Decision IPCC-XLVII-8 Aligning the work of the IPCC with the needs of the Global stocktake under the Paris Agreement
Documents IPCC -XLVII/Doc.8
With reference to Decision IPCC/XLVI-5 on the alignment of the work of the IPCC and the global stocktake, which was adopted at the
46th Session of the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change at its 47th Session decides:
- To adopt the terms of reference for the Task Group, henceforth named "Task Group on the organization of the future work of the IPCC in light of the global stocktake". Its terms of reference are in Annex 1.
- The Task Group must operate with the resources available in the IPCC.
- From the next Sessions on, the agenda item will be named "Organization of the future work of the IPCC in light of the global stocktake".
Terms of Reference for the Task Group on the Organization of the Future Work of the IPCC in Light of the Global Stocktake
To identify issues and options for consideration by the Panel on the organization, including timing, of the future work of the IPCC, including with particular regard
to the seventh assessment cycle, taking into account the scientific information needs of the global stocktake and of the UNFCCC more generally, as well as audiences
and purposes served by IPCC assessments, in accordance with principles governing IPCC work, and with respect to the rate of progress in the state of knowledge of
various aspects of climate change.
- The Task Group will consider the pros and cons of different options, including quality of reports and implications for operations, resourcing, budget and contributions of the research community.
- The identified options will preserve the scientific integrity and the independence of the IPCC, and robustness, scope and depth of its products.
The Task Group should start its work following the approval of its TORs by the Panel at the 47th Session of the IPCC. The Task Group should present progress reports
at Panel Sessions and comply with IPCC procedures and ensure transparency and inclusiveness. The Task Group should deliver the outcomes of its work and report in due
time for the first 2020 plenary.
Membership of the Task Group is open to the participation by the members of the IPCC.
The Task group is Co-chaired by France and Mexico. The members of the Task Group are:
Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chad, Chile, China, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, European Union, Egypt, Finland,
Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Luxembourg, Maldives, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea,
Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago,
United Kingdom, United States of America, United Republic of Tanzania, Venezuela, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
IPCC Bureau members and TSU representatives will advise the Task group in carrying out its activities.
Two rapporteurs will take note of discussions and help draft proposals. At the moment Norway is one of the rapporteurs.
The IPCC Secretariat supports the work of the Task Group.
Meetings and Reporting
- Between plenaries and ensuring inclusiveness: mail exchanges, cooperative work, teleconferences, call for submissions, with an option
for possible physical meetings in between panel sessions if appropriate
- Hold physical meetings during plenary sessions, starting from the 49th Session
- The Secretariat will circulate the draft final report to Governments for comments before submitting to the Panel
- Present a progress report at each Panel Session
1 and IPCC Observer Organizations with the right to introduce proposals