Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer

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5. Financing and Partnerships for Technology Transfer

Executive Summary

5.1. Introduction

5.2 Public-Sector Finance and Investment

5.2.1. Government Finance in Climate-Change-Related Projects
5.2.2. Official Development Assistance
5.2.3. Trade Finance and Export Credit Agencies
5.2.4. Financing by Multilateral Development Banks

5.3. Private-Sector Finance and Investment

5.3.1. Private-Sector Finance: Criteria and Forms
5.3.2. Initiatives within the Private Financial Sector
5.3.3. Potential Financial Solutions

5.4 Private-Firm Investment Decisions and Foreign Direct Investment

5.4.1 Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment
5.4.2 Incentives and Barriers to Energy-Saving Investments
5.4.3 Small- and Medium-Size Enterprises

5.5 Public-Private Partnerships

5.5.1. Build Operate Transfer Projects
5.5.2 Voluntary Agreements
5.5.3. Technology Partnership Programmes
5.5.4. Informational Initiatives in Private Finance
5.5.5. Fiscal Measures: Tax Incentives and Guarantees
5.5.6 Partnering and Sponsorship for New Financial Initiatives
5.5.7. The Case of the Montreal Protocol

5.6 Technology Intermediaries

5.6.1 The Value of Technology Intermediaries
5.6.2 Information Clearinghouses and Technology Transfer Agencies
5.6.3 Energy Service Companies

5.7 Conclusions


Coordinating Lead Authors:
Mark Mansley (UK), Eric Martinot (USA)

Lead Authors:
Dilip Ahuja (India), Weerawat Chantanakome (Thailand), Stephen DeCanio (USA), Michael Grubb (UK), Joyeeta Gupta (The Netherlands), Li Junfeng (China), Merylyn McKenzie Hedger (UK), Bhaskhar Natarajan (India), John Turkson (Ghana), David Wallace (United Kingdom)

Contributing Authors:
Ron Benioff (USA), Ibrahim Abdel Gelil (Egypt)

Review Editor:
Karen R. Polenske (USA)

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