IPCC reports
The main activity of the IPCC is to provide at regular intervals Assessment Reports
of the state of knowledge on climate change. The latest one is the Fifth Assessment Report which was finalized in November 2014.
The IPCC also produces Special Reports; Methodology
Reports; Technical Papers; and
Supporting Material.
The preparation of all IPCC reports and publications follows strict procedures agreed by the Panel.
For more information see Procedures Page .
How to obtain IPCC reports
A number of IPCC reports - in particular the Assessments Reports - are published commercially and can be
obtained from the publishers or leading book shops. Some full reports and the summaries of many reports
are translated into the official UN languages. Most IPCC Reports published since 1997, including
non-English versions, are available online on this website and on CD-ROMs. Translations into some non UN
languages are also made available on this website.
Hard copies of the Summaries for Policymakers, Technical Summaries, Synthesis Reports and Technical Papers
in English and in other UN languages, and CD-ROMs of the full reports, can be obtained free of
charge from the IPCC Secretariat. A limited number
of hard copies of the full reports are also available on request from the IPCC Secretariat for developing
countries and countries with economies in transition. Methodology Reports and Supporting Material can be
obtained from the IPCC Secretariat or a Technical Support Unit as indicated.
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