IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007
Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis


Abaurrea, J., and J. Asin, 2005: Forecasting local daily precipitation patterns in a climate change scenario. Clim. Res., 28, 183–197.

Abbs, D.J., 2004: A high resolution modelling study of the effect of climate change on the intensity of extreme rainfall events. In: Staying Afloat: Floodplain Management Authorities of NSW 44th Annual Conference: Conference Proceedings, Coffs Harbour, NSW. Floodplain Management Authorities of New South Wales, Tamworth, pp. 17–24.

ACIA, 2005: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1042 pp.

Adam, J.C., and D.P. Lettenmeier, 2003: Adjustment of global gridded precipitation for systematic bias. J. Geophys. Res., 108, 4257–4272.

Adams, N., 2004: A numerical modelling study of the weather in East Antarctica and the surrounding Southern Ocean. Weather Forecasting, 19, 653–672.

AIACC (Assessments of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change in Multiple Regions and Sectors), 2004: AIACC Regional Study AS07: Southeast Asia Regional Vulnerability to Changing Water Resource and Extreme Hydrological Events due to Climate Change. Progress Report: Period Year-end 2003. 8 pp., http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/aiacc/progress/AS07_Jan04.pdf.

Aldrian, E., and R. Dwi Susanto, 2003: Identification of three dominant rainfall regions within Indonesia and their relationship to sea surface temperature. Int. J. Climatol., 23(12), 1435–1452.

Aldrian, E., et al., 2004a: Long term simulation of the Indonesian rainfall with the MPI Regional Model. Clim. Dyn., 22(8), 794–814, doi:10.1007/s00382-004-0418-9.

Aldrian, E., et al., 2004b: Modelling Indonesian rainfall with a coupled regional model. Clim. Dyn., 25(1), 1–17, doi:10.1007/s00382-004-0483-0.

Anderson, C.J., et al., 2003: Hydrological processes in regional climate model simulations of the Central United States flood of June-July 1993. J. Hydrometeorol., 4, 584–598.

Angeles, M.E., J.E. Gonzalez, D.J. Erickson, and J.L. Hernández, 2007: Predictions of future climate change in the Caribbean region using global general circulation models. Int. J. Climatol., 27, 555-569, doi:10.1002/joc.1416.

Antic, S., R. Laprise, B. Denis, and R. de Elia, 2005: Testing the downscaling ability of a one-way nested regional climate model in regions of complex topography. Clim. Dyn., 23, 473–493.

Anyah, R., and F. Semazzi, 2004: Simulation of the sensitivity of Lake Victoria basin climate to lake surface temperatures. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 79(1–2), 55–69.

Arakawa, O., and A. Kitoh, 2005: Rainfall diurnal variation over the Indonesian Maritime Continent simulated by 20km-mesh GCM. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, 1, 109–112.

Arnell, N., D. Hudson, and R. Jones, 2003: Climate change scenarios from a regional climate model: Estimating change in runoff in southern Africa. J. Geophys. Res., 108(D16), 4519, doi:10.1029/2002JD002782.

Arnfield, A.J., 2003: Two decades of urban climate research: a review of turbulence, exchanges of energy and water, and the urban heat island. Int. J. Climatol., 23, 1–26.

Ashok, K., Z.Y. Guan, and T. Yamagata, 2001: Impact of the Indian Ocean Dipole on the relationship between the Indian monsoon rainfall and ENSO. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 4499–4502.

Ashrit, R.G., K. Rupa Kumar, and K. Krishna Kumar, 2001: ENSO-monsoon relationships in a greenhouse warming scenario. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 1727–1730.

Ashrit, R.G., H. Douville, and K. Rupa Kumar, 2003: Response of the Indian monsoon and ENSO-monsoon teleconnection to enhanced greenhouse effect in the CNRM coupled model. J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 81, 779–803.

Augustine, J.A., and F. Caracena, 1994: Lower-tropospheric precursors to nocturnal MCS development over central United States. Weather Forecasting, 9, 116–135.

Avissar, R., and D. Werth, 2005: Global hydroclimatological teleconnections resulting from tropical deforestation. J. Hydrometeorol., 6, 134–145.

Bader, J., and M. Latif, 2003: The impact of decadal-scale Indian Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies on Sahelian rainfall and the North Atlantic Oscillation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(22), 2166–2169, doi.10.1029/2003GL018426.

