Research Organization |
1 | BHATT | Indra | LA | M | India | India | G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development |
1 | DERYNG | Delphine | LA | F | Germany | France | NewClimate Institute ; IRI THESys, Humboldt-University of Berlin |
1 | FARRELL | Aidan | LA | M | Trinidad and Tobago | Ireland | The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus |
1 | GURNEY-SMITH | Helen | LA | F | Canada | Canada | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
1 | JU | Hui | LA | F | China | China | Institute of Enviroment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
1 | LLUCH-COTA | Salvador E. | LA | M | Mexico | Mexico | Center for Biological Research of the Northwest, S.C. (CIBNOR) |
1 | MEZA | Francisco | LA | M | Chile | Chile | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile |
1 | NELSON | Gerald | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
1 | NEUFELDT | Henry | LA | M | Denmark | Germany | UNEP DTU Partnership |
1 | THORNTON | Philip | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agricu;ture and Food Security (CCAFS) |
1 | DUBE | Pauline | RE | F | Botswana | Botswana | University of Botswana |
1 | MORISON | James | RE | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Forest Research (Research Agency of the UK Forestry Commission) |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | DODMAN | David | CLA | M | Netherlands | Jamaica | Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies |
1 | HAYWARD | Bronwyn | CLA | F | New Zealand | New Zealand | University of Canterbury |
1 | PELLING | Mark | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University College London |
1 | CASTAN BROTO | Vanesa | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Spain | University of Sheffield |
1 | CHOW | Winston | LA | M | Singapore | Singapore | Singapore Management University |
1 | CHU | Eric | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of California, Davis |
1 | DAWSON | Richard | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Newcastle University |
1 | KHIRFAN | Luna | LA | F | Canada | Canada | School of Planning, The University of Waterloo |
1 | MCPHEARSON | Timon | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Stockholm Resilience Centre |
1 | PRAKASH | Anjal | LA | M | India | India | Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Indian School of Business |
1 | ZHENG | Yan | LA | F | China | China | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) |
1 | ZIERVOGEL | Gina | LA | F | South Africa | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
1 | DELGADO RAMOS | Gian Carlo | RE | M | Mexico | Mexico | National Autonomous University of Mexico |
1 | ROMERO LANKAO | Patricia | RE | F | United States of America | Mexico | National Renewable Energy Laboratory/ University of Chicago |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | CISSÉ | GuÉladio | CLA | M | France | Mauritania | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), University of Basel |
1 | MCLEMAN | Robert | CLA | M | Canada | Canada | Wilfrid Laurier University, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies |
1 | ADAMS | Helen | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | King's College London |
1 | ALDUNCE | Paulina | LA | F | Chile | Chile | University of Chile |
1 | BOWEN | Kathryn | LA | F | Australia | Australia | University of Melbourne |
1 | CAMPBELL-LENDRUM | Diarmid | LA | M | Switzerland | UK | World Health Organization |
1 | CLAYTON | Susan | LA | F | United States of America | USA | College of Wooster |
1 | EBI | Kristie | LA | F | United States of America | USA | University of Washington |
1 | HESS | Jeremy | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of Washington |
1 | HUANG | Cunrui | LA | M | China | China | Sun Yat-sen University |
1 | MCGREGOR | Glenn | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | New Zealand | Durham University |
1 | SEMENZA | Jan C. | LA | M | Sweden | Sweden | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control |
1 | TIRADO | Maria | LA | F | United States of America | Spain | University of California Los Angeles |
1 | MENNE | Bettina | RE | F | Italy | Germany | World Health Organization |
1 | SEMENOV | Sergey | RE | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Institute of Global Climate and Ecology |
1 | TOUSSAINT | Jean-françois | RE | M | France | France | University Paris Descartes |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | BIRKMANN | Joern | CLA | M | Germany | Germany | University Stuttgart, Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning |
