Appendix VIII: Acronyms and Abbreviations
A1 - SRES scenario family A1
A1B - Scenariogroup within the A1 scenario family (balanced energy
supply mix)
A1C - Scenario group within A1 scenario family (emphasis on coal)
A1FI - Scenariogroup within the A1 scenario family (fossil-intensive,
combination of A1C and A1G)
A1G - Scenario group within A1 scenario family (emphasis on oil
and gas)
A1T - Scenario group within A1 scenario family (emphasis on non-fossils)
A2 - SRES scenario family A2
AAGR - -Average Annual Growth Rate
AEEI - Autonomous Energy Efficiency Improvement (rate)
AFEAS - Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability
AFR - Sub-Saharan Africa (see Appendix
AGC/MLO - Atmospheric General Circulation/Mixed Layer
Ocean model
AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIM - Asian Integrated Model (see Appendix
ALM - SRES region Africa, Latin America and Middle East
(see Appendix III)
A/O GCM - Atmosphere/Ocean General Circulation Model
AOS - Atmosphere-Ocean System (IMAGE model)
ASF - Atmospheric Stabilization Framework (see Appendix
ASIA - SRES region Asia excluding the Middle
East (see Appendix III)
B1 - SRES scenario family B1
B2 - SRES scenario family B2
BGF - Biomass based gaseous fuels (IMAGE model)
BLF - Biomass based liquid fuels (IMAGE model)
BLS - Basic Linked System of National Agricultural Models
(see Appendix IV)
BP - British Petroleum
CCGT - combined cycle gas turbine
CES - constant elasticity of substitution
CETA - Carbon Emissions Trajectory Assessment model
CIESIN - Center for International Earth Science Information
CO2DB - Carbon Dioxide Database (see Appendix
COP - Conference of the Parties
CORINAIR - Coordination of Information on the Environment - Air
CPA - Centrally Planned Asia and China (see Appendix
CPB - Central Planning Bureau (the Netherlands)
CRP - Current Reduction Plans
DEV - Developing countries
DICE - Dynamic Integrated Climate Economy model
DMSP - Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
DOE - Department of Energy
EBC/UDO - Energy Balance Climate/Upwelling Diffusion
- Ocean model
ECN - Netherlands Energy Research Foundation
EEA - European Environmental Agency
EEU - Central and Eastern Europe (see Appendix
EIA - Energy Information Administration (US)
EIS - Energy-Industry System (IMAGE model)
EJ - Exajoules (1018J)
ENDS - Environmental Data Services
EMEP - European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (for air pollutants)
EMF - Energy Modeling Forum (Stanford University)
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (US)
ERB - Edmonds, Reilly and Barns model
ESD - Emissions Scenario Database
ETSAP - Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme
EU - European Union
FAO - UN Food and Agriculture Organization
FBC - Fluidized Bed Combustion
FETC - Federal Energy Technology Center (US)
FGD - Flue Gas Desulfurization
FSU - Former Soviet Union (see Appendix
FUND - Climate Framework for Uncertainty Negotiation
and Distribution model
GCM - General Circulation Model
GCAM - Global Change Assessment Model
GDI - Gender related Development Index (UNDP)
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GEM - Gender Empowerment Measure (UNDP)
GHG - Greenhouse Gas
GNP - Gross National Product
GRP - Gross Regional Product
GWP - Global Warming Potential
GtC - Gigaton of carbon (1 GtC = 1015 gC
= 1 PgC ~ 3.7 Gt carbon dioxide)
GWP - Global Warming Potential
HABITAT - United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
HDI - Human Development Index (UNDP)
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HS - Harmonized Scenarios
IA - Integrated Assessment
ICAM - Integrated Climate Assessment Model
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
ID - Identification
IEA - International Energy Agency
IEA CIAB - IEA Coal Industry Advisory Board
IEW - International Energy Workshop (IIASA Stanford
IGCC - Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
IGU - International Gas Union
IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems
IMAGE - Integrated Model to Assess the Greenhouse Effect
IND - Industrial(ized) countries
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IS92 - IPCC scenarios 1992
IU - Inverted U-curve
J - Joule
ISO - International Standards Organization
km - Kilometers
kt - Kilotons
LAM - Latin America and Caribbean (see Appendix
LBNL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (US)
LNG - Liquid Natural Gas
LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MACRO - Macroeconomic model (see Appendix
MAGICC - Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse gas-Induced
Climate Change
MARIA - Multiregional Approach for Resource Industry
Allocation model (see Appendix IV)
MEA - Middle East and North Africa (see Appendix
MERGE - Model for Evaluating the Regional and Global
Effects of GHG Reduction Policies
MESSAGE - Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives
and their General Environmental Impact (see Appendix
MFR - Maximum Feasible Reduction
MiniCAM - Mini Climate Assessment Model (see Appendix
MJ - Megajoule (106 J)
Mt - Megaton = 106 tons = Tg
MtS - Megaton (elemental) Sulfur
MWe - Megawatts of electricity (electric capacity)
NAM - North America (see Appendix
NAPAP - National Acidic Precipitation Assessment Program
NIES - National Institute for Environmental Studies
NIS - Newly Independent States (of the Former Soviet
NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
NMVOC - Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (hydrocarbons)
NTE - Non-Thermal Electric
ODS - Ozone Depleting Substances
ODT - Oven Dry Tons
OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECD90 - SRES region OECD member states as at
1990 (see Appendix III)
OLS - Operational Linescan System
OS - Other Scenarios
PAGE - Policy Analysis for the Greenhouse Effect model
PAO - Pacific OECD (see Appendix III)
PAS - Other Pacific Asia (see Appendix
PgC - Petagrams of carbon (1 PgC = 1 GtC)
PIEEI - Price Induced Energy Efficiency Improvement
PNLL - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (US)
ppbv - Parts per billion by volume (109)
ppmv - Parts per million by volume (106)
PPP - Purchasing Power Parity
pptv - Parts per trillion by volume (1012)
RAINS - Regional Acidification INformation and Simulation
model (see Appendix IV)
R&D - Research and Development
RCW - Rapidly Changing World scenario
RD&D - Research, Development and Demonstration
REF - SRES region Central and Eastern Europe
and Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union (see Appendix
RIVM - Netherlands National Institute of Public Health
and the Environment
SA90 - 1990 Scientific Assessment of the IPCC
SAR - Second Assessment Report of the IPCC
SAS - South Asia (see Appendix III)
SC - Sulfur Control (scenario)
SCENGEN - Scenario Generator model
- (University of East Anglia)
SCW - Slowly Changing World scenario
SG - Scenario Generator model (IIASA)
- (see Appendix IV)
SPM - Summary for Policymakers
SRES - Special Report on Emissions Scenarios
SRTT - Special Report on methodological and technological
issues in Technology Transfer
t - Ton
TAR - Third Assessment Report of the IPCC
TE - Thermal Electric
TES - Terrestrial Environment System (IMAGE model)
TFR - Total (average) Fertility Rate
TgC - Teragrams of Carbon (1 TgC = 1 MtC)
TGCIA - Task Group on Climate scenarios for Impact Assessment
TgN - Teragrams (million tons) of (elemental) Nitrogen
TgS - Teragrams (million tons) of (elemental) Sulfur
TIMER - Targets IMAGE Energy Regional simulation model
TSU - Technical Support Unit
UN - United Nations
UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCED - United Nations Conference on Environment and
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization
UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund
USCB - United States Census Bureau
US DOC - United States Department of Commerce