Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | JÄGER-WALDAU | Arnulf | RE | M | Italy | Germany | European Commission, Joint Research Centre |
1 | STERN | David | RE | M | Australia | Australia | Australian National University, Arndt-Corden Division of Economics, Crawford School |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | GRUBB | Michael | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University College London |
1 | OKEREKE | Chukwumerije | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Nigeria | University of Reading |
1 | ARIMA | Jun | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo |
1 | BOSETTI | Valentina | LA | F | Italy | Italy | Bocconi University |
1 | CHEN | Ying | LA | F | China | China | Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies (IUE), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) |
1 | EDMONDS | James A. | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
1 | GUPTA | Shreekant | LA | M | India | India | Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi |
1 | KOBERLE | Alexandre | LA | M | Brazil | Brazil | Imperial College London |
1 | KVERNDOKK | Snorre | LA | M | Norway | Norway | Frisch Centre |
1 | MALIK | Arunima | LA | F | Australia | Australia | The University of Sydney |
1 | SULISTIAWATI | Linda Yanti | LA | F | Singapore | Indonesia | National University of Singapore |
1 | ELGIZOULI IDRIS | Ismail | RE | M | Sudan | Sudan | |
1 | LOWE | Jason | RE | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Met Office Hadley Centre |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | DHAKAL | Shobhakar | CLA | M | Thailand | Nepal | Asian Institute of Technology |
1 | MINX | Jan Christoph | CLA | M | Germany | Germany | Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change; and Priestley International Centre for Climate, University of Leeds |
1 | TOTH | Ferenc L. | CLA | M | Austria | Hungary | Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, GEF |
1 | ABDEL-AZIZ | Amr | LA | M | Egypt | Egypt | Integral Consult |
1 | FIGUEROA MEZA | Maria Josefina | LA | F | Denmark | Venezuela | Copenhagen Business School |
1 | HUABACEK | Klaus | LA | M | United States of America | Austria | University of Maryland, College Park |
1 | JONCKHEERE | Inge G.c. | LA | F | Italy | Belgium | FAO of the UN |
1 | KIM | Yong-gun | LA | M | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea | Korea Environment Institute |
1 | NEMET | Gregory | LA | M | United States of America | USA | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
1 | PACHAURI | Shonali | LA | F | Austria | India | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
1 | TAN | Xianchun | LA | F | China | China | Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Acedemy of Sciences |
1 | WIEDMANN | Thomas | LA | M | Australia | Australia | University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) |
1 | AMON | Barbara | RE | F | Germany | Germany | Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) |
1 | MAMO DIGA | Girma | RE | M | Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Metaferia Consulting Engineers PLC (MCE), Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | RIAHI | Keywan | CLA | M | Austria | Austria | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
1 | SCHAEFFER | Roberto | CLA | M | Brazil | Brazil | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
1 | ARANGO | Jacobo | LA | M | Colombia | Colombia | International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); Tropical Forages Program |
1 | CALVIN | Katherine | LA | F | United States of America | USA | NASA |
1 | GUIVARCH | Céline | LA | F | France | France | CIRED, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech |
1 | HASEGAWA | Tomoko | LA | F | Japan | Japan | Ritsumeikan University, National Institute for Environmental Studies |
1 | JIANG | Kejun | LA | M | China | China | Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission |
1 | KRIEGLER | Elmar | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
1 | MATTHEWS | Robert | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Forest Research |
1 | PETERS | Glen | LA | M | Norway | Australia | CICERO Center for International Climate Research |
1 | RAO | Anand | LA | M | India | India | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
1 | ROBERTSON | Simon | LA | M | Australia | Australia | The University of New South Wales |
1 | SEBBIT | Adam Mohammed | LA | M | Uganda | Uganda | Makerere University |
1 | STEINBERGER | Julia | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Switzerland | Sustainability Research Institute |
1 | TAVONI | Massimo | LA | M | Italy | Italy | Politechnic Institute of Milan |
1 | VAN VUUREN | Detlef | LA | M | Netherlands | Netherlands | PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency |
1 | CHATURVEDI | Vaibhav | RE | M | India | India | Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) |
