Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Even more than for CH4 , the assumed future food supply will be a key determinant
of future N2O emissions. Size, age structure, and regional spread of the global
population will be reflected in the emissions trajectories, together with assumptions
on diets and improvements in agricultural practices. Again, as for CH4 in the
SRES scenarios (see Section 5.4.1 in Chapter 5), continued
growth of N2O emissions emerges only in the A2 scenario, largely because of
high population growth. In the other three marker scenarios, emissions peak
and then decline sooner or later in the course of the 21 st century. Importantly,
as the largest anthropogenic source of N2O (cultivated soils) is already very
uncertain in the base year, all future emissions trajectories are affected by
large uncertainties, especially if calculated with different models, as is the
case in this SRES report. Therefore, the writing team recommends further research
into the sources and modeling of long-term N2O emissions. Uncertainty ranges
are correspondingly large, and are sometimes asymmetric. For example, while
the range in 2100 reported in all A1 scenarios is between 5 and 10 MtN (7 MtN
in the A1B marker), the A2 marker reports 17 MtN in 2100. Other A2 scenarios
report emissions that fall within the range reported for A1 (from 8 to 19 MtN
in 2100). Thus, different model representations of processes that lead to N2O
emissions and uncertainties in source strength can outweigh easily any underlying
differences between individual scenarios in terms of population growth, economic
development, etc. Different assumptions with respect to future crop productivity,
agricultural practices, and associated emission factors, especially in the very
populous regions of the world, explain the very different global emission levels
even for otherwise shared main scenario drivers. Hence, the SRES scenarios extend
the uncertainty range of future emissions significantly toward higher emissions
(4.8 to 20.2 MtN by 2100 in SRES compared to 5.4 to 10.8 MtN in the IS92 scenarios.
(Note that natural sources are excluded in this comparison.) Halocarbons and Halogenated Compounds
The emissions of halocarbons (chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons
(HCFCs), halons, methylbromide, and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)) and other halogenated
compounds (polyfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)) across the
SRES scenarios are described in detail on a substance-by-substance basis in
Chapter 5 and Fenhann (2000). However, none of the six
SRES models has its own projections for emissions of ozone depleting substances
(ODSs), their detailed driving forces, and their substitutes. Hence, a different
approach for scenario generation was adopted.
First, for ODSs, an external scenario, the Montreal Protocol scenario (A3,
maximum allowed production) from WMO/UNEP (1998) is used as direct input to
SRES. In this scenario corresponding emissions decline to zero by 2100 as a
result of international environmental agreements, a development not yet anticipated
in some of the IS92 scenarios (Pepper et al., 1992). For the other gas
species, most notably for CFC and HCFC substitutes, a simple methodology of
developing different emissions trajectories consistent with the aggregate SRES
scenario driving force assumptions (population, GDP, etc.) was developed. Scenarios
are equally further differentiated as to assumed future technological change
and control rates for these gases, varied across the scenarios consistently
within the interpretation of the SRES storylines presented in Chapter
4. The literature, as well as the scenario methodology and data, are documented
in more detail in Fenhann (2000) and are summarized in Chapter
Second, different assumptions about CFC applications as well as substitute
candidates were developed. These were initially based on Kroeze and Reijnders
(1992) and information given in Midgley and McCulloch (1999), but updated with
the most recent information from the Joint IPCC/TEAP Expert Meeting on Options
for the Limitation of Emissions of HFCs and PFCs (WMO/UNEP, 1999) as described
below. An important assumption, on the basis of the latest information from
the industry, is that relatively few Montreal gases will be replaced fully by
HFCs. Current indications are that substitution rates of CFCs by HFCs will be
less than 50% (McCulloch and Midgley, 1998). In Fenhann (2000) a further technological
development is assumed that would result in about 25% of the CFCs ultimately
being substituted by HFCs (see Table 5-9 in Chapter
5). This low percentage not only reflects the introduction of non-HFC substitutes,
but also the notion that smaller amounts of halocarbons will be used in many
applications when changing to HFCs (efficiency gains with technological change).