Bailey, D.A., and A.H. Lynch, 2000: Development of an Antarctic regional climate system model: Part 2. Station validation and surface energy balance. J. Clim., 13, 1351–1361.

Bailey, D.A., A.H. Lynch, and T.E. Arbetter, 2004: The relationship between synoptic forcing and polynya formation in the Cosmonaut Sea, II: Polynya simulation. J. Geophys. Res, 109, doi:10.1029/2003JC001838.

Barnett, D.N., et al., 2006: Quantifying uncertainty in changes in extreme event frequency in response to doubled CO2 using a large ensemble of GCM simulations. Clim. Dyn., 26, 489–511.

Barnett, T.P., J.C. Adam, and D.P. Lettenmeier, 2005: Potential impacts of a warming climate on water availability in snow-dominated regions. Nature, 438, 303–309, doi:10.1038/nature04141.82511-825179.

Bartman, A.G., W.A. Landman, and C.J. de W. Ratenbach, 2003: Recalibration of general circulation model output to Austral summer rainfall over Southern Africa. Int. J. Climatol., 23, 1407–1419.

Becker, A., and H. Bugmann (eds.), 1997: Predicting Global Change Impacts on Mountain Hydrology and Ecology: Integrated Catchment Hydrology/Altitudinal Gradient Studies. IGBP Report 43, International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Stockholm.

Beckmann, B.R., and T.A. Buishand, 2002: Statistical downscaling relationship for precipitation in the Netherlands and North Germany. Int. J. Climatol., 22, 15–32.

Beersma, J.J., and T.A. Buishand, 2003: Multi-site simulation of daily precipitation and temperature conditional on atmospheric circulation. Clim. Res., 25, 121–133.

Bell, J.L., L.C. Sloan, and M.A. Snyder, 2004: Changes in extreme climatic events: A future climate scenario. J. Clim., 17(1), 81–87.

Benestad, R.E., 2002a: Empirically downscaled temperature scenarios for Northern Europe based on a multi-model ensemble. Clim. Res., 21(2), 105–125.

Benestad, R.E., 2002b: Empirically downscaled multimodel ensemble temperature and precipitation scenarios for Norway. J. Clim., 15, 3008–3027.

Benestad, R.E., 2004a: Tentative probabilistic temperature scenarios for Northern Europe. Tellus, 56A(2), 89–101.

Benestad, R.E., 2004b: Empirical-statistical downscaling in climate modeling. Eos, 85(42), 417.

Benestad, R.E., 2005: Climate change scenarios for northern Europe from multi-model IPCC AR4 climate simulations. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L17704, doi:10.1029/2005GL023401.

Bengtsson, L., 1996: The climate response to the changing greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. In: Decadal Climate Variability, Dynamics And Variability [Anderson, D.L.T., and J. Willebrand (eds.)]. NATO ASI Series 44, Springer, Berlin, 493 pp.

Bengtsson, L., V.A. Semenov, and O.M. Johannessen, 2004: The early twentieth-century warming in the Arctic - a possible mechanism. J. Clim., 17, 4045–4057.

Beniston, M., and P. Jungo, 2001: Shifts in the distributions of pressure, temperature and moisture in the alpine region in response to the behavior of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 71, 29–42.

Beniston, M., F. Keller, B. Koffi, and S. Goyette, 2003: Estimates of snow accumulation and volume in the Swiss Alps under changing climatic conditions. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 76, 125–140.

Beniston, M., et al., 2007: Future extreme events in European climate: An exploration of regional climate model projections. Clim. Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-006-9226-z.

Bertler, N.A.N., P.J. Barrett, P.A. Mayewski, and R.L. Fogt, 2004: El Niño suppresses Antarctic warming. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L15207, doi:10.1029/2004GL020749.

Betts, A.K., 1998: Climate-convection feedbacks: Some further issues. Clim. Dyn., 39(1), 35–38.

Betts, R.A., et al., 2004: The role of ecosystem-atmosphere interactions in simulated Amazonian precipitation decrease and forest dieback under global climate warming. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 78, 157–175.

Biasutti, M., and A. Giannini, 2006: Robust Sahel drying in response to late 20th century forcings. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L11706, doi:10.1029/2006GRL026067.

