Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA) |
Figure 1. Position of the Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis
(TGICA) and IPCC Data Distribution Centre within the IPCC structure
TGICA Mission
The Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA) facilitates distribution and application of climate change related data and scenarios to
enable research and sharing of information across the three IPCC Working Groups (Figure 1). The conduct of TGICA is governed by its mandate.
At its 47th Session on 13-16 March 2018, the IPCC adopted Decision IPCC-XLVII-9 whereupon TGICA will be renamed to the Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data). There are new Terms of Reference for TG-Data as well as Guidance for the Data Distribution Centre (DDC). This web site will be revised once the new Task Group has been established and the membership refreshed. Until that time, TGICA will proceed with its ongoing activities.
The IPCC Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA) was established in 1996. It comprises members with
expertise and experience drawn from a cross section of research communities representing all three IPCC Working Groups.
Data Activities
TGICA oversees a Data Distribution Centre (DDC) which provides data sets, scenarios of climate change and other environmental and socio-economic
conditions, and other materials (e.g. technical guidelines on the use of scenarios and fact sheets offering clarifying explanations/concise
guidance on topical issues). The DDC also links to relevant data sets and information held outside the DDC, such as outputs produced from the new
community-led process of scenario development to support climate change research. The DDC managers conduct regular surveys of users, with results
from the most recent in 2015 reported here.
Capacity Building
TGICA also contributes to building capacity in the use of data and scenarios for climate-related research in developing and transition-economy
regions and countries. It does this through the data and guidance provided via the DDC, by convening expert meetings on an as-needed basis,
and by maintaining and updating a global list of networks for outreach.
User Communities
Since TGICA was established in 1996, a great deal has changed regarding needs and services for data and scenarios. Most significantly,
the community of users has evolved from a relatively small group of researchers focusing on global- and regional-scale modelling of the impacts of
climate change, to a large and diverse set of actors worldwide, including national, state/provincial, and local entities, business and industry,
non-governmental organizations, and community groups. This more diverse group of users has a far more varied set of data and scenario needs,
including data products more appropriate to settings with limited computational, communications, and research capacity. The process for preparation
of scenarios has also changed, and has become a more open, interdisciplinary process with a larger number of interactions across the climate
modelling, impacts/adaptation/vulnerability, and integrated assessment modelling communities. These changes provide new challenges and opportunities
for TGICA.
TGICA Membership was refreshed in the summer of 2010 (see table below) with Timothy Carter (Finland) and Bruce Hewitson (South Africa) appointed in May 2011 to serve as Co-Chairs.
Co-Chairs | Members | Ex Officio |
Timothy Carter, Finland
Bruce Hewitson, South Africa
Daniel Bouille, Argentina
Stewart J. Cohen, Canada
Suraje Dessai, UK
Mariane Diop-Kane, Senegal
Seita Emori, Japan
Gregory E. Insarov, Russia
Kejun Jiang, China
Volker Krey, Austria
Won-Tae Kwon, South Korea
Jason Lowe, UK
Francisco Meza, Chile
Andy Reisinger, New Zealand
Allison Thomson, USA
Rachel Warren, UK
Arthur Webb, Fiji
Fernanda Zermoglio, Sweden
Martin Juckes (DDC, BADC)
Martina Stockhause
Robert Chen (DDC, CIESIN)
Wilfran Okia Moufouma
Elvira Poloczanska
Raphael Slade (AR5, WG III TSU)
Karl Taylor (PCMDI)
Xianfu Lu (UNFCCC)
TGICA Reporting to IPCC
- IPCC-XLVII/INF. 9 (Paris, France, March 2018)
- IPCC-XLVI/INF. 7 (Montreal, Canada, September 2017)
- IPCC-XLV/INF. 4, Rev. 1 (Guadalajara, Mexico, March 2017)
- IPCC-XLIV/Doc. 8 (Bangkok, Thailand, October 2016)