1 | CHEN | Wenying | RE | F | China | China | Tsinghua University |
1 | TORRES MARTÍNEZ | Julio | RE | M | Cuba | Cuba | Center for World Economic Research (CIEM, in Spanish) |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | LECOCQ | Franck | CLA | M | France | France | CIRED - Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement |
1 | WINKLER | Harald | CLA | M | South Africa | South Africa | Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town |
1 | FU | Sha | LA | F | China | China | Assistant professor, National center for climate change strategy and international cooperation |
1 | GERBER | James | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota |
1 | KARTHA | Sivan | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Stockholm Environment Institute |
1 | KREY | Volker | LA | M | Austria | Germany | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
1 | LOFGREN | Hans | LA | M | United States of America | Sweden | Economic Consultant |
1 | MASUI | Toshihiko | LA | M | Japan | Japan | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
1 | MATHUR | Ritu | LA | F | India | India | THE ENERGY & RESOURCES INSTITUTE (TERI) |
1 | PORTUGAL PEREIRA | Joana | LA | F | Brazil | Portugal | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
1 | SOVACOOL | Benjamin Kenneth | LA | M | Denmark | Denmark | Professor of Energy Policy |
1 | VILARIÑO | Maria Virginia | LA | F | Argentina | Argentina | Argentinean Business Council for Sustainable Development |
1 | ZHOU | Nan | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
1 | GALEOTTI | Marzio Domenico | RE | M | Italy | Italy | University of Milan, Department of Environmental Science and Policy |
1 | PEDACE | Alberto | RE | M | Argentina | Argentina | Climate Action Network - Latin America (CAN-LA) |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | CREUTZIG | Felix | CLA | M | Germany | Germany | Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change |
1 | ROY | Joyashree | CLA | F | Thailand | India | Asian Institute of Technology |
1 | DEVINE-WRIGHT | Patrick | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Ireland | University of Exeter |
1 | DIAZ-JOSÉ | Julio | LA | M | Mexico | Mexico | National Technological Institute of Mexico - Zongolica Campus |
1 | GEELS | Frank | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Netherlands | The University of Manchester; Manchester Institute of Innovation Research |
1 | GRÜBLER | Arnulf | LA | M | Austria | Austria | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis {IIASA] |
1 | MAIZI | Nadia | LA | F | France | France | MINES ParisTech, Paris Science et Lettres Research University (PSL) |
1 | MASANET | Eric | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Northwestern University |
1 | MULUGETTA | Yacob | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Ethiopia | University College London |
1 | ONYIGE-EBENIRO | Chioma Daisy | LA | F | Nigeria | Nigeria | Department of Sociology, University of Port Harcourt |
1 | PERKINS | Patricia | LA | F | Canada | Canada | Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University |
1 | SANCHES PREIRA | Alessandro | LA | M | Brazil | Brazil | USP University of São Paulo / IEE Institute of Energy and Environment |
1 | WEBER | Elke Ursula | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Princeton University, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment |
1 | EYRE | Nicholas | RE | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Oxford |
1 | WANG | Can | RE | M | China | China | Tsinghua University |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | CLARKE | Leon | CLA | M | United States of America | USA | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
1 | WEI | Yi-ming | CLA | M | China | China | Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology |
1 | HAHMANN | Andrea N. | LA | F | Denmark | Chile | Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark |
1 | KHENNAS | Smail | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Algeria | Energy and climate change: independent consultant |
1 | LIMA DE AZEVEDO | Inês Margarida | LA | F | United States of America | Portugal | Stanford University |
1 | LÖSCHEL | Andreas | LA | M | Germany | Germany | University of Münster |
1 | SINGH | Ajay Kumar | LA | M | India | India | Retired Scientist from CSIR-CIMFR, a national laboratory under CSIR, New Delhi |
1 | STEG | Linda | LA | F | Netherlands | Netherlands | University of Groniningen, Department of Psychology |
1 | STRBAC | Goran | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Serbia | Imperial College London |
1 | WADA | Kenichi | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) |
1 | ESSANDOH-YEDDU | Joseph Kow | RE | M | Ghana | Ghana | Energy Commission |
1 | LEE | Arthur | RE | M | United States of America | USA | Chevron Corporation |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | MRABET | Rachid | CLA | M | Morocco | Morocco | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) |