Biner, S., D. Caya, R. Laprise and L. Spacek, 2000: Nesting of RCMs by imposing large scales. In: Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling. WMO/TD No. 987, Report No. 30, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, pp. 7.3–7.4.

Black, E., et al., 2004: Factors contributing to the summer 2003 European heatwave. Weather, 59, 217–223.

Blenckner, T. and D. Chen, 2003: Comparison of the impact of regional and North-Atlantic atmospheric circulation on an aquatic ecosystem. Clim. Res., 23, 131–136.

Boer, R., and A. Faqih, 2004: Current and Future Rainfall Variability in Indonesia. AIACC Technical Report 021, http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/aiacc/progress/AS21_Jan04.pdf.

Bogdanova, E.G, B.M. Ilyin, and I.V. Dragomilova, 2002: Application of a comprehensive bias correction model to application of a comprehensive bias correction model to stations. J. Hydrometeorol., 3, 700–713.

Bojariu, R., and F. Giorgi, 2005: The North Atlantic Oscillation signal in a regional climate simulation for the European region. Tellus, 57A(4), 641–653.

Bonan, G.B., 2001: Observational evidence for reduction of daily maximum temperature by croplands in the Midwest United States. J. Clim., 14, 2430–2442.

Boo, K.-O., W.-T. Kwon, and J.-K. Kim, 2005: Vegetation changes in the regional surface climate over East Asia due to global warming using BIOME4. Il Nuovo Cimento, 27(4), 317–327.

Boo, K.-O., W.-T. Kwon, and H.-J. Baek, 2006: Change of extreme events of temperature and precipitation over Korea using regional projection of future climate change. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(1), L01701, doi:10.1029/2005GL023378.

Booij, M.J., 2002: Extreme daily precipitation in western Europe with climate change at appropriate spatial scales. Int. J. Climatol., 22, 69–85.

Bordoni, S., et al., 2004: The low-level circulation of the North American Monsoon as revealed by QuikSCAT. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L10109, doi:10.1029/2004GL020009.

Boulanger, J.P., F. Martinez, and E.C. Segura, 2006: Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and Bayesian statistics. Part 1: Temperature mean state and seasonal cycle in South America. Clim. Dyn., 27, 233–259.

Bretherton, C.S., and D.S. Battisti, 2000: An interpretation of the results from atmospheric general circulation models forced by the time history of the observed sea surface temperature distribution. Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 767–770.

Bromwich, D.H., and R.L. Fogt, 2004: Strong trends in the skill of the ERA-40 and NCEP/NCAR Reanalyses in the high and middle latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, 1958-2001. J. Clim., 17, 4603–4619.

Bromwich, D.H., A.J. Monaghan, and Z. Guo, 2004a: Modeling the ENSO modulation of Antarctic climate in the late 1990s with the Polar MM5. J. Clim., 17, 109–132.

Bromwich, D.H., A.J. Monaghan, K.W. Manning, and J.G. Powers, 2004b: Real-time forecasting for the Antarctic: An evaluation of the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS). Mon. Weather Rev., 133, 579–603.

Bromwich, D.H., et al., 2000: ECMWF analyses and reanalyses depiction of ENSO signal in Antarctic precipitation. J. Clim., 13, 1406–1420.

Brovkin, V., et al., 1999: Modelling climate response to historical land cover change. Global Ecol. Biogeogr., 8, 509–517.

Buishand, T.A., M.V. Shabalova, and T. Brandsma, 2004: On the choice of the temporal aggregation level for statistical downscaling of precipitation. J. Clim., 17, 1816–1827.

Busuioc, A., and H. von Storch, 2003: Conditional stochastic model for generating daily precipitation time series. Clim. Res., 24, 181–195.

Busuioc, A., D. Chen, and C. Hellström, 2001: Performance of statistical downscaling models in GCM validation and regional climate change estimates: application for Swedish precipitation. Int. J. Climatol., 21(5), 557–578.

Busuioc, A., F. Giorgi, X. Bi, and M. Ionita, 2006: Comparison of regional climate model and statistical downscaling simulations of different winter precipitation change scenarios over Romania. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 86, 101–120.

Cai, W., P.H. Whetton, and D.J. Karoly, 2003a: The response of the Antarctic Oscillation to increasing and stabilized atmospheric CO2. J. Clim., 16, 1525–1538.

