4.4.6. Resource Availability
Section 3.4 in Chapter 3 reviews energy resources and technologies. Here existing
reserves (identified quantities recoverable at today's prices and with today's
technologies), resources that have yet to be discovered or that need foreseeable
techno-economic progress to become available in the future, and other occurrences
of hydrocarbons in the Earth's crust are considered. Oil, gas, and uranium occur
in deposits that need to be located, and the exploration for new resources is
related to the needs for production over the next few decades rather than to
a need to define what might ultimately be available for exploitation. Thus the
ultimate resource base is uncertain. Coal, on the other hand, occurs in seams
over wide areas and very little exploration is needed to give an estimate of
potentially available resources. Whether or not they could be mined with given
technologies and economics remains the most important uncertainty. Finally,
new renewable sources of energy are dependent on ongoing technological development
and cost reductions.
The conventional oil industry is relatively mature and the question is at what
point in the 21st century will the current reserves start to run out. However,
unconventional resources are also available - shale oil, bitumen, and heavy
oil. These are starting to be exploited and they will extend current conventional
oil reserves. The gas industry is less mature and much more remains to be discovered,
particularly in areas that do not currently have the infrastructure to utilize
gas and consequently exploration has been unattractive. Additionally, large
amounts of unconventional gas have been identified, some of which are already
in commercial production (e.g., in the US). Also, huge quantities of natural
gas are believed to exist as methane hydrates on the ocean floor (see Chapter
3) and it is possible that technology to exploit these will be developed
at some stage. For uranium and thorium, the amount of exploration to date has
been very limited, and hence the possibilities of discovering new deposits are
enormous. It is likely that even a major expansion of the nuclear industry will
not be limited by the amount of available uranium or thorium. With coal, the
question is not one of discovery but one of economics, accessibility, and environmental
To consider future resource availability as a dynamic process, however, does
not resolve the inherent uncertainties in terms of future success rates of hydrocarbon
exploration, technology development for either non-conventional fossil resources
or non-fossil alternatives, or future energy prices. Therefore, these uncertainties
are explored by adopting different scenario assumptions that range from low
to (very) high resource availability (see Table 4-4),
consistent with the interpretation of the various scenario storylines presented
in Section 4.3. This scenario approach is especially important
given that hydrocarbon occurrences are the largest storage of carbon. IPCC WGII
SAR (Watson et al., 1996) estimates the size of the total carbon "pool" in the
form of hydrocarbon occurrences to be up to 25,000 GtC. How much of this eventually
could become atmospheric emissions is at present unknown, and depends on the
future evolution of technology, prices, and other incentives for future hydrocarbon
use and their alternatives.
Given that long-term emission scenarios invariably rely on quantification by
formal models, an important distinction needs to be made between assumptions
concerning the ultimate resource base and projected actual resource use. Typically,
assumptions on the ultimate resource base enter models as exogenously specified
constraints - cumulative future production simply cannot exceed values specified
as the resource base. Actual resource use, or what is frequently termed the
"call on resources" conversely depends on numerous other factors represented
in models, such as:
- Future price levels (either assumed as exogenous inputs or determined endogenously
in the model).
- Assumptions on future technology improvements that either enable unconventional
hydrocarbons to be "mined" economically or, conversely, that draw on non-fossil
alternatives and/or non-climate environmental and social constraints (e.g.,
limits on particulates and sulfur emissions or on land degradation and mining
Their complex interplay results in scenarios of future cumulative resource
use being the most appropriate indicator, as opposed to exogenously pre-specified
resource-base constraints, especially in view of the multi-model approach adopted
to develop the SRES scenarios. Table 4-10 and Figures 4-8
to 4-10 summarize the results for the four SRES marker
scenarios and of the ensemble of SRES scenarios for their respective scenario
families and scenario groups (in the case of the A1 scenario family). It is
evident that, in the absence of climate policies, none of the SRES scenarios
depicts a premature end to the fossil-fuel age. Invariably, cumulative fossil-fuel
use to 2050 (not to mention 2100) exceeds the quantities of fossil fuels extracted
since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, even though the "call on" fossil
resources differs significantly across the four marker scenarios. This increase
is higher in the scenarios that explore a wider domain of uncertainty on future
fossil-resource availability.