1 | LIWENGA | Emma | CLA | F | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzania | INSTITUTE OF RESOURCE ASSESSMENT (IRA) - UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM |
1 | PANDEY | Rajiv | CLA | M | India | India | Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE); An Government of India Organisation |
1 | BOYD | Emily | LA | F | Sweden | UK | Lund University Centre for sustainability Studies |
1 | DJALANTE | Riyanti | LA | F | Japan | Indonesia | Kendari City Government |
1 | GEMENNE | François | LA | M | Belgium | Belgium | University of Liège |
1 | LEAL | Walter | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Hamburg University of Applied Sciences |
1 | PINHO | Patricia Fernanda | LA | F | Sweden | Brazil | University of Sao Paulo |
1 | STRINGER | Lindsay | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of York |
1 | WRATHALL | David | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Oregon State University |
1 | OKI | Taikan | RE | M | Japan | Japan | The University of Tokyo |
1 | RIVERA-FERRE | Marta G. | RE | F | Spain | Spain | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) |
1 | ZATARI | Taha | RE | M | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | DNA-Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral resources |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | ADELEKAN | Ibidun | CLA | F | Nigeria | Nigeria | University of Ibadan |
1 | TOTIN | Edmond | CLA | M | Mali | Benin | World Vegetable Center, West and Central Africa |
1 | TRISOS | Christopher | CLA | M | South Africa | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
1 | AYANLADE | Ayansina | LA | M | Nigeria | Nigeria | Obafemi Awolowo University, |
1 | EFITRE | Jackson | LA | M | Uganda | Uganda | MAKERERE UNIVERSITY |
1 | GEMEDA | Adugna | LA | M | Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Ethiopian Public Health Institute |
1 | KALABA | Kanungwe | LA | M | Zambia | Zambia | Copperbelt University |
1 | LENNARD | Christopher | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
1 | MASAO | Catherine | LA | F | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzania | INSTITUTE OF RESOURCE ASSESSMENT, UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM |
1 | MGAYA | Yunus | LA | M | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzania | University of Dar es Salaam |
1 | NGARUIYA | Grace | LA | F | Kenya | Kenya | Kenyatta University |
1 | OLAGO | Daniel Ochieng | LA | M | Kenya | Kenya | Department of Geology, University of Nairobi |
1 | SIMPSON | Nicholas | LA | M | South Africa | Zimbabwe | University of Cape Town |
1 | ZAKIELDEEN | Sumaya A. | LA | F | Sudan | Sudan | Institute of Environmental Studies |
1 | HOWDEN | Mark | RE | M | Australia | Australia | Australian National University, |
1 | YANDA | Pius | RE | M | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzania | University of Dar es Salaam |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | CHEONG | Tae Sung | CLA | M | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea | Ministry of Interior and Safety, National Disaster Management Institute |
1 | LUO | Yong | CLA | M | China | China | Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University |
1 | SHAW | Rajib | CLA | M | Japan | Japan | Keio University |
1 | ABDUL HALIM | Sharina | LA | F | Malaysia | Malaysia | Institute for Environment and Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia |
1 | CHATURVEDI | Sanjay | LA | M | India | India | Panjab University |
1 | HASHIZUME | Masahiro | LA | M | Japan | Japan | The University of Tokyo |
1 | INSAROV | Gregory E. | LA | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
1 | ISHIKAWA | Yoichi | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
1 | JAFARI | Mostafa | LA | M | Iran | Iran | Macro National Strategic Plan of Climate Change Research AREEO/ and Head of TPS for LFCCs |
1 | KITOH | Akio | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Japan Meteorological Business Support Center |
1 | PULHIN | Juan | LA | M | Philippines | Philippines | Climate Change Commission |
1 | SINGH | Chandni | LA | F | India | India | Indian Institute for Human Settlements |
1 | ZHANG | Zhibin | LA | M | China | China | Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
1 | MYEONG | Soojeong | RE | F | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea | Korea Environment Institute |
1 | PEREIRA | Joy Jacqueline | RE | F | Malaysia | Malaysia | Institute for Environment and Development |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | LAWRENCE | Judy | CLA | F | New Zealand | New Zealand | NZ Climate Change Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington |
1 | MACKEY | Brendan | CLA | M | Australia | Australia | Griffith University |
1 | CHIEW | Francis | LA | M | Australia | Australia | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia |
1 | COSTELLO | Mark | LA | M | Norway | Ireland | Nord University |
1 | HENNESSY | Kevin | LA | M | Australia | Australia | CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere |
1 | LANSBURY | Nina | LA | F | Australia | Australia | The University of Queensland |
1 | NIDUMOLU | Uday Bhaskar | LA | M | Australia | Australia | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) |
1 | PECL | Gretta | LA | F | Australia | Australia | University of Tasmania |
1 | RICKARDS | Lauren | LA | F | Australia | Australia | RMIT University |
1 | TAPPER | Nigel | LA | M | Australia | Australia | Monash University |
1 | WOODWARD | Alistair | LA | M | New Zealand | New Zealand | University of Auckland |
1 | WREFORD | Anita | LA | F | New Zealand | New Zealand | Lincoln University |
1 | HOEGH-GULDBERG | Ove | RE | M | Australia | Australia | University of Queensland |
1 | WRATT | David | RE | M | New Zealand | New Zealand | NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research - Emeritus Scientist) |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | CASTELLANOS LOPEZ | Edwin Josue | CLA | M | Guatemala | Guatemala | Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) |
1 | LEMOS | Maria Fernanda | CLA | F | Brazil | Brazil | Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro |
1 | ASTIGARRAGA | Laura | LA | F | Uruguay | Uruguay | University of the Republic |
1 | C. POSTIGO | Julio | LA | M | United States of America | Peru | Indiana University |
1 | CHACóN | Noemí | LA | F | Venezuela | Venezuela | Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC) |
1 | CUVI | Nicolás | LA | M | Ecuador | Ecuador | Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales |
1 | HUGGEL | Christian | LA | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
1 | MIRANDA SARA | Liliana Raquel | LA | F | Peru | Peru | Cities for Life Foro |
1 | MONCASSIM VALE | Mariana | LA | F | Brazil | Brazil | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
1 | OMETTO | Jean Pierre | LA | M | Brazil | Brazil | NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SPACE RESEARCH |
1 | PERI | Pablo | LA | M | Argentina | Argentina | CONICET-INTA-Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral |
1 | ROCO | Lisandro | LA | M | Chile | Chile | Universidad Austral de Chile |
1 | RUSTICUCCI | Matilde | LA | F | Argentina | Argentina | Universidad de Buenos Aires |
1 | MENDEZ | Carlos | RE | M | Venezuela | Venezuela | WGII Vice-Chair |
1 | SUAREZ RODRIGUEZ | Avelino Gumersindo | RE | M | Cuba | Cuba | Research Center for World Economy |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | BEDNAR-FRIEDL | Birgit | CLA | F | Austria | Austria | University of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change & Department of Economics |
1 | BIESBROEK | Robbert | CLA | M | Netherlands | Netherlands | Wageningen University & Research; Public Administration and Policy Group |
1 | SCHMIDT | Daniela N. | CLA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Germany | University of Bristol |
1 | ALEXANDER | Peter | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | The University of Edinburgh |
1 | BøRSHEIM | Knut Yngve | LA | M | Norway | Norway | Institute of Marine Research |
1 | CARNICER | Jofre | LA | M | Spain | Spain | Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona |
1 | GEORGOPOULOU | Elena | LA | F | Greece | Greece | National Observatory of Athens |
1 | HAASNOOT | Marjolijn | LA | F | Netherlands | Netherlands | Deltares |
1 | LE COZANNET | Gonéri | LA | M | France | France | BRGM - French Geological Survey |
1 | LIONELLO | Piero | LA | M | Italy | Italy | Univ. delSalento and CMCC |
1 | LIPKA | Oksana | LA | F | Russian Federation | Russia | YU A. Israel Institute of Global climate and Ecology |
1 | MöLLMANN | Christian | LA | M | Germany | Germany | University of Hamburg |
1 | MUCCIONE | Veruska | LA | F | Switzerland | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
1 | MUSTONEN | Tero | LA | M | Finland | Finland | Snowchange Cooperative |
1 | PIEPENBURG | Dieter | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research |
1 | WHITMARSH | Lorraine | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Cardiff University |
1 | KASER | Georg | RE | M | Austria | Italy | University of Innsbruck |
