4. SRES Writing Team, Approach, and Process
IPCC Working Group III (WGIII) appointed the SRES writing team in January 1997.
After some adjustments, it eventually came to include more than 50 members from
18 countries. Together they represent a broad range of scientific disciplines,
regional backgrounds, and non-governmental organizations. In particular, the
team includes representatives of six scenario modeling groups and a number of
lead authors from all three earlier IPCC scenario activities: the 1990 and 1992
scenarios and the 1995 scenario evaluation. Their expertise and familiarity
with earlier IPCC emissions scenario work assured continuity and allowed the
SRES effort to build efficiently upon prior work. The SRES team worked in close
collaboration with colleagues on the IPCC Task Group on Climate Scenarios for
Impact Assessment (TGCIA) and with colleagues from all three IPCC Working Groups
(WGs) of the Third Assessment Report (TAR). Appendix II lists the members of
the writing team and their affiliations and Chapter 1 gives a more detailed
description of the SRES approach and process.
Taking the above audiences and purposes into account, the following more precise
specifications for the new SRES scenarios were developed. The new scenarios
- cover the full range of radiatively important gases, which include direct
and indirect GHGs and SO2 ;
- have sufficient spatial resolution to allow regional assessments of climate
change in the global context;
- cover a wide spectrum of alternative futures to reflect relevant uncertainties
and knowledge gaps;
- use a variety of models to reflect methodological pluralism and uncertainty;
- incorporate input from a wide range of scientific disciplines and expertise
from non-academic sources through an open process;
- exclude additional initiatives and policies specifically designed to reduce
climate change;
- cover and describe to the extent possible a range of policies that could
affect climate change although they are targeted at other issues, for example,
reductions in SO2 emissions to limit acid rain;
- cover as much as possible of the range of major underlying driving forces
of emission scenarios identified in the open literature;
- be transparent with input assumptions, modeling approaches, and results
open to external review;
- be reproducible - document data and methodology adequately enough to allow
other researchers to reproduce the scenarios; and
- be internally consistent - the various input assumptions and data of the
scenarios are internally consistent to the extent possible.
The writing team agreed that the scenario formulation process would consist
of five major components:
- review of existing scenarios in the literature;
- analysis of their main characteristics and driving forces;
- formulation of narrative "storylines" to describe alternative futures;
- quantification of storylines with different modeling approaches; and
- "open" review process of emissions scenarios and their assumptions
As is evident from the components of the work program, there was agreement
that the process be an open one with no single "official" model and no exclusive
"expert teams." In 1997 the IPCC advertised in a number of relevant scientific
journals and other publications to solicit wide participation in the process.
To facilitate participation and improve the usefulness of the new scenarios,
the SRES web site (http://sres.ciesin.org/)
was created. In addition, members of the writing team published much of the
background work used for formulating SRES scenarios in the peer-reviewed literature
and on web sites (see Appendix IV). Finally, the revised
set of scenarios, the web sites, and the draft of this report have been evaluated
through the IPCC expert and government review processes. This process resulted
in numerous changes and revisions of the report. In particular, during the approval
process of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) in March 2000 at the 5th Session
of the WG III in Katmandu changes in this SPM were agreed that necessitated
some changes in the underlying document, including this Technical Summary. These
changes have been implemented in agreement with the Lead Authors.
5. Scenario Literature Review and Analysis
The first step in the formulation of the SRES scenarios was the review and
the analysis of the published literature and the development of the database
with more than 400 emissions scenarios that is accessible through the web site
190 of these extend to 2100 and are considered in the comparison with the SRES
scenarios in the subsequent Figures. Chapters 2 and 3 give a more detailed description
of the literature review and analysis.
(click to enlarge)
Figure TS-1: Global energy-related
and industrial CO2 emissions - historical development and future scenarios,
shown as an index (1990 = 1). The median (50th), the 5th, and 95th percentiles of the frequency distribution are also shown. The statistics
associated with scenarios from the literature do not imply probability
of occurrence (e.g., the frequency distribution of the scenarios may
be influenced by the use of IS92a as a reference for many subsequent
studies). The emissions paths indicate a wide range of future emissions.
