Question 8
What is known about the interactions between
projected human-induced changes in climate and other environmental
issues (e.g., urban air pollution, regional acid deposition, loss
of biological diversity, stratospheric ozone depletion, and desertification
and land degradation)? What is known about
environmental, social, and economic costs and benefits and implications
of these interactions for integrating climate change response strategies
in an equitable manner into broad sustainable development strategies
at the local, regional, and global scales?
The answer to this question recognizes two major points. The first is
that the human impacts on the environment are manifested in several issues,
many driven by common factors associated with the meeting of human needs.
The second is that many of these issues -- their causes and impacts -- are
biogeophysically and socio-economically interrelated. With a central emphasis
on climate change, this answer assesses the current understanding of the
interrelations between the causes and impacts of the key environmental
issues of today. To that is added a summary of the now largely separate
policy approaches to these issues. In so doing, this answer frames how
choices associated with one issue may positively or negatively influence
another. With such knowledge, there is the prospect of efficient integrated
Local, regional, and global environmental issues
often combine in ways that jointly affect the sustainable meeting of
human needs.
Meeting human needs is degrading the environment
in many instances, and environmental degradation is hampering the meeting
of human needs. Society has a range of socio-economic paths to
development; however, these will only be sustainable if due consideration
is given to the environment. Environmental degradation is already evident
at the local, regional, and global scale, such as air pollution, scarcity
of freshwater, deforestation, desertification, acid deposition, loss of
biological diversity and changes at the genetic and species level, land
degradation, stratospheric ozone depletion, and climate change. Very frequently,
addressing human needs causes or exacerbates several environmental problems,
which may increase the vulnerability to climatic changes. For example,
with the aim of higher agricultural production, there is increased use
of nitrogeneous fertilizers, irrigation, and conversion of forested areas
to croplands. These agricultural activities can affect the Earth's
climate through release of greenhouse gases, degrade land by erosion and
salinization, and reduce biodiversity. In turn, an environmental change
can impact meeting human needs. For example, agricultural productivity
can be adversely affected by changes in the magnitude and pattern of rainfall,
and human health in an urban environment can be impacted by heat waves.
WGI TAR Sections 3.4, 4.1,
& 5.2, WGII
TAR Sections 4.1 & 5.1-2,
& WGIII TAR Sections 3.6
& 4.2 |
8.4 |
Just as different environmental problems are often
caused by the same underlying driving forces (economic growth, broad technological
changes, life-style patterns, demographic shifts (population size, age
structure, and migration), and governance structures), common barriers
inhibit solutions to a variety of environmental and socio-economic issues.
Approaches to the amelioration of environmental issues can be hampered
by many of the same barriers, for example:
- Increased demand for natural resources and energy
- Market imperfections, including subsidies that lead to the inefficient
use of resources and act as a barrier to the market penetration of environmentally
sound technologies; the lack of recognition of the true value of natural
resources; failure to appropriate for the global values of natural resources
at the local level; and failure to internalize the costs of environmental
degradation into the market price of a resource
- Limited availability and transfer of technology, inefficient use of
technologies, and inadequate investment in research and development
for the technologies of the future
- Failure to manage adequately the use of natural resources and energy.
Chapter 3, & SRTT TS 1.5 |
Several environmental issues that traditionally have
been viewed as separate are indeed linked with climate change via common
biogeochemical and socio-economic processes.
8.6 |
Figure 8-1 illustrates
how climate change is interlinked with several other environmental issues.
Ozone Air Pollution and Climate Change
8.7 |
Surface ozone air pollution and the emissions that drive it
are important contributors to global climate change. The same pollutants
that generate surface ozone pollution (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide,
and volatile organic compounds) also contribute to the rise in global tropospheric
ozone, making it the third most important contributor to radiative forcing
after CO2 and CH4 (see Figure
2-2). In some regions emissions of ozone precursor substances are controlled
by regional environmental treaties (see Table
8-3) and other regulations.
WGI TAR Sections 4.2.3-4 |