Aviation and the Global Atmosphere |
- Aircraft emissions in conjunction with other anthropogenic sources are expected
to modify atmospheric composition (gases and aerosols), hence radiative forcing
and climate. Atmospheric changes from aircraft result from three types of
processes: direct emission of radiatively active substances (e.g., CO2
or water vapor); emission of chemical species that produce or destroy radiatively
active substances (e.g., NOx, which modifies O3
concentration); and emission of substances that trigger the generation of
aerosol particles or lead to changes in natural clouds (e.g., contrails).
- Radiative forcing (RF) is the metric used here (and in IPCC) to compare
climate perturbations among different aviation scenarios and with total anthropogenic
climate change. RF is the global, annual mean radiative imbalance to the Earth's
climate system caused by human activities. It predicts changes to the global
mean surface temperature: Positive RF leads to global warming. Yet climate
does not change uniformly; some regions warm or cool more than others; and
mean temperature does not describe vital aspects of climate change such as
droughts and severe storms. Aviation's impacts via O3
and contrails occur predominantly in northern mid-latitudes and the upper
troposphere, leading potentially to climate change of a different nature than
that from CO2. Nevertheless, we follow the scientific
basis for RF from IPCC's Second Assessment Report and take summed RF as a
first-order measure of global mean climate change.
- For the 1992 aviation scenario (NASA-1992*), radiative forcing of climate
change from aircraft emissions (gases and aerosols) is estimated to be +0.05
W m-2, which is about 3.5% of total anthropogenic radiative forcing as measured
against the pre-industrial atmosphere of +1.4 W m-2
for combined greenhouse gases and aerosols (and +2.7 W m-2
for greenhouse gases alone). The components of aircraft-induced radiative
forcing are as follows: CO2, +0.018 W m-2;
NOx, +0.023 W m-2 (via ozone
changes) and -0.014 W m-2 (via methane changes); contrails,
+0.02 W m-2; stratospheric H2O,
+0.002 W m-2; sulfate aerosol (direct effect), -0.003
W m-2; and black carbon aerosol (soot), +0.003 W m-2.
Changes in "natural" cirrus clouds caused by aircraft may result in negligible
or potentially large radiative forcing; an estimate could fall between 0 and
0.04 W m-2. Uncertainty estimates, typically a factor
of 2 or 3, have been made for individual components and are intended to represent
consistent confidence intervals that the radiative forcing value is likely
(2/3 of the time) to fall within the range shown. The uncertainty estimate
for the total radiative forcing (without additional cirrus clouds) is calculated
as the square root of the sums of the squares of the upper and lower ranges
of the individual components.
- Projection of subsonic fleet growth to 2015 (NASA-2015* scenario) results
in a best estimate for total aircraft-induced radiative forcing of +0.11 W
m-2 in 2015-about 5% of IS92a projected radiative forcing
from all anthropogenic emissions that year.
- Various options for the future development of subsonic air traffic under
the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)-developed Forecasting
and Economic Subgroup (FESG, or F-type) scenarios for aviation in the year
2050 assume an increase in fuel use by 2050 relative to 1992 by a factor of
1.7 to 4.8. These options result in a range for aircraft-induced total radiative
forcing (without additional cirrus clouds) from +0.13 to +0.28 W m-2
in 2050, or 3-7% of IS92a total anthropogenic radiative forcing for that year.
However, the upper and lower bounds represent aircraft scenarios that diverge
significantly from economic growth assumed for IS92a. Alternative Environmental
Defense Fund (EDF, or E-type) scenarios considered here adopt growth in 2050
fuel use by factors of 7 to more than 10 and result in a range of total radiative
forcing (without additional cirrus clouds) from +0.4 to +0.6 W m-2.
- For the year 2050, a scenario that matches IS92a economic growth (scenario
Fa1) gives total radiative forcing of +0.19 W m-2.