1 | MORENO | Jose Manuel | RE | M | Spain | Spain | UNIVERSITY OF CASTILLA-LA MANCHA |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | HICKE | Jeffrey | CLA | M | United States of America | USA | University of Idaho |
1 | LUCATELLO | Simone | CLA | M | Mexico | Mexico | Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José Maria Luis Mora, CONACYT |
1 | MORTSCH | Linda | CLA | F | Canada | Canada | University of Waterloo |
1 | DAWSON | Jackie | LA | F | Canada | Canada | University of Ottawa |
1 | DOMíNGUEZ AGUILAR | Mauricio | LA | M | Mexico | Mexico | Autonomous University of Yucatán |
1 | ENQUIST | Carolyn | LA | F | United States of America | USA | U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center |
1 | GILMORE | Elisabeth Anne | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Carleton University |
1 | GUTZLER | David | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of New Mexico |
1 | HARPER | Sherilee | LA | F | Canada | Canada | University of Alberta |
1 | HOLSMAN | Kirstin | LA | F | United States of America | USA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
1 | JEWETT | Elizabeth (libby) | LA | F | United States of America | USA | NOAA Ocean Acidification Program |
1 | KOHLER | Timothy (tim) | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Washington State University |
1 | MILLER | Kathleen | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Research Applications Lab, National Center for Atmospheric Research |
1 | HURLBERT | Margot | RE | F | Canada | Canada | University of Regina |
1 | MEARNS | Linda | RE | F | United States of America | USA | National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | MYCOO | Michelle | CLA | F | Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago | The University of the West Indies |
1 | WAIRIU | Morgan | CLA | M | Fiji | Solomon Islands | Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development |
1 | CAMPBELL | Donovan | LA | M | Jamaica | Jamaica | University of the West Indies (Mona Campus) |
1 | DUVAT | Virginie | LA | F | France | France | University of la Rochelle-CNRS, UMR LIENSs 7266 |
1 | GOLBUU | Yimnang | LA | M | Palau | Palau | Palau International Coral Reef Center |
1 | MAHARAJ | Shobha | LA | F | Trinidad and Tobago | Germany | Terraformation |
1 | NALAU | Johanna | LA | F | Australia | Finland | Griffith University |
1 | NUNN | Patrick | LA | M | Australia | Australia | University of the Sunshine Coast |
1 | PINNEGAR | John | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) |
1 | WARRICK | Olivia | LA | F | New Zealand | New Zealand | International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre |
1 | AGARD | John | RE | M | Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago | UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES, ST AUGUSTINE CAMPUS |
1 | RIYAZ | Mahmood | RE | M | Maldives | Maldives | Maldivian Coral Reef Society |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | O'NEILL | Brian | CLA | M | United States of America | USA | Joint Global Change Research Institute |
1 | VAN AALST | Maarten | CLA | M | Netherlands | Netherlands | Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (and IRI/Columbia University & STEaPP/UCL) |
1 | ZAITON IBRAHIM | Zelina | CLA | F | Malaysia | Malaysia | University Putra Malaysia |
1 | BERRANG FORD | Lea | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Canada | University of Leeds |
1 | BHADWAL | Suruchi | LA | F | India | India | The Energy and Resources Institute |
1 | BUHAUG | Halvard | LA | M | Norway | Norway | Peace Research Institute Oslo |
1 | DIAZ | Delavane | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Electric Power Research Institute |
1 | FRIELER | Katja | LA | F | Germany | Germany | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
1 | GARSCHAGEN | Matthias | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
1 | MAGNAN | Alexandre | LA | M | France | France | Institute for Sutainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) |
1 | MIDGLEY | Guy | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | University of Stellenbosch |
1 | MIRZABAEV | Alisher | LA | M | Germany | Uzbekistan | University of Bonn |
1 | THOMAS | Adelle | LA | F | Bahamas | Bahamas | University of The Bahamas; Climate Analytics |
1 | WARREN | Rachel | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of East Anglia |
1 | JIANG | Tong | RE | M | China | China | National Climate Centre of China Meteorological Administration |
1 | OPPENHEIMER | Michael | RE | M | United States of America | USA | Princeton University |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | NEW | Mark | CLA | M | South Africa | South Africa | African Climate and Development Initiative, University of Cape Town |
