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References Airbus, 1997: Confirming very large demand. In: Global Market Forecast 1997-2016. Airbus Industrie, Toulouse, France, 27 pp. Boeing, 1997: World air travel demand and aeroplane supply requirements. In: 1997 Current Market Outlook. Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle, WA, USA, 51 pp. Brasseur, G.P., R.A. Cox, D. Hauglustaine, I. Isaksen, J. Lelieveld, D.H. Lister, R. Sausen, U. Schumann, A. Wahner, and P. Wiesen, 1998: European scientific assessment of the atmospheric effects of aircraft emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 32, 2327-2422. Friedl, R.R., S. Baughcum, B. Anderson, J. Hallett, K-N Liou, P. Rasch, D. Rind, K. Sassen, H. Singh, L. Williams, and D. Wuebbles, 1997: Atmospheric Effects of Subsonic Aircraft: Interim Assessment of the Advanced Subsonic Technology Program. NASA Reference Publication 1400, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC, USA, 168 pp. IATA, 1994: The Economic Benefits of Air Transport. 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NASA Reference Publication 1381, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC, USA, 110 pp. WMO, 1999: Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1998. Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 44, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 732 pp. |
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