This Synthesis Report with its Summary for Policymakers is the fourth and final
part of the Third Assessment Report (TAR) of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC). It draws together and integrates for the benefit of policy
makers, and others, and in response to questions identified by governments and
subsequently agreed by the IPCC, information that has been approved and/ or
accepted by the IPCC.1
It is intended to assist governments, individually and collectively, in formulating
appropriate adaptation and mitigation responses to the threat of human-induced
climate change.
The Synthesis Report is based mainly on the contributions of the three IPCC
Working Groups to the TAR, but also uses information from earlier IPCC assessments,
Special Reports, and Technical Papers. It follows the question and answer format,
and is in two parts: a Summary for Policymakers and a longer document that contains
expanded responses to each of the questions posed by governments. The Summary
for Policymakers references the appropriate paragraphs in the longer report,
while the longer report contains references to the source of the material on
which the response is based -- that is, the Summaries for Policymakers and
chapters from previously approved and accepted Working Group contributions to
the TAR and earlier IPCC reports and Technical Papers (see the accompanying
box for cross-referencing nomenclature).
The procedures for approving the Summary for Policymakers and adopting the
balance of the Synthesis Report were formalized by the IPCC at its Fifteenth
Session (San Jose, Costa Rica, 15-18 April 1999). A draft of the Synthesis
Report and its Summary for Policymakers was prepared by a team of lead authors,
who were involved in preparation of the TAR, and submitted for simultaneous
government/ technical and expert review. The revised drafts were circulated
to governments in a final distribution before approval/ adoption at the IPCC's
Eighteenth Session (Wembley, United Kingdom, 24- 29 September 2001).
The Synthesis Report consists of nine policy-relevant questions:
- Question 1 addresses the ultimate objective of the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is found in Article
2 (i. e., what constitutes "dangerous anthropogenic interference in the
climate system") and provides a framework for placing the issue of climate
change in the context of sustainable development.
- Question 2 assesses and, where possible, attributes
observed changes in climate and ecological systems since the pre-industrial
- Questions 3 and 4 assess the
impact of future emissions of greenhouse gases and sulfate aerosol precursors
(without specific policies to mitigate climate change) on climate, including
changes in variability and extreme events and in ecological and socio-economic
- Question 5 discusses inertia in the climate, ecological
systems, and socio-economic sectors, and implications for mitigation and adaptation.
- Question 6 assesses the near-and long-term implications
of stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases on climate,
ecological systems, and socio-economic sectors.
- Question 7 assesses the technologies, policies, and
costs of near-and long-term actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
- Question 8 identifies the interactions between climate
change, other environmental issues, and development.
- Question 9 summarizes the most robust findings and
key uncertainties.
We take this opportunity to thank:
- The Core Writing Team who drafted this report and, with their meticulous
and painstaking attention to detail, finalized it
- Other members of the IPCC Bureau who acted as Review Editors
- The members of the Working Groups' teams of Coordinating Lead Authors and
Lead Authors who helped with the initial drafting
- The Heads and the staff of the Technical Support Units of the three Working
Groups, particularly David Dokken, Maria Noguer, and Paul van der Linden for
logistical and editorial support
- The Head and the staff of the GRID office at Arendal, Norway -- Philippe
Rekacewicz in particular -- for working with the author team on the graphics
contained in the Synthesis Report
- The staff of the IPCC Secretariat for innumerable administrative tasks performed.
The Synthesis Report with its Summary for Policymakers is published here in
a single volume together with the Summaries for Policymakers and Technical
of the Working Group contributions to the TAR, as well as a comprehensive,
consolidated glossary. The Synthesis Report is also available in Arabic, Chinese,
Russian, and Spanish -- the other official languages of the IPCC. The Synthesis
Report is also available as a stand-alone publication, as are discrete brochures
consisting of the Summaries for Policymakers, Technical Summaries, and glossaries
of the respective Working Group reports. The full English text of all four
comprising the Third Assessment Report has been published in both print and
digital form, with searchable versions available on cd-rom and at
R. T. Watson
IPCC Chair
N. Sundararaman
IPCC Secretary
IPCC Assessments Cited in the Synthesis Report
Relevant paragraph in the underlying Synthesis
Report |
Summary for Policymakers |
Working Group I contribution to the Third Assessment
Report |
TS |
Technical Summary |
Working Group II contribution to the Third Assessment
Report |
ES |
Executive Summary |
Working Group III contribution to the Third
Assessment Report |
GP |
Guidance Paper |
Special Report on Emissions Scenarios |
TP |
Technical Paper |
Special Report on Land Use, Land-Use
Change, and Forestry |
Special Report on the Methodological and Technological
Issues in Technology Transfer |
Special Report on Aviation and the Global Atmosphere |
Guidance Paper on Development, Equity, and Sustainability |
Technical Paper on Implications of Proposed
CO2 Emissions Limitations |
Technical Paper on Stabilization of Atmospheric
Greehouse Gases: Physical, Biological, and Socio-Economic Implications |
Working Group II contribution to the Second
Assessment Report |