Individual contributions to aircraft-induced radiative forcing are as follows:
CO2, +0.074 W m-2; NOx, +0.060
W m-2 (via ozone changes) and -0.045 W m-2
(via methane changes); contrails, +0.10 W m-2; stratospheric
H2O, +0.004 W m-2; sulfate aerosols (direct effect),
-0.009 W m-2; and black carbon aerosols (soot), +0.009
W m-2. The contrail estimate includes an increase in
fuel consumption, higher overall efficiency of propulsion (i.e., cooler exhaust),
and shifting of routes. An estimate for the radiative forcing from additional
cirrus could fall between 0 and 0.16 W m-2.
- As one option for future aviation, we consider the addition of a fleet of
high-speed civil transport (HSCT, supersonic) aircraft replacing part of the
subsonic air traffic under scenario Fa1. In this example, HSCT aircraft are
assumed to begin operation in the year 2015, to grow linearly to a maximum
of 1,000 aircraft by the year 2040, and to use new technologies to maintain
very low emissions of 5 g NO2 per kg fuel. By the year 2050, this combined
fleet (scenario Fa1H) would add 0.08 W m-2 on top of
the 0.19 W m-2 radiative forcing from scenario F1a.
This additional radiative forcing combines direct HSCT effects with the reduction
in equivalent subsonic air traffic: +0.006 W m-2 from
additional CO2, +0.10 W m-2 from increased stratospheric
H2O, -0.012 W m-2 from ozone
and methane changes resulting from NOx emissions, and
-0.011 W m-2 from reduced contrails. In total, the
best value for HSCT RF is about 5 times larger than that of displaced subsonic
aircraft, although the recognized uncertainty includes a factor as small as
zero. The RFs from changes in stratospheric H2O and
O3 are difficult to simulate in models and remain highly
- Although the task of detecting climate change from all human activities
is already difficult, detecting the aircraft-specific contribution to global
climate change is not possible now and presents a serious challenge for the
next century. Aircraft radiative forcing, like forcing from other individual
sectors, is a small fraction of the whole anthropogenic climate forcing: about
4% today and by the year 2050 reaching 3-7% for F-type scenarios and 10-15%
for E-type scenarios.
- The Radiative Forcing Index (RFI)-the ratio of total radiative forcing to
that from CO2 emissions alone-is a measure of the importance
of aircraft-induced climate change other than that from the release of fossil
carbon alone. In 1992, the RFI for aircraft is 2.7; it evolves to 2.6 in 2050
for the Fa1 scenario. This index ranges from 2.2 to 3.4 for the year 2050
for various E- and F-type scenarios for subsonic aviation and technical options
considered here. The RFI increases from 2.6 to 3.4 with the addition of HSCTs
(scenario Fa1H), primarily as a result of the effects of stratospheric water
vapor. Thus, aircraft-induced climate change with RFI > 1 points to the need
for a more thorough climate assessment for this sector. By comparison, in
the IS92a scenario the RFI for all human activities is about 1, although for
greenhouse gases alone it is about 1.5, and it is even higher for sectors
emitting CH4 and N2O without
significant fossil fuel use.
- From 1990 to 2050, the global mean surface temperature is expected to increase
by 0.9 K following scenario IS92a for all human activity (assuming a climate
sensitivity of +2.5 K for doubling of CO2). Aircraft
emissions from subsonic fleet scenario Fa1 are estimated to be responsible
for about 0.05 K of this temperature rise.
- At present, the largest aircraft forcings of climate are through CO2,
NOx, and contrail formation. These components have
similar magnitude for subsonic aircraft; for an HSCT fleet, H2O
perturbations in the lower stratosphere, which are the most uncertain, are
the most important. The largest areas of scientific uncertainty in predicting
aircraft-induced climate effects lie with persistent contrails, with tropospheric
ozone increases and consequent changes in methane, with potential particle
impacts on "natural" clouds, and with water vapor and ozone perturbations
in the lower stratosphere (especially for supersonic transport).