Figure 5-3: Stabilizing CO2
emissions at current levels will result in a continously rising atmospheric CO2
concentration and temperature. Stabilization of atmospheric CO2
and temperature change will eventually require the emissions to drop well below
current levels. In all three panels the red curves illustrate the result of emissions
held constant at the level prescribed by the WRE 550 profile for the year 2000
(which is slightly higher than the actual emissions for the year 2000), while
the blue curves are the result of emissions following the WRE 550 stabilization
profile. Both cases are illustrative only: Constant global emissions are unrealistic
in the short term, and no preference is expressed for the WRE 550 profile over
others. Other stabilization profiles are illustrated in Figure
6-1. Figure 5-3 was constructed using the models described in WGI
TAR Chapters 3 & 9.