Not a "second launch" of the report, but a different media event to focus on the in depth information about a particular region and explore the richness

of the full report with the scientists from that region, who worked on the relevant chapters. The IPCC is organizing the briefings with the organizational support of partner institutions. Here are the locations, published as soon as they are confirmed. The page is constantly updated as more details are available.


Focus Location Date Venue Speakers* Language(s) Contact person
New Zealand and Pacific Small Islands Auckland, New Zealand 10 April National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
269 Khyber Pass Road
Epsom, Auckland
  • Mr. Pene Lefale, from Samoa, - LA, Ch.16 "Small Islands"
  • Mr. Jim Salinger, from New Zealand, - LA, Ch. 11 "Australia and New Zealand"
  • Mr. David Wratt, from New Zealand,- WGI RE Ch 5 "Observations: Oceanic Climate Change and Sea Level"

Mrs Michele Hollis
NIWA Science Communication
Tel: +64 4 386 0483
Mob: +64 27 255 2500

Mrs Susannah Eliott
Australian Science Media Centre
Tel: +61 8 8207 7415
Mob: +61 424 676 136
Web Site:

North Africa, Sahara and the Middle East Alexandria, Egypt 10 April Bibliotheca Alexandrina ("Alex Library")
El Shatby, Alexandria 21526
Web Site:
  • Mr. Mahmoud Medany, from Egypt, LA Ch. 9 "Africa"
  • Mr. Abdelkader Allali, from Morocco, RE Ch 17 "Assessment of adaptation pratices, options, constrains and capacity"
  • Mrs Balgis Osman, from Sudan, LA Ch. 9 "Africa"
  • Mr. Mostafa Jafari, from Iran, LA Ch. 10 "Asia"
  • Mr. Rajendra Pachauri**, Chair of the IPCC
Arabic and English Mr. Khaled Azab
Director of the media department
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Alexandria, Egypt 21526
Tel: 002 03 483 9999 ext 1267
Fax: 002 03 483 4991
South America Buenos Aires,
10 April Centro de Informaciön de Las Naciones Unidas
Junín 1940 1er Piso
1113 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Street Address: As above
Telephone Number:
(54-11) 4803-7671/7672/0378
Fax Number: (54-11) 4804-7545
  • Mr. Osvaldo Canziani, from Argentina, WGII Co-Chair
  • Mrs Graciela Magrin from Argentina, CLA Ch.13 La "Latin America"
  • Mr. Jorge Codignotto, from Argentina, LA Ch. 6 "Coastal Systems and low-lying areas"
  • Mr. Juan Carlos Gimenez, from Argentina, LA Ch. 13 "Latin America"
  • Mrs Susana Curto**, from Argentina, RE Ch. 8 "Human Health"
  • Mrs Sandra Diaz**, from Argentina, RE Ch. 4 "Ecosystems, their properties, goods and services"
Spanish Mr. Gustavo Poch
Central America Mexico City, Mexico 10 April University of Mexico
  • Mr. Edmundo De Alba Alcaraz, from Mexico, RE Ch. 13 "Latin America"
  • Mr. Carlos Guy Gracia, from Mexico, CLA Ch. 13 "Latin America"
  • Mrs Ana Rosa Moreno, from Mexico, LA Ch.13 "Latin America"
  • Mr. Max Campos, from Costa Rica, RE Ch. 13 "latin America"
  • Mrs Alicia Villamizar, from Venezuela, LA Ch. 13 "Latin America"
  Mrs Guadalupe Diaz
Asia (except China and Russia) New Delhi, India 10 April  
  • Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, from India, IPCC Chair
  Mrs Sabah Hamid
TERI Asst. Manager Communications
Phone: + 91 11 2468 2100 / 2468 2111
Fax: + 91 11 2468 2144 / 2468 2145
Mob. + 91 98 117 99075
Email :

