To communicate IPCC assessment findings and methodologies and to explain the way the organization works, the IPCC organizes various outreach activities and presentations at national and international meetings.
The IPCC also works with the media to convey relevant and accurate information to the public on IPCC assessments and activities.
The communication activities of the IPCC are guided by the IPCC Communications Strategy
which was adopted by the Panel at its 35th Session in June 2012 and revised at this 44th Session in October 2016.
The goals of IPCC communications activities are to:
- communicate IPCC assessment findings and methodologies, by providing clear and balanced information on climate change , including scientific uncertainties, without compromising accuracy;
- explain the way the IPCC works, selects its authors and reviewers and produces its reports and other products.
This section contains information on IPCC news and outreach activities.
For more information on IPCC outreach activities, please contact Jonathan Lynn, Head, Communication and Media Relations.
For media inquiries email ipcc-media@wmo.int.
For information on distribution of reports and other documents contact the Office Assistant for Outreach and Web, Laura Biagioni.
For requests to reproduce or distribute content from the IPCC reports contact the Legal and Liaison Officer, Sophie Schlingemann.