1.2 Cost-effective Mitigation
1.2.1 Introduction
This section describes the key themes that have been pursued by the research
community working from the cost-effective mitigation perspective
(as conceptualized in Figure 1.2). The focus here
is on the kinds of issues that the research community working from this perspective
address and not on specific results.
Figure 1.2: The cost-effectiveness perspective.
Researchers working from a cost-effective perspective generally focus on achieving
some policy objective at minimum cost. Cost minimization, in some cases, is
used to compare alternative ways to meet some climate policy objective (like
a specific GHG emissions or concentration target); in other cases, alternative
ways to minimize the total cost of climate change and policies designed to ameliorate
its impacts are considered. In the former, the policy objective is included
as a constraint; but in the latter, the objective is to minimize the cost of
the climate change. In either case, the policies considered are generally restricted
to those that directly affect energy use or other activities with a direct impact
on GHG emissions. Although equity and sustainability metrics are frequently
examined in these analyses, their inclusion usually occurs after the cost-effectiveness
calculations have been completed. Exceptions to this general observation include
input assumptions related to discounting and utility function parameters that
do represent trade-offs between the utilities of various groups and generations.
Judicious use of sensitivity analysis can, however, illuminate the trade-offs
implied along these dimensions, but these trade-offs are not usually the main
focus of such studies. It is therefore difficult, ex post, to graft other policy
objectives related to development or sustainability (e.g., poverty reduction,
human capital development) onto a cost-effectiveness style of assessment.
1.2.2 The Costs of Climate Change Mitigation
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change makes clear that
cost-effectiveness is an important criterion to be used (among others) in formulating
and implementing climate policies. As stated in Article
3.3 of the convention
taking into account that policies and
measures to deal with climate change should be cost-effective so as to ensure
that global benefits at the lowest possible cost (UNFCC, 1992). The impacts
of climate policy can be defined as the changes that policies cause relative
to some business-as-usual or baseline situation. As
discussed in Chapter 2, a baseline is a scenario of
how the global or regional environments, depending on the study, will evolve
over time (often over 100 years or more for baselines used in climate policy
studies) in the absence of climate policy intervention. Thus, a baseline is
typically built upon assumptions about future population growth, economic output,
and resource and technology availability, as well as upon assumptions about
future non-climate environmental policies, like controls on sulphur dioxide
emissions. Changes from these baselines are frequently put into categories of
benefits and costs. The benefits included in the calculus
are estimated from avoided climate damages and other ancillary benefits that
would have otherwise occurred if mitigation policies had not been introduced.
The costs for mitigation and other side effects that result are estimated from
economic sacrifices that might be required to mitigate climate change.
Climate change would be a relatively simple problem to overcome if it could
be avoided without sacrifice and if the means to effect this avoidance were
recognized widely. At present, however, there are concerns about the sacrifices
that avoiding climate change might involve. A fundamental challenge in mitigation
policy analysis is thus to discern how climate change can be avoided at a minimal
cost or sacrifice. Chapters 3-9 describe a number
of advances since WGIII SAR that identify methods to
reduce the costs of climate change mitigation. Indeed, these chapters report
that some degree of mitigation might be achieved at zero cost.
Chapter 7 distinguishes several cost concepts. Opportunity
cost (the value of a sacrificed opportunity) constitutes a basis upon which
estimates of economic cost are constructed. The extent of the costs of mitigating
climate change is, from an economic perspective, measured in terms of the value
of other opportunities that must be forgone (for example, the opportunity to
enjoy low prices for domestic heating or other energy services). It follows
that economic costs can be different when they are viewed from different perspectives.
Costs of mitigation incurred by a regulated sector are, for example, generally
different from economy-wide costs. Costs are sometimes measured in currency
units, but they are sometimes also measured against other metrics. In all cases,
though, the underlying element of cost is the sacrifice of opportunities, goods,
or services; and this element is often quite different from the overt financial
outlay involved.
Chapter 7 also indicates that some notions of cost
incorporate behavioural, institutional, or cultural responses that can be missed
by economic analyses. In measuring opportunity costs, more specifically, economic
analyses generally take personal preferences, social and legal institutions,
and cultural values as given. Yet climate policies can affect (positively or
negatively) the functioning of institutions. They can alter the ways in which
people relate to each other; and they can influence individuals attitudes,
values, or preferences. Taking these impacts into account can alter the cost
assessment. Moreover, while economic analyses (including standard benefitcost
analyses) tend to measure costs by adding up individuals valuations of
their forgone opportunities, other approaches to cost can be defined in terms
that are not simple aggregations of individual measures.
As discussed below, equitable policy making brings attention to the distribution
of costs as well as to their aggregate levels. There has been considerable progress
since SAR in identifying ways that climate change can be avoided at lower costs.
Both theoretical and modelling studies have helped to reveal the types of policies
that might achieve given targets at the lowest cost. Moreover, as indicated
below, models have identified certain circumstances in which at least some reductions
in GHGs might be achieved at no cost.
Chapter 8 reports that the cost of mitigation can
depend significantly on the selection of a designated concentration target that,
typically, is assumed to be achievable within 100 or 200 years. Most model-based
studies indicate that the first units of abatement are fairly inexpensive; low-hanging
fruit is easily picked. However, most studies show that additional units
of abatement require more extensive changes and involve significantly higher
Thus, to lower the original concentration target is projected to result in a
more than proportional increase in costs. Rising marginal abatement costs provide
a rationale to employ broad-based, economically efficient mechanisms for GHG
The cost of mitigation depends not only upon the cumulative emissions reductions
required over the next century, but on the timing of these emissions reductions
as well. Chapter 8 reviews some studies that argue
the most cost-effective approach to achieving a given long-term concentration
target involves gradually rising abatement through time. The attraction of this
approach is that it helps avoid the premature turnover of stocks of capital.