Cai, W., et al., 2003b: Climate Change in Queensland under Enhanced Greenhouse Conditions. Annual Report, 2003. CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Aspendale, Vic., 74 pp, http://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/ClimateChanges/pub/CSIRO2003.html#end.

Caires, S., V.R. Swail, and X.L. Wang, 2006: Projection and analysis of extreme wave climate. J. Clim., 19, 5581–5605.

Caminade, C., L. Teray, and E. Maisonnave, 2006: West African monsoon system response to greenhouse gase and sulphate aerosol forcing under two emission scenarios. Clim. Dyn., 26, 531–547.

Cannon, A., and P. Whitfield, 2002: Downscaling recent streamflow conditions in British Columbia, Canada using ensemble neural network models. J. Hydrol., 259(1–4), 136–151.

Carleton, A.M., 2003: Atmospheric teleconnections involving the Southern Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8080, doi:10.1029/2000JC000379.

Carril, A.F., C.G. Menéndez, and A. Navarra, 2005: Climate response associated with the Southern Annular Mode in the surroundings of Antarctic Peninsula: a multi-model ensemble analysis. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L16713, doi:10.1029/2005GL023581.

Cassano, J.J., P. Uotila, and A. Lynch, 2006: Changes in synoptic weather patterns in the polar regions in the 20th and 21st centuries. Part 1: Arctic. Int. J. Climatol., 26, 1027–1049, doi:10.1002/joc.1306.

Caya, D., and S. Biner, 2004: Internal variability of RCM simulations over an annual cycle. Clim. Dyn., 22, 33–46.

Cayan, D.R., et al., 2001: Changes in the onset of spring in the western United States. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 82, 399–415.

Cazes Boezio, G., A.W. Robertson, and C.R. Mechoso, 2003: Seasonal dependence of ENSO teleconnections over South America and relationships with precipitation in Uruguay. J. Clim., 16(8), 1159–1176.

Chaboureau, J.P., F. Guichard, J.L. Redelsperger, and J.P. Lafore, 2004: The role of stability and moisture in the diurnal cycle of convection over land. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 130, 3105–3117.

Chapman, W.L., and J.E. Walsh, 2006: A synthesis of Antarctic temperatures. J. Clim., 26, 1181–2119, doi:10.1002/joc.1305.

Chapman, W.L., and J.E. Walsh, 2007: Simulations of Arctic temperature and pressure by global coupled models. J. Clim., 20, 609-632, doi: 10.1175/JCLI4026.1.

Charles, S.P., B.C. Bates, I.N. Smith, and J.P. Hughes, 2004: Statistical downscaling of daily precipitation from observed and modelled atmospheric fields. Hydrolog. Process., 18(8), 1373–1394.

Chase, T.N., et al., 2000: Simulated impacts of historical land cover changes on global climate in northern winter. Clim. Dyn., 16, 93–105.

Chen, A.A., and M.A. Taylor, 2002: Investigating the link between early season Caribbean rainfall and the El Niño +1 year. Int. J. Climatol., 22, 87–106.

Chen, D.L., and Y.M. Chen, 2003: Association between winter temperature in China and upper air circulation over East Asia revealed by canonical correlation analysis. Global Planet. Change, 37, 315–325.

Chen, M., D. Pollard, and E.J. Barron, 2003: Comparison of future climate change over North America simulated by two regional climate models. J. Geophys. Res., 108(D12), 4348, doi:10.1029/2002JD002738.

Chen, T.-C., J.-H. Yoon, K.J. St. Croix, and E.S. Takle, 2001: Suppressing impacts of the Amazonian deforestation by the global circulation change. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 82, 2209–2216.

Chen, T.-C., S.-Y. Wang, W.-R. Huang, and M.-C. Yen, 2004: Variation of the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall. J. Clim., 17, 744–762.

Chou, C., and J.D. Neelin, 2004: Mechanisms of global warming impacts of regional tropical precipitation. J. Clim., 17, 2688–2701.

Chou, C., J.D. Neelin, J.-Y. Tu, and C.-T. Chen, 2007: Regional tropical precipitation change mechanisms in ECHAM4/OPYC3 under global warming. J. Clim. 19, 4207-4223..

Chou, S.C., A.M.B. Nunes, and I.F.A. Cavalcanti, 2000: Extended range forecasts over South America using the regional eta model. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 10147–10160.