For non-fossil resources, like uranium and renewable energies, future resource
potentials are primarily a function of the assumed rates of technological change,
energy prices, and other factors such as safety and risk considerations for
nuclear power generation. Generally, absolute resource constraints do not become
binding in the marker scenarios or other scenarios. The contribution of these
resources is substantially below the physical flows identified in Section
3.4, and therefore results mainly from scenario-specific assumptions concerning
technology availability, performance, and costs. These are summarized in Section
4.4.7. A1 Scenarios
Energy resources are taken to be plentiful by assuming a large future availability
of coal, unconventional oil, and gas as well as high levels of improvement in
the efficiency of energy exploitation technologies, energy conversion technologies,
and transport technologies. The grades of energy resources used in the model
differ on the basis of extraction costs. When combined with the level of improvement
in efficiency of exploitation technology (expressed as the rate of improvement
in marginal production costs), the graded costs of energy-resource exploitation
determine the energy production costs (prices) and hence the ultimate resource
extraction quantities. For A1, large amounts of unconventional oil and natural
gas availability were assumed. Cumulative (1990 to 2100) extraction of oil ranges
between 15 and 30 ZJ in the A1 scenarios (A1B marker, 17 ZJ); for gas the range
is between 23 and 48 ZJ (A1B marker, 36 ZJ) and for coal the range is between
8 and 50 ZJ (A1B marker, 12 ZJ). Resource availability and reliance uncertainties
are also explored through additional scenario groups. Three of these (A1C, A1G,
and A1T) explore more extreme patterns of reliance on particular resources and
technologies compared to the more "balanced" tendencies described in the A1B
scenarios, including the A1B marker. As discussed in Chapter
3 and Section 4.3.1, this characteristic of the
A1 scenario family stems from the interpretation of technological change and
resource availability as being cumulative and path dependent.
Table 4-10:Cumulative hydrocarbon use, historical
data from 1800 to 1994 (Nakicenovic et al., 1993, 1996; Rogner, 1997)
and range for SRES scenarios (markers and range across all scenarios) for
the four scenario families and their scenario groups. The numbers in brackets
give minimum and maximum values of scenario variants. Note in particular
the large variation within the A1 scenario family as a result of its branching
out into four scenario groups, each with a different reliance on particular
resource categories and technologies that range from carbon-intensive developments
to decarbonization. A1C and A1G have been combined into one fossil-intensive
group A1FI in the SPM (see also footnote
1). |
World Cumulative Hydrocarbon Use, in ZJ (1,000 EJ)
1994 |
Oil |
Gas |
Coal |
| A1 Scenario Groups
Besides the A1B marker scenario group, alternative pathways unfold within the
A1 family, according to diverging technology and resource assumptions (Figures
4-8 to 4-10). Two of these groups (A1C and A1G) were merged into one fossil-intensive
group (A1FI) in the SPM. The more detailed information on these two groups is
presented here, in Chapter 5 and Appendix
VII (see also footnote
The coal-intensive scenario group A1C is restricted mainly to conventional
oil and gas, which results in the lowest cumulative oil and gas use (15 to 19
ZJ) of all scenarios; it is even slightly lower than in the B2 scenario, which
has much lower energy demand. As such, the scenario illustrates the long-term
GHG emission implications of quickly "running out of conventional oil and gas"
combined with rapid technological progress in developing coal resources and
clean coal winning and conversion technologies. As a result, cumulative coal
use is very high - between 48 and 62 ZJ (median, 60 ZJ) between 1990 and 2100.
Conversely, oil and gas resources are assumed to be plentiful in the world
of scenario group A1G because of the assumed development of economic extraction
methods for unconventional oil and gas, including methane clathrates. Cumulative
oil and gas extraction amounts to 76 to 88 ZJ, about twice as high as in the
A1C scenario group. Mainly this reflects current perceptions that radical technological
change needs to occur to translate a more significant portion of the resource
base of unconventional oil and gas into potentially recoverable reserves, a
development evidently also cross-checked by possible developments in non-fossil
alternatives. Cumulative coal extraction in A1G is relatively low at 15 to 38
ZJ (median, 19 ZJ) across the scenarios of this scenario group.
