4.6.2. Water Management Options
Table 4-13 summarizes some supply- and demand-side
adaptive options, by water-use sector. Each option has a set of economic, environmental,
and political advantages and disadvantages.
Most of these strategies are being adopted or considered in many countries
in the face of increasing demands for water resources or protection against
risk. In the UK, for example, water supply companies currently are pursuing
the twin track of demand management and supply management in response
to potential increases in demand for water (although there is a conflict between
different parts of the water management system over the relative speeds with
which the two tracks should be followed). These management strategies also are
potentially feasible in the face of climate change. Nowhere, however, are water
management actions being taken explicitly and solely to cope with climate change,
although in an increasing number of countries climate change is being considered
in assessing future resource management. In the UK, for example, climate change
is one of the factors that must be considered by water supply companies in assessing
their future resource requirementsalthough companies are highly unlikely
to have new resources justified at present on climate change alone.
The continuing debate in water management (Easter et al., 1998) is between
the practicalities and costs of supply-side versus demand-side options, and
this debate is being pursued indepedently of climate change. The tide is moving
toward the use of demand-side options because they are regarded as being more
environmentally sustainable, cost-effective, and flexible (Frederick, 1986;
World Bank, 1993; Young et al., 1994; Anderson and Hill, 1997). Smart
combinations of supply-side and demand-side approaches are needed, although
in many cases new supply-side infrastructure may be necessary. This is particularly
the case in developing countries, where the challenge often is not to curb demand
but to meet minimum human health-driven standards.
There do appear, however, to be numerous no regret policies that
warrant immediate attention. In this context, a no regret policy
is one that would generate net social benefits regardless of whether there was
climate change. Examples include elimination of subsidies to agriculture and
floodplain occupancy and explicit recognition of environmental values in project
design and evaluation. The effect of successful demand-side policies is to reduce
the need for supply augmentation, although they may not prevent such needs entirely
if changes are large. Such policy changes represent the minimum package of anticipatory
policy changes in response to climate change.