- IPCC-XLIII/Doc. 10 (Nairobi, Kenya, April 2016)
- IPCC-XLII/Doc. 14 (Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2015)
- IPCC-XLI/Doc. 10 (Nairobi, Kenya, February 2015)
- IPCC-XL/Doc. 17 (Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2014)
- IPCC-XXXIX/Doc.11 (Berlin, Germany, April 2014)
- IPCC-XXXVII/Doc.12 (Batumi, Georgia, October 2013)
- IPCC-XXXV/Doc. 22 (Geneva, Switzerland, June 2012)
- IPCC-XXXIV/Doc.13 (Kampala, Uganda, November 2011)
- IPCC-XXXIII/Doc. 19 (Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 2011)
Considering the rapidly changing landscape of climate data and scenario information, the IPCC decided at its 41st
Session to revisit the mandate of TGICA ahead of the upcoming Sixth Assessment. It invited government comments on
a Vision document for TGICA and the DDC and arranged an Expert Meeting on TGICA (26-27 January 2016). At the 44th
Session, the IPCC adopted Decision IPCC/XLIV-8 on the Future of TGICA, to establish an Ad Hoc Task Force to design
a strategic plan and revised mandate and terms of reference for the transformation of TGICA functions to serve
the needs of IPCC during and beyond the Sixth Assessment. It also requested TGICA to continue its activities until
the revised mandate and terms of reference are approved by the Panel.
At its 47th Session on 13-16 March 2018, the IPCC adopted Decision IPCC-XLVII-9 whereupon TGICA will be renamed to the Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data).
Documents of relevance to the future of TGICA and the DDC include:
- Decision IPCC-XLVII-9 Future of the Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis
This document contains the text of the decision to establish a new Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data) and to adopt new Terms of Reference for TG-Data along with Guidance for the Data Distribution Centre (DDC).
- Report By the Ad Hoc Task Force on the Future of the Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis [IPCC-XLVII/Doc. 9]
[020320180441-Doc. 9.Add1-ATF-TGICA-interview batch]
[020320180441-Doc. 9.Add2-ATF-TGICA-focal points batch]
This report represents the final outcome of the work of ATF-TGICA. Priority objectives for a future TGICA and the IPCC Data Distribution Centre (DDC) were identified, and a new mandate and Terms of Reference (TOR) for the future TGICA and a revised guidance document for the DDC were developed. These can be found in Annexes. To inform its work, ATF-TGICA developed a questionnaire and the responses obtained were analysed (see also spreadsheet addenda).
- Future of the Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (ATF-TGICA) [IPCC-XLVI/Doc. 9]
This is a progress report on the activities of the Ad Hoc Task Group on the Future of TGICA to the 46th Session.
- Options for Discussion and Decision on the Future Role of TGICA [IPCC-XLIII/Doc. 10, Corr.1]
This document sets out some alternatives for decisions on the future of TGICA and the DDC, including revisiting the TGICA mandate, TGICA, membership, resourcing of
TGICA and resourcing of the DDC. It also summarises priority objectives for TGICA and the DDC that are detailed in a separate document.
- Priority objectives for TGICA and the Data Distribution Centre (DDC) [IPCC-XLIII/INF. 17]
This document presents a classification of activities currently or potentially undertaken by TGICA and the DDC. Activities have been prioritized both according to
need as well as to resource requirements, based on expert input concerning the relative importance attached to different TGICA/DDC activities and taking account
of whether activities are internal or external to IPCC.
- Expert Meeting on the Future of the Task Group on Data And Scenario Support for Impacts and Climate Analysis (TGICA): Summary [IPCC-XLIII/Doc. 10, Corr.1]
This summary was prepared by the IPCC Secretariat and Co-Chairs and Steering Committee of the Expert Meeting and presented at the 51st Session of the
Bureau (16-17 February 2016).
- Expert Meeting on the Future of the Task Group on Data And Scenario Support for Impacts and Climate Analysis (TGICA) (Full Report)
This is the full report of the Expert Meeting prepared by the IPCC Secretariat with input invited from all participants.