As a result of fast technological progress in post-fossil alternatives in the
technology-dynamic A1T scenario group, the call on oil and gas resources is
comparatively modest - cumulative extraction to 2100 ranges between 36 and 46
ZJ, quite similar to the A1C scenario group. The main difference is that because
of the improvements in non-fossil alternatives the call on coal resources remains
modest - cumulative coal use of 4 to 12 ZJ (median: 10 ZJ) in A1T is the lowest
of all the scenarios. A2 Scenarios
Figure 4-8: Cumulative oil resource
use 1990 to 2100 in the SRES scenario families, including the four scenario
groups within the A1 scenario family. The bars show the spread of total
oil extraction over all scenarios in the respective scenario family; the
resultant medians and the values of the respective marker scenarios are
also shown. A1C and A1G have been combined into one fossil-intensive group
A1FI in the SPM (see also footnote
Figure 4-9: Cumulative gas resource use 1990 to 2100
in the SRES scenario families, including the four scenario groups within
the A1 scenario family. The bars show the spread of total gas extraction
over all scenarios in the respective scenario family; the resultant medians
and the values of the respective marker scenarios are also shown. A1C
and A1G have been combined into one fossil-intensive group A1FI in the
SPM (see also footnote
Figure 4-10: Cumulative coal resource use 1990 to 2100 in the SRES
scenario families, including the four scenario groups within the A1 scenario
family. The bars show the spread of total coal extraction over all scenarios
in the respective scenario family; the resultant medians and the values
of the respective marker scenarios are also shown. A1C and A1G have been
combined into one fossil-intensive group A1FI in the SPM (see also footnote
Resource availability assumptions for the A2-ASF world are generally rather
conservative, essentially that current conventional estimates of petroleum resource
availability are not expanded29.
Unconventional hydrocarbons, such as methane clathrates and heavy oils, do not
come into large-scale use. As a result, coal resource use is the highest among
the SRES marker scenarios. The ASF marker scenario quantification of oil, natural
gas, and coal resource availability reflects the Rogner (1997) estimates for
conventional oil and coal resource availability and the recent IGU (1997) estimates
for conventional gas reserves (optimistic scenario, see Chapter
3). Resource extraction costs in the ASF depend on the resource "grade"
and vary from US$2.6 to 5.2 per GJ for oil (in 1990 dollars), from US$1.2 to
4.6 per GJ for gas, and US$0.7 to 6.0 per GJ for coal. Harmonized and Other A2 Scenarios
The primary energy structure of the A2 family scenarios is also reflected in
the cumulative fossil fuel resource use, characterized by an increasing reliance
on coal resources (see Figures 4-8 to 4-10). The cumulative
oil use varies by a factor of two across the A2-family, between 11 and 24 ZJ
(median, 18 ZJ; A2 marker, 17 ZJ). Cumulative gas use ranges between 20 and
ZJ 36 (median, 23 ZJ; A2 marker, 25 ZJ). The higher end of the range of gas
resource use occurs in the A2G-IMAGE scenarios, which explored the scenario
sensitivity to assuming that a significant fraction of methane hydrate occurrences
become technically and economically recoverable in an A2 world. Given the regional
orientation of the A2 scenario storyline and the resultant quest for energy
independence, the possibility of tapping even currently "exotic" fossil resources
certainly merits such a scenario sensitivity analysis. The opposite end of the
resource availability spectrum is explored in the MiniCAM scenarios of the A2
scenario family. First, methane clathrates are assumed not to become available.
