IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007
Climate Change 2007: Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability


IPCC statement on the melting of Himalayan glaciers - 20 January 2010 (PDF)

Note. The following is a list of errata and corrections to the Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report

Last updated 15 April 2013

(The page, section, column, and line identifiers refer to the printed and pdf versions of the report. The errata also apply to the html version, though the column and line numbers are not directly applicable.)

Page  Item  Correction 




Technical Summary

Figure TS.2.


The four arrows running clockwise around the figure and placed alongside "Global integration", "Economic emphasis", "Regional emphasis", and "Environmental emphasis" should be removed.





Technical Summary


Column 1. Line 53. Delete “(Figure TS.11)“.




Technical Summary


Column 2. Line 6. Insert “(Figure TS.11)“ after “degradation“.




Technical Summary


Australia and New Zealand. Line 4. Replace “0.3” with “0.4”.



Technical Summary


Line 21. Replace “1.5 million” with “1.6 million”.




Technical Summary


Column 1. Line 24. Replace “2070s” with “2080s”. Replace “the number of” with “the additional number of”.




Technical Summary


Box TS.6, Asia section. Delete fourth bullet.




Chapter 1

Figure SM-1 is a replotting of the data used for the analysis of Muir Wood et al. (2006). These data combined temperature data from CRU (Climatic Research Unit, 2006) of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, with the disaster loss database compiled by and described in Muir Wood et al. (2006). Since Muir Wood et al. (2006) did not cite CRU, the figure caption should be modified to read:
"Figure SM-1.1: Costs over time of normalized weather-related catastrophes compared with global temperatures. Data smoothed over ±4 years = 9 years until 2001. Based on the data set used in Muir Wood et al. (2006) and temperature data from CRU (2006)."





Chapter 1

Column 1. Line 27. Insert
"CRU, 2006: Temperature data. Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich. http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature/#scire"




Chapter 2

Figure 2.5.


The four arrows running clockwise around the figure and placed alongside "Global integration", "Economic emphasis", "Regional emphasis", and "Environmental emphasis" should be removed.




Chapter 9



Column 2. Lines 10-14. Delete the sentence beginning "Recent simulations based on the NCAR GCM..." and replace with "Recent preliminary simulations based on the NCAR GCM under a doubling of carbon dioxide indicate that the frequency of extreme wind and turbulence events could decrease by 50-60%, while mean turbulence will probably decline by 10% in the spawning grounds and increase by 3% in the main feeding grounds of anchovy (Clark et al., 2003)."




Chapter 10


Table 10.1, line 40. Replace "Russia - E. of Urals" with "Russia".



Chapter 10


Table 10.2, lines 31-32 (Nepal entry). Replace "0.09°C per year in the Himalayas and 0.04°C in Teral region, more in winter" with "For 1977-94: 0.090°C per year in Trans-Himalaya and 0.057°C per year in the Himalaya, more in winter; 0.041°C per year in Terai region". Add "Shrestha et al., 1999" to References column.




Chapter 10


Table 10.2, lines 40-42 (Sri Lanka entry). Replace "0.016°C increase per year between 1961 to 90 over entire country, 2°C increase per year in central highlands" with " 0.016°C increase per year between 1961 to 90 over entire country, with regional increases ranging from 0.008 to 0.025°C per year."




Chapter 10

Figure 10.4, Lower left box. Replace all text in box with "Most Tibetan Plateau glaciers shorter than 4 km in length are projected to disappear with 3°C temperature rise and no change in precipitation. []".



Chapter 10


Column 2. Line 20. Replace “Wilkinson, 2004” with “Wilkinson, 2000”.




Chapter 10


Column 2. Line 22.  Insert “part of” after “They form”.




Chapter 10


Column 2. Line 23. Replace “the source” with  “a source”.




Chapter 10


Column 2. Line 25. Replace “about 12,000” with “several thousand”




Chapter 10


Column 2. Line 31. Delete “in the region”.




Chapter 10


Column 2. Lines 32-43.  Delete this text, through the first two words on line 43 and replace with “Many Himalayan glaciers are retreating (Karma et al., 2003; and see examples in Table 10.9).




Chapter 10


Column 2. Lines 44-52. Delete this text, beginning with the last two words on line 44, through the first word on line 52.




Chapter 10


Table 10.9. Line 2. Replace "135.2" with "23.5".




Chapter 10


Column 1. Figure 10.6 Caption.  Replace “retracted” with “retreated”




Chapter 10


Column 1. Figure 10.6 Caption.  Replace “courtesy of NASA EROS Data Center, 9 September 2001” with “Kargel et al., 2005”




Chapter 10


Column 1. Lines 60-63.  Delete the reference: Hasnain, 2002.