1 | RECKIEN | Diana | CLA | F | Netherlands | Germany | University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management |
1 | VINER | David | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Green Investment Group |
1 | ADLER | Carolina | LA | F | Switzerland | Chile | Universität Bern Geographisches Institut |
1 | CHEONG | So Min | LA | F | United States of America | Republic of Korea | University of Kansas |
1 | CONDE | Cecilia | LA | F | Mexico | Mexico | Center of Atmosheric Sciences. National Autonomous University of Mexico. |
1 | CONSTABLE | Andrew | LA | M | Australia | Australia | Centre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania |
1 | COUGHLAN DE PEREZ | Erin | LA | F | Netherlands | USA | Climate Centre |
1 | LAMMEL | Annamaria | LA | F | France | France | Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis |
1 | MECHLER | Reinhard | LA | M | Austria | Germany | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
1 | ORLOVE | Ben | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Columbia University |
1 | SOLECKI | William | LA | M | United States of America | USA | City University of New York |
1 | KLEIN | Richard | RE | M | Germany | Netherlands | Stockholm Environment Institute |
1 | ZOMMERS | Zinta | RE | F | United States of America | Latvia | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | PRESTON | Benjamin L. | CLA | M | United States of America | USA | RAND Corporation |
1 | REVI | Aromar | CLA | M | India | India | Indian Institute for Human Settlements |
1 | SCHIPPER | Lisa | CLA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Sweden | University of Oxford |
1 | CARR | Edward R. | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Clark University |
1 | ERIKSEN | Siri H. | LA | F | Norway | Norway | Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
1 | FERNANDEZ-CARRIL | Luis | LA | M | Mexico | Mexico | Technological Institute and Higher Studies of Monterrey, Special Commission on Climate Change of the Senate of Mexico |
1 | GLAVOVIC | Bruce | LA | M | New Zealand | South Africa | Massey University |
1 | HILMI | Nathalie Jeanne Marie | LA | F | Monaco | France | Centre Scientifique de Monaco |
1 | LEY | Debora | LA | F | Guatemala | Mexico | UN ECLAC |
1 | MUKERJI | Rupa | LA | F | Switzerland | India | Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation |
1 | MUYLAERT DE ARAUJO | Maria Silvia | LA | F | Brazil | Brazil | Housing Company of Rio de Janeiro State. |
1 | ROSE | Steven K. | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Electric Power Research Institute |
1 | SINGH | Pramod Kumar | LA | M | India | India | Institute of Rural Management Anand |
1 | LIVERMAN | Diana | RE | F | United States of America | USA | University of Arizona |
1 | MIMURA | Nobuo | RE | M | Japan | Japan | Ibaraki University |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | COSTELLO | Mark | Lead | M | Norway | Ireland | Nord University |
1 | MONCASSIM VALE | Mariana | Lead | F | Brazil | Brazil | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
1 | GOLBUU | Yimnang | Author | M | Palau | Palau | Palau International Coral Reef Center |
1 | KIESSLING | Wolfgang | Author | M | Germany | Germany | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
1 | MAHARAJ | Shobha | Author | F | Trinidad and Tobago | Germany | Terraformation |
1 | PRICE | Jeff | Author | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of East Anglia (UEA) |
1 | TALUKDAR | Gautam Hirak | Author | M | India | India | Wildlife Institute of India |
1 | FISCHLIN | Andreas | RE | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | CHOW | Winston | Lead | M | Singapore | Singapore | Singapore Management University |
1 | DAWSON | Richard | Lead | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Newcastle University |
1 | GLAVOVIC | Bruce | Lead | M | New Zealand | South Africa | Massey University |
1 | GARSCHAGEN | Matthias | Author | M | Germany | Germany | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
1 | HAASNOOT | Marjolijn | Author | F | Netherlands | Netherlands | Deltares |
1 | SINGH | Chandni | Author | F | India | India | Indian Institute for Human Settlements |
1 | THOMAS | Adelle | Author | F | Bahamas | Bahamas | University of The Bahamas; Climate Analytics |
1 | MYEONG | Soojeong | RE | F | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea | Korea Environment Institute |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | MIRZABAEV | Alisher | Lead | M | Germany | Uzbekistan | University of Bonn |