As a result, the call on resources focuses on coal (A2-MiniCAM) or, in a scenario
sensitivity analysis, more on unconventional oil and gas (A2-A1-MiniCAM). The
range of reliance on coal resources is thus an inverse image of the range of
oil and gas resource availability. Cumulative coal extraction varies between
22 and 53 ZJ (median, 35 ZJ; A2 marker, 47 ZJ) across the scenarios of the A2
scenario family. This picture mainly represents what used to be termed "conventional
wisdom" in much of the scenario literature (including the previous IS92 scenario
series). Importantly, while the probabilities of alternative developments of
fossil and non-fossil resource availability cannot be assessed at present, the
multi-model, multi-scenario approach described here demonstrates that the uncertainties
in fossil resource availability might be much larger than assumed a decade ago.
This finding also reflects the results of IPCC WGII SAR (Watson et al., 1996). B1 Scenarios
Assumptions on the fossil fuel resource-base used in the B1 marker scenario
quantification are based on the estimates of ultimately recoverable conventional
and unconventional fossil resources described in Rogner (1997). The capital
output ratio of resource exploitation is assumed to rise with progressive resource
depletion, but this is counteracted by learning curve effects in the marker
scenario quantification provided by the IMAGE model. Regional estimates of the
exploitation costs of conventional and unconventional resources of Rogner (1997)
were used to construct long-term supply cost curves as of 1971. These values,
rather than absolute upper bounds on resource base availability, define future
resource availability in the IMAGE model. The supposed availability of huge
non-conventional occurrences of oil and natural gas, with a geographic distribution
markedly different from the distribution of conventional oil and gas, has significant
implications for fuel supply and trade patterns in the long term. For coal resources,
Rogner's (1997) estimates were also adopted; of the total of 262 ZJ, 58 ZJ belong
to the categories of proved recoverable, additional recoverable, and additional
identified coal resources. The production costs of coal were assumed to rise
with increasing depth and rising labor wages, but these costs are largely offset
by mechanization (in underground mining) and economies of scale (in surface
mining). Harmonized and Other B1 Scenarios
The call on oil resources in the scenarios that comprise the B1 scenario family
ranges between 11 and 20 ZJ, with a median of 17 ZJ (B1 marker, 20 ZJ). For
gas the range is 15 to 33 ZJ (median, 20 ZJ; B1 marker, 15 ZJ), and for coal
the corresponding range is between 3 and 27 ZJ (median, 11 ZJ; B1 marker, 13
ZJ). An overview is given in Figures 4-8 to 4- 10. B2 Scenarios
The availability of fossil energy resources in the B2 marker scenario is assumed
to be conservative, in line with the gradual, incremental change philosophy
of the B2 scenario storyline. Consequently, oil and gas availability expands
only gradually while coal continues to be abundant. Assumed oil and gas resource
availability does not extend much beyond current conventional and unconventional
reserves. Through gradual improvements in technology, a larger share of unconventional
reserves and some additional resource categories are assumed to become available
at improved costs over the 21st century. The availability of oil and gas, in
particular, is limited compared to the estimated magnitude of global fossil
resources and occurrences (Watson et al., 1996). This translates into relatively
limited energy options in general and extends also to non-fossil energy options. Harmonized and Other B2 Scenarios
Alternative B2 scenario implementations assumed similar order of magnitudes
of resource availability as the B2-marker scenario, except for B2 High-MiniCAM.
The resultant cumulative resource use (1990-2100) ranged between 9 and 23 ZJ
(median, 17 ZJ; B2 marker, 19 ZJ) for oil, between 18 and 27 ZJ (median, 21
ZJ; B2 marker, 27 ZJ) for gas, and between 12 and 55 ZJ (median, 21 ZJ; B2 marker,
13 ZJ) for coal (see Figures 4-8 to 4-10). The largest
uncertainties relate to different interpretations of the more gradual changes
under a "dynamics-as-usual" philosophy that characterizes the B2 scenario storyline.
One group of scenarios (including the B2 marker) assumed a gradual expansion
in the availability of conventional and unconventional oil and gas, whereas
another group of scenarios adopted more conservative assumptions (akin to the
A2 and B1 scenario families)30.
All else being equal, lower resource-availability assumptions for oil and natural
gas lead to a higher reliance on coal and non-fossil alternatives and explain,
together with technology assumptions, the differences in emissions between alternative
B2 scenario quantifications discussed in Chapter 5.