Mr. Rajiv Chibber
Mob. + 91 11 9810426698 Email:
Europe - Alpine Region Geneva, Switzerland 11 April Palais des Nations
  • Mrs Renate Christ, from Austria, Secretary of the IPCC
  • Mr. Andreas Fischlin, CLA Ch.4 "Ecosystems, their proprerties, goods and services"
  • Mr. Martin Beniston, from Switzerland, LA Ch 4 "Ecosystems, their properties, goods and services"
English (and French) Mr. Michael Williams, United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland
Phone: + 41-22-9178-242/244/196
Mob. +41-79-409-1528
Europe - Mediterranean Region Madrid, Spain 10 April at 10 am Ministry for Environment, Plaza San Juan de la Cruz
  • Mr. José Manuel Moreno from Spain, CLA Ch. 12 "Europe"
  • Mr. Miguel Araujo from Portugal, CA Ch.12 "Europe"
Spanish and English Mrs Lourdes Lázaro Marin
Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil 10 April Instituto de Estudos Avançados
Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, trav. J, 374 - antiga reitoria
Auditório Alberto Carvalho da Silva
Phone: +55(11)3091.1685 (Mrs. Ines Iwashita)
  • Mr. Carlos Nobre, from Brazil, LA Ch. 13 "Latin America"
  • Mr. Fearnside, from Brazil, RE Ch. 13 "Latin America"
  • Mr. Ulisses Confalonieri, from Brazil, CLA Ch. 8 "Human Health"
  • Mr. Magalhaes, from Brazil, RE Ch. 17 "Assessment of adaptation practices, options, constraints and capacity"
Portuguese Mr. Mauro Bellesa
Phone: +55(11)3091.1692
Fax: 3031.9563
The Caribbean Region Turkeyen, Guyana 23 April, 1.30 pm CARICOM Secretariat
  • Mr. Leonard Nurse, from Barbados, CLA Ch. 16 "Small Islands"
  • Mr. U. Trotz, from Barbados, RE Ch. 16 "Small Islands"
  • Mr. John Agard, from Trinidad and Tobago, LA Ch. 16 "Small Islands"
  • Mr. Carlos Fuller CARICOM, WMO RAIV President Secretariat
  • Mr. Kenrick Leslie, Executive Director CARICOM, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
  Ethlyn Valladares
Executive Assistant to Director
CARICOM Climate Change Centre
2nd Floor Lawrence Nicholas Building
Ring Road, P.O. Box 563
Belmopan, BELIZE
Tel: +(501) 822-1104/1094
Fax: +(501) 822-1365
Mobile: 00501-621 2671
East Africa and the Great lakes Region Nairobi, Kenya 10 April United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Nairobi, Kenya
  • Mr. Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director
  • Mr. Anthony Nyong, from Nigeria, CLA Ch.9 "Africa"
  • Mr. Andrew Githeko, from Kenya, LA Ch.9 "Africa"
English Mr. Nick Nuttall
Phone: +254-20 7623084
Mobile in Kenya: 254 (0) 733 632755
Mobile when travelling: 41 79 596 57 37
Fax: 254 2 623692
Southern Africa Johannesburg, South Africa 17 April  
  • Mrs. Coleen Vogel from South Africa, CLA Ch. 9 "Africa"
  • Mr. Guy Midgley from South Africa, CLA Ch.4 "Ecosystems, their properties, goods and services"
  • Mrs Pauline Dube from Botswana, LA Ch.4 "Ecosystems, their properties, goods and services"

Mr. Sudeshan Reddy
UNIC Pretoria National Information Officer
Tel: +27 12 354 8507

West Africa Dakar, Senegal Postponed - date to be defined  
  • Mrs Isabelle Niang Diop, CLA Ch. 9 "Africa"
Russia Moscow, Russia Friday, April 20, from 12-00 to 13-30 The ITAR-TASS building
  • Mr. Yuri Izrael, from Russia, Vice-Chair of the IPCC
  • Mr. Serguei Semenov, CLA Ch 19 "Assessing key vulnerabilities and the risk from climate change"
  • O.A. Anisimov, CLA CH. 15 "Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctic)"
  • A.A. Velichko, LA Ch. 4 "Ecosystems, their properties, goods and services"
  • I.A. Shiklomanov, LA Ch.3 "Fresh Water Resources and their management"

Mrs Elena Viculova

Mr. Sergey Sarakhatunov
Phone: +7 495 6296034

North America Washington DC, USA

9:30 am EDT on Monday, April 16

A teleconference will take place after the press conference, which journalists can call into at 11:15 am EDT: Domestic #: 800-861-4084 International #: 770-659-0496 Passcode: 9957477# (Note: the # is required).

The National Press Club
529 14th St., NW
Washington, DC 20045
ROOM: Holeman Lounge
  • Mrs Cynthia Rosenzweig, from USA, CLA Ch. 1 "Assessment of observed changes and responses in natural and managed systems"
  • Mr. Michael Oppenheimer, from USA, LA Ch. 19 "Assessing key vulnerabilities and the risk from climate change"
  • Mr. Anthony Janetos from USA, LA Ch. 20 "Perspectives on climate change and sustainability"
  • Mr. Stephen H. Schneider, from USA, CLA Ch. 19 "Assessing key vulnerabilities and the risk from climate change"
  • Mrs Kristi Ebi, from USA, LA Ch. 8 "Human Health"
  • Mr. Terry L. Root, from USA, LA Ch. 1 "Assessment of observed changes and responses in natural and managed systems"
  • Mrs Paty Romero Lankao, CLA Ch. 7 "Industry, settlement and society"
  • Mr. Roger Pulwarty, LA Ch. 17 "Assessment of adaptation practices, options, constraints and capacity"
  Mrs Brennan Van Dyke
Regional Office for North America
United Nations Environment Programme
1707 H Street, NW #300
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 974-1308
Fax: (202) 785-2096

Mrs Yasmin Aziz
United Nations Environment Programme/Regional Office for North America
1707 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 785-0465
Fax: (202) 785-2096

China Beijing, China 23 April Campus of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA)
N° 46 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Beijing
  • Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of the IPCC
  • Mr. Zheng Guoguang, CMA Administrator
  • Mr. Shaohong Wu, from China, CLA Ch. 10 "Asia"
  • Mr. Dahe Qin, IPCC WGI Co-Chair
Chinese and English Mr. Zhenlin Chen
Office: 0086-1068406148
Mobile: 0086- 13911097662
Australia Sydney, Australia 10 April at 10.30 am UTS
Web Site:
  • Mrs Lesley Hughes, from Australia, LA Ch.11 "Australia and New Zealand"
  • Mr. Nick Harvey, from Australia, LA Ch. 11 "Australia and New Zealand"
  • Mr. Roger Jones, from Autralia, CLA Ch. 2 "Assessment of future impacts and adaptation: systems and sectors"
English Mrs Susannah Eliott
Australian Science Media Centre
PO Box 237
Rundle Mall
Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: (08) 8207 7411 (direct)
Fax: (08) 8207 7413
Mobile: 0424 676 136



Note: LA = Lead Author; CLA = Coordinating Lead Author; RE = Review Editor; CA = Contributing Author

** In video or phone link