1 | STRINGER | Lindsay | Lead | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of York |
1 | BENJAMINSEN | Tor Arve | Author | M | Norway | Norway | Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
1 | GONZALEZ | Patrick | Author | M | United States of America | USA | University of California, Berkeley |
1 | HARRIS | Rebecca | Author | F | Australia | Australia | University of Tasmania |
1 | JAFARI | Mostafa | Author | M | Iran | Iran | Macro National Strategic Plan of Climate Change Research AREEO/ and Head of TPS for LFCCs |
1 | STEVENS | Nicola | Author | F | South Africa | South Africa | Stellenbosch University |
1 | TIRADO | Maria | Author | F | United States of America | Spain | University of California Los Angeles |
1 | ZAKIELDEEN | Sumaya A. | Author | F | Sudan | Sudan | Institute of Environmental Studies |
1 | ZATARI | Taha | RE | M | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | DNA-Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral resources |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | ALI | Elham | Lead | F | Egypt | Egypt | University of Suez |
1 | CRAMER | Wolfgang | Lead | M | France | Germany | Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE), Batiment Villemin |
1 | CARNICER | Jofre | Author | M | Spain | Spain | Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona |
1 | GEORGOPOULOU | Elena | Author | F | Greece | Greece | National Observatory of Athens |
1 | HILMI | Nathalie Jeanne Marie | Author | F | Monaco | France | Centre Scientifique de Monaco |
1 | LE COZANNET | Gonéri | Author | M | France | France | BRGM - French Geological Survey |
1 | LIONELLO | Piero | Author | M | Italy | Italy | Univ. delSalento and CMCC |
1 | HILMI | Karim | RE | M | Morocco | Morocco | Institut National de Recherche Halieutique |
1 | RIVERA-FERRE | Marta G. | RE | F | Spain | Spain | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | ADLER | Carolina | Lead | F | Switzerland | Chile | Universität Bern Geographisches Institut |
1 | WESTER | Philippus | Lead | M | Nepal | Netherlands | International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development |
1 | BHATT | Indra | Author | M | India | India | G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development |
1 | HUGGEL | Christian | Author | M | Switzerland | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
1 | INSAROV | Gregory E. | Author | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
1 | MORECROFT | Mike | Author | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Natural England |
1 | MUCCIONE | Veruska | Author | F | Switzerland | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
1 | PRAKASH | Anjal | Author | M | India | India | Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Indian School of Business |
1 | KASER | Georg | RE | M | Austria | Italy | University of Innsbruck |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | CONSTABLE | Andrew | Lead | M | Australia | Australia | Centre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania |
1 | HARPER | Sherilee | Lead | F | Canada | Canada | University of Alberta |
1 | DAWSON | Jackie | Author | F | Canada | Canada | University of Ottawa |
1 | HOLSMAN | Kirstin | Author | F | United States of America | USA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
1 | MUSTONEN | Tero | Author | M | Finland | Finland | Snowchange Cooperative |
1 | PIEPENBURG | Dieter | Author | M | Germany | Germany | Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research |
1 | ROST | Björn | Author | M | Germany | Germany | Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research |
1 | BOYD | Philip W. | RE | M | Australia | UK | Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | KALABA | Kanungwe | Lead | M | Zambia | Zambia | Copperbelt University |
1 | OMETTO | Jean Pierre | Lead | M | Brazil | Brazil | NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SPACE RESEARCH |
1 | ANSHARI | Gusti Zakaria | Author | M | Indonesia | Indonesia | Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province |
1 | CHACóN | Noemí | Author | F | Venezuela | Venezuela | Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC) |
1 | FARRELL | Aidan | Author | M | Trinidad and Tobago | Ireland | The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus |
1 | NEUFELDT | Henry | Author | M | Denmark | Germany | UNEP DTU Partnership |
1 | SUKUMAR | Raman | Author | M | India | India | Indian Institute of Science |
1 | SUAREZ RODRIGUEZ | Avelino Gumersindo | RE | M | Cuba | Cuba | Research Center for World Economy |