1 | NABUURS | Gert-jan | CLA | M | Netherlands | Netherlands | Wageningen University and Research |
1 | ABU HATAB | Assem | LA | M | Sweden | Egypt | Department of Economics, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
1 | BUSTAMANTE | Mercedes | LA | F | Brazil | Brazil | University of Brasília |
1 | CLARK | Harry | LA | M | New Zealand | New Zealand | New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre |
1 | HAVLIK | Petr | LA | M | Austria | Czech Republic | International Institute for Applied Systems Analyisis (IIASA) |
1 | HOUSE | Joanna | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Bristol |
1 | MBOW | Cheikh | LA | M | United States of America | Senegal | START International |
1 | NINAN | Karachepone | LA | M | India | India | Centre for Economics, Environment and Society |
1 | POPP | Alexander | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
1 | ROE | Stephanie | LA | F | United States of America | USA | WWF |
1 | SOHNGEN | Brent | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Ohio State University |
1 | TOWPRAYOON | Sirintornthep | LA | F | Thailand | Thailand | King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi |
1 | ANGERS | Denis | RE | M | Canada | Canada | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada |
1 | RAVINDRANATH | Nijavalli Hanumantharao | RE | M | India | India | Indian Institure of Science |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | LWASA | Shuaib | CLA | M | Netherlands | Uganda | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
1 | SETO | Karen | CLA | F | United States of America | USA | Yale University |
1 | BAI | Xuemei | LA | F | Australia | Australia | Australian National University |
1 | BLANCO | Hilda | LA | F | United States of America | USA | University of Washington |
1 | GURNEY | Kevin | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Northern Arizona University |
1 | KILKIŞ | Şiir | LA | F | Türkiye | Türkiye | WGIII Vice-Chair |
1 | MURAKAMI | Jin | LA | M | Singapore | Japan | Singapore University of Technology and Design |
1 | PAN | Jiahua | LA | M | China | China | Institute for Urban & Environmental Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences |
1 | SHARIFI | Ayyoob | LA | M | Japan | Iran | Hiroshima University |
1 | YAMAGATA | Yoshiki | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University |
1 | DUBEUX | Carolina Burle Schmidt | RE | F | Brazil | Brazil | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ) |
1 | ÜRGE-VORSATZ | Diana | RE | F | Hungary | Hungary | Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP), Central European University |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | BAI | Quan | CLA | M | China | China | Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission, China |
1 | CABEZA | Luisa F. | CLA | F | Spain | Spain | UNIVERSITY OF LLEIDA |
1 | BERTOLDI | Paolo | LA | M | Italy | Italy | EUROPEAN COMMISSION |
1 | KIHILA | Jacob | LA | M | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzania | Ardhi University |
1 | LUCENA | André | LA | M | Brazil | Brazil | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
1 | MATA | Érika | LA | F | Sweden | Spain | IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute |
1 | MIRASGEDIS | Sebastian | LA | M | Greece | Greece | National Observatory of Athens |
1 | NOVIKOVA (NOVIKOVA-RODI) | Aleksandra | LA | F | Germany | Russia | Institute for Climate Protection, Energy, and Mobility (IKEM) |
1 | SAHEB | Yamina | LA | F | France | Algeria | OpenExp, Ecole des Mines de Paris |
1 | KEENAN | Jesse | RE | M | United States of America | USA | Tulane University |
1 | SERRANO DINÁ | Maria Isabel | RE | F | Dominican Republic | Dominican Republic | Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Madre y Maestra |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | KAHN RIBEIRO | Suzana | CLA | F | Brazil | Brazil | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
1 | NEWMAN | Peter | CLA | M | Australia | Australia | Curtin University |
1 | DHAR | Subash | LA | M | Denmark | India | UNEP DTU Partnership |
1 | DIEMOUDEKE | Ogheneruona | LA | M | Nigeria | Nigeria | University of Port Harcourt |
1 | JARAMILLO | Paulina | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Carnegie Mellon University |
1 | KAJINO | Tsutomu | LA | M | Japan | Japan | TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS INC |
1 | LEE | David Simon | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Manchester Metropolitan University |
1 | NUGROHO | Sudarmantobudi | LA | M | Japan | Indonesia | Institute for Global Environmental Strategies-Japan |
1 | OU | Xunmin | LA | M | China | China | Tsinghua University |
1 | STRØMMAN | Anders Hammer | LA | M | Norway | Norway | Industrial Ecology Programme - Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
1 | WHITEHEAD | Jake | LA | M | Australia | Australia | The University of Queensland |