Chapter 10





Column 2. Line 3.  Insert
“Kargel, J.S., M.J. Abrams, M.P. Bishop, A. Bush, G. Hamilton, H. Jiskoot, A. Kääb, H.H. Kieffer, E.M. Lee, F. Paul, F. Rau, B. Raup, J.F. Shroder, D. Soltesz, D. Stainforth, L. Stearns and R. Wessels, 2005: Multispectral imaging contributions to global land ice measurements from space. Remote Sens. Environ., 99, 187–219.

Karma, Y. Ageta, N. Naito, S. Iwata, and H. Yubuki, 2003: Glacier distribution in the Himalayas and glacier shrinkage from 1963 to 1993 in the Bhutan Himalayas. Bull. Glaciol. Res., 20, 29-40.”




Chapter 10


Add "Shrestha, A.B., C.P. Wake, P.A. Mayewski and J.E. Dibb, 1999: Maximum temperature trends in the Himalaya and its vicinity: an analysis based on temperature records from Nepal for the period 1971-94. J.Clim., 12, 2775-2786."




Chapter 11


Section 11.2.1. Line 16. Delete "1855" and replace with "1900".




Chapter 11


Table 11.6. Lines 1-2. Replace “Berkelmans et al., 2004; Crimp et al., 2004” with “Sheehan et al., 2006”.




Chapter 11


Table 11.6. Line 4. Replace “Jones, 2004b” with “Sheehan et al., 2006”.




Chapter 11


Section 11.4.7. Lines 12-13. Delete "Coleman et al., 2004" and replace with "Coleman 2002"





Chapter 11



Column 1. Delete lines 7-10, the reference to "Coleman et al. 2004" and replace with "Coleman, T. (2002). The impact of climate change on insurance against catastrophes. Insurance Australia Group, Sydney, 13 pp."







Chapter 11





Column 2. Line 27. Insert “Sheehan, P., Jones, R., Jolley, A., Preston, B.L., Clark, M., Durack, P.J., Islam, S., Sun, F. and Whetton, P.H. (2006). Climate Change and the Global Knowledge Economy: An Immediate Challenge. CSES Climate Change Working Paper No. 11. Victoria University Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Melbourne, 35 pp. http://www.cfses.com/documents/climate/11_Sheehan_Jones_et_al_Climate_Change”




Chapter 12


Column 2. Lines 5-6. Replace “2070s” with “2080s” on both lines.




Chapter 12


Column 2. Line 50. Replace “12.5.7” with “12.4.7; 12.5.5”.




Chapter 12


Column 1. Line 7. Replace “high confidence” with “very high confidence”.




Chapter 12


Section 12.2.3. Line 19. Delete “because” and replace with “; about”.




Chapter 12


Section 12.2.3. Line 20. Delete “below sea level” and replace with “at risk of flooding”.





Chapter 12



Lines 17-18. Replace “(e.g., legumes -30 to + 5%; sunflower -12 to +3% and tuber crops -14 to +7% by 2050)” with “(e.g., legumes -14 to +1%; sunflower -12 to +1% and tuber crops -9 to +8% by 2050)”.






Chapter 13




Table 13.6 caption. Delete current caption and replace with “Numbers of people living in water-stressed watersheds in Latin America in 2025 and 2055 (millions), and the net number of people exposed to an increase in water resources stress due to climate change (Arnell, 2004).”





Chapter 13



Table 13.6 column headings. Columns 4 and 6. Delete “With climate change (2)” and replace with “Net number of people exposed to increase in water resources stress (2)”.







Chapter 13





Table 13.6 footnotes. Delete current footnotes and replace with “(1) Number of people living in water-stressed watersheds in the absence of climate change (Arnell (2004), Table 7); (2) Number of people exposed to an increase in water resources stress due to climate change, minus number of people with a decrease in water resources stress due to climate change (Arnell (2004), Tables 11 and 12).”




Chapter 13


Column 2. Line 6. Delete “(Vasquez, 2004)” and replace with “(UNMSM, 2004)”.




Chapter 13


Column 2. Line 12. Delete “(UNMSM, 2004)” and replace with “(Vasquez, 2004)”.




Chapter 14


Section 14.4.4. Column 2. Forestry. Line 9. Delete “2004” and replace with “2005”




Chapter 14


Column 1. Line 19. Delete “2004” and replace with “2005”.




Chapter 16


Column 1. Lines 29-30. Replace “World Bank, 2000” with “Falkland, 1999”.





Chapter 16



Line 47. Insert “Falkland, A., 1999: Impacts of climate change on water resources of Pacific islands. PACCLIM 19 Workshop, Modelling the Effects of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in Pacific Island 20 Countries. Auckland, New Zealand, 33pp.”