The range is also large in the base year 1990 and is indicated by an
"error" bar. To separate the variation due to base-year specification
from different future paths, emissions are indexed for the year 1990,
when actual global energy-related and industrial CO2 emissions were
about 6 GtC. The coverage of CO2 emissions sources may vary across the
256 different scenarios from the database included in the figure. The
scenario samples used vary across the time steps (for 1990 256 scenarios,
for 2020 and 2030 247, for 2050 211, and for 2100 190 scenarios). Also
shown, as vertical bars on the right of the figure, are the ranges of
emissions in 2100 of IS92 scenarios and for scenarios from the literature
that apparently include additional climate initiatives (designated as
"intervention" scenarios emissions range), those that do not ("non-intervention"),
and those that cannot be assigned to either of these two categories
("non-classified"). This classification is based on the subjective evaluation
of the scenarios in the database by the members of the writing team
and is explained in Chapter 2. Data sources: Morita
and Lee, 1998a, 1998b; Nakic´enovic´ et al., 1998.
Figure TS-1 shows the global energy-related and industrial
CO2 emission paths from the database as "spaghetti" curves for the period to
2100 against the background of the historical emissions from 1900 to 1990. These
curves are plotted against an index on the vertical axis rather than as absolute
values because of the large differences and discrepancies for the values assumed
for the base year 1990. These sometimes arise from genuine differences among
the scenarios (e.g., different data sources, definitions) and sometimes from
different base years assumed in the analysis or from alternative calibrations.4
The differences among the scenarios in the specification of the base year illustrate
the large genuine scientific and data uncertainty that surrounds emissions and
their main driving forces captured in the scenarios. The literature includes
scenarios with additional climate polices, which are sometimes referred to as
mitigation or intervention scenarios.
There are many ambiguities associated with the classification of emissions
scenarios into those that include additional climate initiatives and those that
do not. Many cannot be classified in this way on the basis of the information
available from the database. Figure TS-1 indicates the
ranges of emissions in 2100 from scenarios that apparently include additional
climate initiatives (designated as "intervention" emissions range), those that
do not ("non-intervention") and those that cannot be assigned to either of these
two categories ("non-classified"). This classification is based on the subjective
evaluation of the scenarios in the database by the members of the writing team
and is explained in Chapter 2. The range of the whole sample of scenarios has
significant overlap with the range of those that cannot be classified and they
share virtually the same median (15.7 and 15.2 GtC in 2100, respectively), but
the non-classified scenarios do not cover the high part of the range. Also,
the range of the scenarios that apparently do not include climate polices (non-intervention)
has considerable overlap with the other two ranges (the lower bound of non-intervention
scenarios is higher than the lower bounds of the intervention and non-classified
scenarios), but with a significantly higher median (of 21.3 GtC in 2100).
Historically, gross anthropogenic CO2 emissions have increased at an average
rate of about 1.7% per year since 1900 (Nakicenovic et al., 1996);
if that historical trend continues global emissions would double during the
next three to four decades and increase more than sixfold by 2100. Many scenarios
in the database describe such a development. However, the range is very large
around this historical trend so that the highest scenarios envisage about a
tenfold increase of global emissions by 2100 as compared with 1990, while the
lowest have emissions lower than today. The median and the average of the scenarios
lead to about a threefold emissions increase over the same time period or to
about 16 GtC by 2100. This is lower than the median of the IS92 set and is lower
than the IS92a scenario, often considered as the "central" scenario with respect
to some of its tendencies. However, the distribution of emissions is asymmetric.
The thin emissions "tail" that extends above the 95th percentile (i.e., between
the six- and tenfold increase of emissions by 2100 compared to 1990) includes
only a few scenarios. The range of other emissions and the main scenario driving
forces (such as population growth, economic development and energy production,
conversion and end use) for the scenarios documented in the database is also
large and comparable to the variation of CO2 emissions. Statistics associated
with scenarios from the literature do not imply probability of occurrence or
likelihood of the scenarios. The frequency distribution of the database may
be influenced by the use of IS92a as a reference for scenario studies and by
the fact that many scenarios in the database share common assumptions prescribed
for the purpose of model comparisons with similar scenario driving forces.
One of the recommendations of the writing team is that IPCC or a similar international
institution should maintain such a database thereby ensuring continuity of knowledge
and scientific progress in any future assessments of GHG scenarios. An equivalent
database for documenting narrative and other qualitative scenarios is considered
to be also very useful for future climate-change assessments. One difficulty
encountered in the analysis of the emissions scenarios is that the distinction
between climate policies and non-climate policy scenarios and other scenarios
appeared to be to a degree arbitrary and often impossible to make. Therefore,
the writing team recommends that an effort should be made in the future to develop
an appropriate emissions scenario classification scheme.