1 | CHEAH | Lynette | RE | F | Australia | Singapore | University of the Sunshine Coast / Singapore University of Technology and Design |
1 | SIMS | Ralph | RE | M | New Zealand | New Zealand | Centre for Energy Research, School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | BASHMAKOV | Igor | CLA | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Center for Energy Efficiency - XXI (CENEf-XXI) |
1 | NILSSON | Lars J. | CLA | M | Sweden | Sweden | Lund University, Faculty of Engineering |
1 | ACQUAYE | Adolf | LA | M | United Arab Emirates | Ghana | Rochester Institute of Technology |
1 | BATAILLE | Christopher | LA | M | Canada | Canada | Simon Fraser University / Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (,Paris |
1 | CULLEN | Jonathan Michael | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | New Zealand | University of Cambridge |
1 | DE LA RUE DU CAN | Stéphane | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
1 | FISCHEDICK | Manfred | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Wuppertal Instiute for Climate, Environment, Energy |
1 | GENG | Yong | LA | M | China | China | School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University |
1 | TANAKA | Kanako | LA | F | Japan | Japan | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
1 | CAMPBELL | Nick | RE | M | France | UK | International Chamber of Commerce |
1 | PICHS MADRUGA | Ramón | RE | M | Cuba | Cuba | Centro de Investigaciones de EconomÃa Mundial (CIEM) |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | BABIKER | Mustafa | CLA | M | Saudi Arabia | Sudan | Saudi Aramco |
1 | BERNDES | Göran | CLA | M | Sweden | Sweden | Chalmers University of Technology |
1 | BLOK | Kornelis | LA | M | Netherlands | Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
1 | COHEN | Brett | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | The Green House and University of Cape Town |
1 | COWIE | Annette | LA | F | Australia | Australia | NSW Department of Primary Industries; Science-Policy Interface UNCCD; Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel Global Environment Facility |
1 | GEDEN | Oliver | LA | M | Germany | Germany | German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) |
1 | GINZBURG | Veronika | LA | F | Russian Federation | Russia | Institute of Global Climate and Ecology Roshydromet and RAS |
1 | LEIP | Adrian | LA | M | Italy | Germany | European Commission - Joint Research Centre |
1 | SMITH | Peter | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Aberdeen |
1 | SUGIYAMA | Masahiro | LA | M | Japan | Japan | The University of Tokyo, Institute for Future Initiatives |
1 | JANNUZZI | Gilberto | RE | M | Brazil | Brazil | UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS |
1 | REISINGER | Andy | RE | M | New Zealand | New Zealand |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | DUBASH | Navroz K. | CLA | M | India | India | Centre for Policy Research |
1 | MITCHELL | Catherine Hilary Claire | CLA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Exeter |
1 | BOASSON | Elin Lerum | LA | F | Norway | Norway | CICERO and Department of Political Science, Univeristy of Oslo (20% position at CICERO) |
1 | BORBOR-CORDOVA | Mercy J. | LA | F | Ecuador | Ecuador | Escuela Superior Politencnica del Litoral |
1 | FIFITA | Solomone | LA | M | Tonga | Tonga | Pacific Community |
1 | HAITES | Erik | LA | M | Canada | Canada | Margaree Consultants Inc. |
1 | JACCARD | Marc | LA | M | Canada | Canada | Simon Fraser University |
1 | JOTZO | Frank | LA | M | Australia | Australia | Australian National University |
1 | NAIDOO | Sasha | LA | F | South Africa | South Africa | Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) |
1 | ROMERO LANKAO | Patricia | LA | F | United States of America | Mexico | National Renewable Energy Laboratory/ University of Chicago |
1 | SHEN | Wei | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | China | Institute of Development Studies, UK |
1 | SHLAPAK | Mykola | LA | M | Ukraine | Ukraine | KT-Energy LLC |
1 | WU | Libo | LA | F | China | China | School of Economics, Fudan University |
1 | GODOY | Alex | RE | M | Chile | Chile | Sustainability Research Centre & Strategic Resource Management, School of Engineering, Universidad del Desarrollo |
1 | LABANDEIRA | Xavier | RE | M | Spain | Spain | UNIVERSITY OF VIGO |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | PATT | Anthony | CLA | M | Switzerland | USA | ETH Zürich |
1 | RAJAMANI | Lavanya | CLA | F | India | India | Centre for Policy Research |
1 | BHANDARI | Preety | LA | F | Philippines | India | Asian Development Bank |
1 | CAPARRÓS | Alejandro | LA | M | Spain | Spain | Spanish National Research Council - Institute for Public Goods and Policies |
1 | DJEMOUAI | Kamal | LA | M | Algeria | Algeria | Climate expert |
1 | IVANOVA BONCHEVA | Antonina | LA | F | Mexico | Mexico | Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur |
1 | KUBOTA | Izumi | LA | F | Japan | Japan | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
1 | PEEL | Jacqueline | LA | F | Australia | Australia | Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne |
1 | SARI | Agus Pratama | LA | M | Indonesia | Indonesia | Landscape Indonesia (formally: PT Bentang Alam Indonesia) |
1 | SPRINZ | Detlef F. | LA | M | Germany | Germany | PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
1 | WETTESTAD | Jørgen | LA | M | Norway | Norway | THE FRIDTJOF NANSEN INSTITUTE |
1 | BADIOLA | Esther | RE | F | Luxembourg | Spain | European Investment Bank |
1 | CARRUTHERS | Pasha | RE | F | Cook Islands | Cook Islands | Cook Islands Red Cross Society |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | JUNG | Tae Yong | CLA | M | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea | Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University |
1 | KREIBIEHL | Silvie | CLA | F | Germany | Germany | Frankfurt School - UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance |
1 | BATTISTON | Stefano | LA | M | Switzerland | Italy | University of Zurich |
1 | CARVAJAL SARZOSA | Pablo Esteban | LA | M | Germany | Ecuador | International Renewable Energy Agency |
1 | CLAPP | Christa | LA | F | Norway | USA | CICERO Center for International Climate Research |
1 | DUBE | Nokuthula | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Zimbabwe | African Energy and Finance Boutique |
1 | JACHNIK | Raphaël | LA | M | France | France | OECD |
1 | MORITA | Kanako | LA | F | Japan | Japan | Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute |
1 | SAMARGANDI | Nahla | LA | F | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | King Abdulaziz University |
1 | SOKONA | Mohamed Youba | LA | M | Cote d'Ivoire | Mali | African Development Bank |
1 | WILLIAMS | Mariama | LA | F | Switzerland | Jamaica | South Centre |
1 | ABDULLA | Amjad | RE | M | United Arab Emirates | Maldives | International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) |
1 | HOURCADE | Jean-charles | RE | M | France | France | CNRS/CIRED |
1 | LOPEZ BLANCO | María José | RE | F | Spain | Spain | Gauss International Consulting |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | BLANCO | Gabriel | CLA | M | Argentina | Argentina | Universidad Nacional del Centro (UNICEN) |
1 | DE CONINCK | Heleen | CLA | F | Netherlands | Netherlands | Eindhoven University of Technology |
1 | AGBEMABIESE | Lawrence | LA | M | United States of America | Ghana | University of Delaware |
1 | DIAGNE | El Hdaji Mbaye Madien | LA | M | Senegal | Senegal | National Climate Change Committee / Afrique Energy Environnement |
1 | DIAZ ANADON | Laura | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | Spain | Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge; Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG) |
1 | LIM | Yun Seng | LA | M | Malaysia | Malaysia | Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman |
1 | SAGAR | Ambuj | LA | M | India | USA | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Humanities and Social Sciences |
1 | SUGIYAMA | Taishi | LA | M | Japan | Japan | The Canon Institute of Global Studies |
1 | TANAKA | Kenji | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Department of Technology Management for Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo |
1 | VERDOLINI | Elena | LA | F | Italy | Italy | FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei; CMCC Foundation - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change |
1 | WITAJEWSKI-BALTVILKS | Jan | LA | M | Poland | Poland | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences |
1 | MAHMOUD | Nagmeldin | RE | M | Sudan | Sudan | |
1 | MIZUNO | Emi | RE | F | Austria | Japan | Sustainable Energy for All |
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | DENTON | Fatima | CLA | F | Ghana | Gambia | United Nations University |
1 | HALSNAES | Kirsten | CLA | F | Denmark | Denmark | The Danish Technical University, DTU |
1 | AKIMOTO | Keigo | LA | M | Japan | Japan | Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) |
1 | BURCH | Sarah | LA | F | Canada | Canada | University of Waterloo, Canada |
1 | FARIAS | Fernando | LA | M | Chile | Chile | Ministry of Environment of Chile |
1 | JUPESTA | Joni | LA | M | Japan | Indonesia | United Nations University- Institute of Advanced Studies of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) |
1 | SCHWEIZER-RIES | Petra | LA | F | Germany | Germany | University of Applied Sciences Bochum |
1 | SHAREEF | Ali | LA | M | Maldives | Maldives | Ministry of Environment and Energy |
1 | TENG | Fei | LA | M | China | China | Tsinghua University |
1 | ZUSMAN | Eric | LA | M | Japan | USA | Institute for Global Environmental Strategies |
1 | DADI | Diriba Korecha | RE | M | Ethiopia | Ethiopia | National Meteorological Agency |
1 | HELD | Hermann | RE | M | Germany | Germany | University of Hamburg |