A general assumption is that the present trend, not to substitute with high
GWP substances (including PFCs and SF6), will continue. As a result of this
assumption, the emissions reported here may be underestimates. This substitution
approach is used in all four scenarios, and the technological options adopted
are those known at present. Further substitution away from HFCs is assumed to
require a climate policy and is therefore not considered in SRES scenarios.
Policy measures that may indirectly induce lower halocarbon emissions in the
scenarios are adopted for reasons other than climate change. For one scenario
(A2) no reductions were assumed, whereas in the other scenarios intermediary
reduction rates and levels were assumed. Expressed in HFC-134a equivalents (based
on SAR equivalents), HFCs in the SRES scenarios range between 843 and 2123 kt
HFC-134a equivalent by 2100, compared to 1188 to 2375 kt HFC-134a equivalent
in IS92. The range of emissions of HFCs in the SRES scenario is initially generally
lower than in earlier IPCC scenarios because of new insights about the availability
of alternatives to HFCs as replacements for substances controlled by the Montreal
Protocol. In two of the four scenarios in the report, HFC emissions increase
rapidly in the second half of the 21st century, while in two others the growth
of emissions is significantly slowed down or reversed in that period.
Aggregating all the different halocarbons (CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs) as well as halogenated
compounds (PFCs and SF6) into MtC-equivalents (using SAR GWPs) indicates a range
between 386 and 1096 MtC-equivalent by 2100 for the SRES scenarios. This compares
(see Table 6-2b) with a range of 746 to 875 MtC-equivalent for IS92 (which,
however, does not include PFCs and SF6). (The comparable SRES range, excluding
PFCs and SF6, is between 299 and 753 MtC-equivalent by 2100.) The scenarios
presented here indicate a wider range of uncertainty compared to IS92, particularly
toward lower emissions (because of the technological and substitution reasons
discussed above).
The effect on climate of each of the substances aggregated to MtC-equivalents
given in Table 6-2b varies greatly, because of
differences in both atmospheric lifetime and the radiative effect per molecule
of each gas. The net effect on climate of these substances is best determined
by a calculation of their radiative forcing - which is the amount by which these
gases enhance the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. The net radiative effect
of all halocarbons, PFCs, and SF6 from 1990 to 2100, including a current estimate
of the radiative effect of stratospheric ozone depletion and subsequent recovery,
ranges from 6% to 9% of the total radiative forcing from all GHGs and SO2 .
Preliminary calculations indicate that the net radiative effect of PFCs and
SF6 in SRES scenarios will be no greater, relative to total anthropogenic forcing,
by 2100 than it is at present.
6.3.3. Sulfur Dioxide Emissions
Emissions of sulfur portray even more dynamic patterns in time and space than
the CO2 emissions shown in Figures 6-5
and 6-6. Factors other than climate change (namely
regional and local air quality, and transformations in the structure of the
energy system and end use) intervene to limit future emissions. Figure
6-10 shows the range of global sulfur emissions for all SRES scenarios and
the four markers against the emissions range of the IS92 scenarios, more than
80 scenarios from the literature, and the historical development.
Figure 6-10: Global anthropogenic
SO2 emissions (MtS) -
historical development from 1930 to 1990 and (standardized)
in the SRES scenarios. The dashed colored time-paths depict
SRES scenarios, the solid colored lines the four
marker scenarios, the
solid thin curves the six IS92 scenarios,
the shaded areas the range
of 81 scenarios from the literature,
the gray shaded area the sulfur-control
and the blue shaded
area the range of sulfur-non-control scenarios or
classified" scenarios from the literature that exceeds the range
of sulfur control scenarios. The colored vertical bars indicate
range of the SRES scenario families in 2100.
Database source: Grübler
A detailed review of long-term global and regional sulfur emission scenarios
is given in Grübler (1998) and summarized in Chapter 3.