In addition, deferring the bulk of abatement effort to the future allows more
discounting of abatement costs. However, other studies show potential cost advantages
in concentrating more abatement towards the near term. These studies argue,
in particular, that near-term abatement helps generate cost-effective learning-by-doing,
by accelerating the development of new technologies that can reduce future abatement
costs. These findings are not necessarily contradictory. By introducing mitigation
efforts in the near term, the process of learning-by-doing is initiated. At
the same time, by increasing over time the stringency of policies (that is,
the extent of abatement), nations can avoid premature capital-stock turnover
and exploit the cost savings from future technological advances. Chapter
10 elaborates on these issues.
It is worth emphasizing that abatement policies (such as the introduction of
national targets on carbon emissions or policies to stimulate the development
of energy technologies not based on carbon, as discussed in Chapter
3) can proceed in the near term even when abatement efforts are significantly
deferred to the future. The near-term introduction of policies helps to stimulate
efforts to bring about new technologies, which is crucial to enable future abatement
to be achieved at lower cost.
As Chapter 6 discusses, individual countries can choose
from a large set of possible policy instruments to limit domestic GHG emissions.
These include traditional regulatory mechanisms such as technology mandates
and performance standards. They also include market-based instruments
such as carbon taxes, energy taxes, tradable emissions permits, and subsidies
to clean technologies. They also include various voluntary agreements between
industries and regulators. A group of countries that wishes to limit its collective
GHG emissions can agree to implement some of these policies in a co-ordinated
Chapters 6-9 reveal that the costs
of achieving specified mitigation targets depend critically upon the policy
instrument employed. Any given target is achieved at the lowest cost when the
incremental cost of emissions reduction (abatement) is the same across all emitters.
If this condition is not met, then the overall costs of emissions reduction
could be reduced if firms with lower incremental costs reduced emissions a bit
more, and firms with higher incremental costs pursued a bit less abatement.
It follows that cost-effective emissions reductions hold the promise of allowing
larger emissions reductions from any allocation of resources
While market-based instruments such as carbon taxes and tradable carbon permits
have potential cost advantages, the extent to which these potential advantages
are actually realized depends on whether the policy generates revenues and whether
these revenues are recycled in the form of cuts in existing taxes.
Revenue recycling is important to the costs of a carbon tax, for example. When
the revenues from the carbon tax finance reductions in the rates of pre-existing
taxes, some of the distortionary cost of these prior taxes can be avoided; and
so the cost of mitigation is reduced. These issues are further elaborated in
Chapters 6-9.
The issue of revenue recycling applies also to policies that would reduce CO2
through carbon permits or caps. As discussed in Chapter
6, revenues could be recycled through cuts in existing taxes if CO2
permits are auctioned. In contrast, if the permits are distributed freely, then
no revenue is collected and there is no possibility of revenue recycling. Thus,
auctioning the permits has a significant potential cost advantage over free
It is also important to keep in mind that aggregate costs are not the only
useful consideration in evaluating alternative policy instruments from the cost-effectiveness
perspective. The distribution of these costs across businesses, regions, and
individuals is important as well. Moreover, other important evaluation criteria,
including administrative and political feasibility, can play a role in determining
exactly how and why mitigation initiatives might emerge.
The theoretical and modelling literature also reveals that international policy
co-ordination through flexibility mechanisms offers enormous opportunities
to achieve given reductions in GHG emissions at relatively lower cost. In principle,
co-ordinated policies can be designed so that cost-effectiveness is improved
on a global scale. The Kyoto Protocol defines several flexibility mechanisms,
including international emissions trading (IET), joint implementation (JI),
and the clean development mechanism (CDM). Each of these international policy
instruments provides opportunities, in theory, for Annex I Parties to fulfil
their commitments cost-effectively. IET allows Annex I parties to exchange parts
of their assigned amount. Similarly, JI allows Annex I parties to exchange emission
reduction units among themselves on a project-by-project basis. Under
the CDM, Annex I parties receive credit, on a project-by-project basis, for
reductions accomplished in non-Annex I countries. Participation in these programmes
can also increase the level of investment in clean energy technologies. International
policy co-ordination in implementing climate policy also requires accounting
for the spillover effects of mitigation in one country that can
effect economic activity in other countries through international trade linkages.
In general, countries that mitigate less may gain an advantage in their share
of international trade over their trading partners, but can also lose market
share if those trading partners control more and thus reduce their overall level
of economic activity. See Chapter 8 for more on these
Most studies of national or global mitigation costs focus on CO2
from fossil energy alone (e.g., see Chapter 8), but some
recent studies consider other GHGs as well. For example, Chapters
3 and 4 discuss options to reduce emissions of non-CO2
gases and CO2 net emissions from land-use change, respectively. Chapter
8 indicates that defining national targets in terms of a basket
of gases (as under the Kyoto Protocol) rather than in terms of individual gases
enhances flexibility and can reduce the costs of mitigating climate change.
Emissions of several of the GHGs (such as methane and nitrous oxide) from some
sources can, in addition, be very difficult to monitor. This practical complication
raises the potential cost of mitigation over the short- to medium-term, because
it highlights the need to improve the methods used to monitor these emissions.