Christensen, J.H., and O.B. Christensen, 2003. Severe summertime flooding in Europe. Nature, 421, 805–806.

Christensen, J.H., T. Carter, and F. Giorgi, 2002: PRUDENCE employs new methods to assess European climate change. Eos, 83, 147.

Christensen, J.H., T.R. Carter, M. Rummukainen, and G. Amanatidis, 2007: Evaluating the performance and utility of regional climate models: the PRUDENCE project. Clim. Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-006-9211-6.

Christensen, J.H., et al., 2001: A synthesis of regional climate change simulations – A Scandinavian perspective. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(6), 1003–1006.

Christensen, O.B., and J.H. Christensen, 2004: Intensification of extreme European summer precipitation in a warmer climate. Global Planet. Change, 44, 107–117.

Church, J.A., N.J. White, and J.R. Hunter, 2006: Sea level rise at tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean islands. Global Planet. Change, 53(3), 155–168.

Church, J.A., et al., 2004: Estimates of regional distribution of sea level rise over the 1950-2000 period. J. Clim., 17, 2609–2625.

Clark, R., S. Brown, and J. Murphy, 2006: Modelling Northern Hemisphere summer heat extreme changes and their uncertainties using a physics ensemble of climate sensitivity experiments. J. Clim., 19, 4418–4435.

Claussen, M., C. Kutzbaki, V. Brovkin, and A. Ganapolski, 1999: Simulation of an abrupt change in Saharan vegetation in the mid-Holocene. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2037–2040.

Collier, J.C., K.P. Bowman, and G.R. North, 2004: A comparison of tropical precipitation simulated by the community climate model with that measured by the tropical rainfall measuring mission satellite. J. Clim., 17, 3319–3333.

Collins, M., et al., 2006: Towards quantifying uncertainty in transient climate change. Clim. Dyn., 27, 127–147.

Comiso, J.C., 2000: Variability and trends in Antarctic surface temperatures from in situ and satellite infrared measurements. J. Clim., 13, 1674–1696.

Connolley, W.M., and S.A. Harangozo, 2001: A comparison of five numerical weather prediction analysis climatologies in southern high latitudes. J. Clim., 14, 30–44.

Cook, K.H., and E.K. Vizy, 2006: Coupled model simulations of the West African monsoon system: twentieth-century simulations and twenty-first-century predictions. J. Clim., 19, 3681–3703.

Coppola, E., and F. Giorgi, 2005: Climate change in tropical regions from high-resolution time-slice AGCM experiments. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 131(612), 3123–3145.

Costa, M.H., and J.A. Foley, 2000: Combined effects of deforestation and doubled atmospheric CO2 concentrations on the climate of Amazonia. J. Clim., 13, 35–58.

Covey, C., et al., 2003: An overview of results from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Global Planet. Change, 37, 103–133, doi:10.1016/S0921-8181(02)00193-5.

Cox, P.M., et al., 2000: Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model. Nature, 408, 184–187.

Cox, P.M., et al., 2004: Amazonian forest dieback under climate-carbon cycle projections for the 21st century. Theor. Appl. Clim., 78, 137–156.

CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), 2001: Climate Projections for Australia. CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Melbourne, 8 pp., http://www.dar.csiro.au/publications/projections2001.pdf.

Curtis, J., G. Wendler, R. Stone, and E. Dutton, 1998: Precipitation decrease in the western Arctic, with special emphasis on Barrow and Barter Island, Alaska. Int. J. Climatol., 18, 1687–1707.

Dairaku, K., and S. Emori, 2006: Dynamic and thermodynamic influences on intensified daily rainfall during the Asian summer monsoon under doubled atmospheric CO2 conditions. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L01704, doi:10.1029/2005GL024754.

Davey, M.K., et al., 2002: STOIC: A study of coupled model climatology and variability in tropical ocean regions. Clim. Dyn., 18, 403–420.

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Denis, B., R. Laprise, and D. Caya, 2003: Sensitivity of a regional climate model to the spatial resolution and temporal updating frequency of the lateral boundary conditions. Clim. Dyn., 20, 107–126.

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Déqué, M., et al., 2007: An intercomparison of regional climate simulations for Europe: assessing uncertainties in model projections. Clim. Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-006-9228-x.

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