The most important new finding from the scenario literature is recognition of
the significant adverse impacts of sulfur emissions on human health, food production,
and ecosystems. As a result, scenarios published since 1995 generally assume
various degrees of sulfur controls to be implemented in the future, and thus
have projections substantially lower than previous ones, including the IS92
scenario series. Of these, only the two low-demand scenarios IS92c and IS92d
fall within the range of more recent long-term sulfur emission scenarios. A
related reason for lower sulfur emission projections is the recent tightening
of sulfur-control policies in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) countries, such as the Amendments of the Clean Air Act in
the USA and the implementation of the Second European Sulfur Protocol. Such
legislative changes were not reflected in previous long-term emission scenarios,
as noted in Alcamo et al. (1995) and Houghton et al. (1995). Similar
sulfur control initiatives due to local air quality concerns are beginning to
impact sulfur emissions also in a number of developing countries in Asia and
Latin America (see IEA, 1999; La Rovere and Americano, 1998; Streets and Waldhoff,
2000; for a more detailed discussion see Chapter 3). As
a result, the median from recent sulfur scenarios (see Chapter
3) is consequently significantly lower compared to IS92, indicating a continual
decline in global sulfur emissions in the long-term. The median and mean of
sulfur control scenarios are almost identical. As mentioned above, even the
highest range of recent sulfur-control scenarios is significantly below that
of comparable, high-demand IS92 scenarios (IS92a, IS92b, IS92e, and IS92f).
The scenarios with the lowest ranges project stringent sulfur-control levels
that lead to a substantial decline in long-term emissions and a return to emission
levels that prevailed at the beginning of the 20th century.
Reflecting recent developments and the literature (reviewed in Chapter
3), it is assumed that sulfur emissions in the SRES scenarios will also
be controlled increasingly outside the OECD. As a result, both long-term trends
and regional patterns of sulfur emissions evolve differently from carbon emissions
in the SRES scenarios. As a general pattern, global sulfur emissions do not
rise substantially, and eventually decline, even in absolute terms, during the
second half of the 21st century (see also Chapters 2 and
3). The spatial distribution of emissions changes markedly.
Emissions in the OECD countries continue their recent declining trend (reflecting
the tightening of control measures). Emissions outside the OECD rise initially,
most notably in Asia, which compensates for the declining OECD emissions. Over
the long term, however, sulfur emissions decline throughout the world, but the
timing and magnitude vary across the scenarios tightening of control measures).
Emissions outside the OECD rise initially, most notably in Asia, which compensates
for the declining OECD emissions. Over the long term, however, sulfur emissions
decline throughout the world, but the timing and magnitude vary across the scenarios.
The SRES scenario set brackets global anthropogenic sulfur emissions between
27 and 169 MtS by 2050 and between 11 and 93 MtS by 2100 (see Table
6-2b). The range of emissions for the four markers is smaller. In contrast,
the range of the IS92 scenarios (Pepper et al., 1992; Alcamo et al.,
1995) is substantially higher, starting at 80 MtS and extending all the way
to 200 MtS by 2050 and from 55 to 230 MtS by 2100. The two lowest scenarios,
IS92c and IS92d, approach the higher end estimates of the SRES scenarios in
2100, while others are above the SRES range. As mentioned, this difference reflects
the expected future consequences of recent policies that aim to achieve a drastic
reduction in sulfur emissions in OECD countries, as well as an anticipated gradual
introduction of sulfur controls in developing regions in the long-term, as reported
in the underlying literature (see Chapter 3). In other words, all SRES scenarios
assume sulfur control measures, although the uncertainty in timing and magnitude
of implementation is reflected in the variation across different scenarios.
Importantly, SRES scenarios assume sulfur controls only and do not assume any
additional climate policy measures. Nevertheless, one important implication
of this varying pattern of sulfur emissions is that the historically important,
but uncertain, negative radiative forcing of sulfate aerosols may decline in
the very long run. This view is also confirmed by model calculations reported
in Subak et al. (1997) and Nakicenovic et al. (1998), on the basis
of recent long-term GHG and sulfur emission scenarios.