Question 6
- How does the extent and timing
of the introduction of a range of emissions reduction actions
determine and affect the rate, magnitude, and impacts of climate
change, and affect the global and regional economy, taking into
account the historical and current emissions?
- What is known from sensitivity
studies about regional and globa climatic, environmental, and
socio-economic consequences of stabilizing the atmospheric concentrations
of greenhouse gases (in carbon dioxide equivalents), at a range
of levels from today's to double that level or more, taking into
account to the extent possible the effects of aerosols? For each
stabilization scenario, including different pathways to stabilization,
evaluate the range of costs and benefits, relative to the range
of scenarios considered in Question 3, in
terms of:
- Projected changes in atmospheric concentrations, climate,
and sea level, including changes beyond 100 years
- Impacts and economic costs and benefits of changes in climate
and atmospheric composition on human health, diversity and
productivity of ecological systems, and socio-economic sectors
(particularly agriculture and water)
- The range of options for adaptation, including the costs,
benefits, and challenges
- The range of technologies, policies, and practices that
could be used to achieve each of the stabilization levels,
with an evaluation of the national and global costs and benefits,
and an assessment of how these costs and benefits would compare,
either qualitatively or quantitatively, to the avoided environmental
harm that would be achieved by the emissions reductions
- Development, sustainability, and equity issues associated
with impacts, adaptation, and mitigation at a regional and
global level.
The climatic, environmental, and socio-economic consequences of greenhouse
gas emissions were assessed in Question 3 for scenarios that do not include
any climate policy interventions. These same issues are addressed here
in Question 6, but this time to assess the benefits that would result
from a set of climate policy interventions. Among the emission reduction
scenarios considered are scenarios that would achieve stabilization of
CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. The role of adaptation
as a complement to mitigation and the potential contributions of reducing
emissions to the goals of sustainable development and equity are evaluated.
The policies and technologies that might be used to implement the emission
reductions and their costs are considered in Question
The projected rate and magnitude of warming and
sea-level rise can be lessened by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
6.3 |
The greater the reductions in emissions
and the earlier they are introduced, the smaller and slower the projected
warming and rise in sea levels. Future climate change is determined
by historic, current, and future emissions. Estimates have been made of
the global mean temperature and sea-level rise effects of a 2% per year
reduction in CO2 emissions by developed countries over the
period 2000 to 2100, assuming that developing countries do not reduce
their emissions.6
Under these assumptions, global emissions and the atmospheric concentration
of CO2 grow throughout the century but at a diminished rate
compared to scenarios that assume no actions to reduce developed country
emissions. The effects of the emission limit accrue slowly but build with
time. By the year 2030, the projected concentration of CO2
in the atmosphere is reduced roughly 20% relative to the IS92a scenario
of unabated emissions, which diminishes warming and sea-level rise by
a small amount within this time frame. By the year 2100, the projected
CO2 concentration is reduced by 35% relative to the IS92a scenario,
projected global mean warming reduced by 25%, and projected sea-level
rise reduced by 20%. Analyses of CO2 emission reductions of
1% per year by developed countries indicate that the lesser reductions
would yield smaller reductions in CO2 concentration, temperature
change, and sea-level rise. Actions such as these taken now would have
a greater effect at the year 2100 than the same emissions reductions implemented
at a later time.
6.4 |
Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and the gases
that control their concentration would be necessary to stabilize radiative
forcing. For example, for the most important anthropogenic greenhouse
gas, carbon cycle models indicate that stabilization of atmospheric CO2
concentrations at 450, 650, or 1,000 ppm would require global anthropogenic
CO2 emissions to drop below year 1990 levels within a few decades,
about a century, or about 2 centuries, respectively, and continue to decrease
steadily thereafter (see Figure 6-1).
These models illustrate that emissions would peak in about 1 to 2 decades
(450 ppm) and roughly a century (1,000 ppm) from the present (see Table
6-1). Eventually CO2 emissions would need to decline to
a very small fraction of current emissions. The benefits of different
stabilization levels are discussed later in Question 6 and the costs of
these stabilization levels are discussed in Question
WGI TAR Section 3.7.3 |
6.5 |
There is a wide band of uncertainty
in the amount of warming that would result from any stabilized greenhouse
gas concentration. Estimates of global mean temperature change
for scenarios that would stabilize the concentration of CO2
at different levels, and hold them constant thereafter, are presented
in Figure 6-1c. The uncertainty
about climate sensitivity yields a wide range of estimates of temperature
change that would result from emissions corresponding to a selected concentration
This is shown more clearly in Figure
6-2, which shows eventual CO2 concentration stabilization
levels and the corresponding range of temperature change that is estimated
to be realized in the year 2100 and at long-run equilibrium. To estimate
temperature changes for these scenarios, it is assumed that emissions
of greenhouse gases other than CO2 would follow the SRES A1B
scenario until the year 2100 and that emissions of these gases would be
constant thereafter. Different assumptions about emissions of other greenhouse
gases would result in different estimates of warming for each CO2
stabilization level.
WGI TAR Section 9.3.3 |
Figure 6-1: Stabilizing CO2
concentrations would require substantial reductions of emissions below
current levels and would slow the rate of warming.
a) CO2 emissions: The time paths of CO2
emissions that would lead to stabilization of the concentration of CO2
in the atmosphere at 450, 550, 650, 750, and 1,000 ppm are estimated for
the WRE stabilization profiles using carbon cycle models. Lower CO2
concentration levels would require an earlier reversal of emissions growth
and earlier decreases to levels below current emissions. The shaded area
illustrates the range of uncertainty in estimating CO2 emissions
corresponding to specified concentration time paths, as represented in
carbon cycle models. Also shown for comparison are CO2 emissions
for three of the SRES scenarios (A1B, A2, and B1), which do not include
greenhouse gas emission limits.
b) CO2 concentrations: The CO2 concentrations
specified for the WRE profiles gradually approach stabilized levels that
range from 450 to 1,000 ppm. Also shown for comparison are estimates of
CO2 concentrations that would result from three of the SRES
projections of emissions (A1B, A2, and B1).
c) Global mean temperature changes: Global mean temperature changes
are estimated for the WRE stabilization profiles using a simple climate
model tuned in turn to each of several more complex models.Estimated warming
slows as growth in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 slows
and warming continues after the time at which the CO2 concentration
is stabilized (indicated by black spots) but at a much diminished rate.
It is assumed that emissions of gases other than CO2 follow
the SRES A1B projection until the year 2100 and are constant thereafter.This
scenario was chosen as it is in the middle of the range of the SRES scenarios.
The dashed lines show the temperature changes projected for the S profiles,
an alternate set of CO2 stabilization profiles (not shown in
panels (a) or (b)). The shaded area illustrates the effect of a range
of climate sensitivity across the five stabilization cases.The colored
bars on the righthand side show, for each WRE profile, the range at the
year 2300 due to the different climate model tunings and the diamonds
on the righthand side show the equilibrium (very long-term) warming for
each stabilization level using average climate model results. Also shown
for comparison are temperature increases in the year 2100 estimated for
the SRES emission scenarios (indicated by red crosses). |
WGI TAR Sections 3.7.3 &
9.3.3, & IPCC TP3 |