- TGICA Vision Paper (August 2015) [EXMOT/Doc4]
This document presents perspectives of the Task Group membership on the future of TGICA as the IPCC enters the next cycle, also incorporating feedback received at
IPCC 41 and subsequent discussion at TGICA-22 in New York (June 2015). Three options are presented for the future of the TGICA and the Data Distribution Centre
(DDC) it oversees: (1) Discontinue or severely curtail TGICA and discontinue the DDC; (2) maintain the status quo; or (3) strengthen TGICA and upgrade the DDC.
Each of these options carries with it organisational and resource implications.
- Governments and International Organizations comments on TGICA Vision Paper [IPCC-XLIII/INF. 18, IPCC-XLIII/INF. 18, Add. 1]
These documents are a compilation of comments on the TGICA Vision Paper by governments and international
organizations received in advance of the IPCC Expert Meeting on TGICA.
- Institutional Analysis of TGICA [link]
This document was prepared as an independent analysis of TGICA and the Data Distribution Centre in the context of a changing global environment of climate change
related data and information. It was drafted by Catherine Vaughan of the International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University ahead of
the IPCC Expert Meeting on TGICA, with funding from the Finnish government. Using TGICA documents, related literature and interviews of key persons associated
with TGICA in the past and present, the report takes stock of the main contributions of the Task Group and crystallizes some of the persistent challenges that have
limited its efficacy. The report also reviews trends that have shaped the environment in which TGICA operates and considers opportunities for TGICA to contribute
in a unique way within this new environment.
TGICA/TGCIA Meetings (1996-present)
List of all meetings (Updated May 2018)
Sixth Assessment cycle
- TGICA-25-W1*: 20 October 2017
- TGICA-25: 5-7 July 2017, Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK
- TGICA-24-W1*: 17 March 2017
- TGICA-24: 6-8 July 2016, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Helsinki, Finland
Fifth Assessment cycle
- TGICA-23: 26-28th October 2015, Kalk Bay, Cape Town, South Africa
- TGICA-22-W1*: 24 September 2015
- TGICA-22: 29-30 June 2015, Lamont Campus, Columbia University, New York, USA
- TGICA-21-W1*: 27 March 2015
- TGICA-21: 24-26 November 2014, Yokohama, Japan
- TGICA-20-W1*: 2 September 2014
- TGICA-20: 25-27 February 2014, WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
- TGICA-19: 14-16 May 2013, Jeju, Republic of Korea
- TGICA-18-W1*: 14 March 2013
- TGICA-18: 18-20 September 2012, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
- TGICA-17-W1*: 25 May 2012
- TGICA-17: 6-8 February 2012, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Palo Alto, California, USA
- TGICA-16-W2*: 6-7 October 2011
- TGICA-16-W1*: 13-14 April 2011
- TGICA-16: 4-6 August 2010, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA
* Webex teleconferences
Fourth Assessment cycle (TGICA/TGCIA)
- TGICA-15: 19-21 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
- TGICA-14: 26-28 February 2008, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
- TGICA-13: 17-19 June 2007, Nadi, Fiji
- TGICA-12: 4-6 October 2006, Exeter, UK
- TGICA-11: 7-8 February 2006, Cape Town, South Africa
- TGICA-10: 19-21 April 2005, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- TGICA-9: 24-25 September 2004, Laxenburg, Austria
- TGCIA-8: 30 June-2 July 2003, Boulder, CO, USA
- TGCIA-7: 6-7 January 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Third Assessment cycle (TGCIA)
- TGCIA-6: 5-7 June 2002, Helsinki, Finland
- TGCIA-5: 26-29 November 2001, Christ Church, Barbados
- TGCIA-4: 30 May-1 June 2001, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- TGCIA-3: 15-17 May 2000, New York, NY, USA
- TGCIA-2: 20-22 October 1999, Norwich, UK
- TGCIA-1: 5-6 May 1997, Washington, D.C., USA
- TGCIA-0: 9-10 January 1997, Preliminary Planning Meeting, Bracknell, UK
- IPCC Workshop on Regional Climate Change Projections for Impact Assessment, Imperial College, London, 24-26 September 1996 (discussed the establishment of TGCIA)
TGICA Expert Meetings
- 30 June - 2 Jul 2015: Decision-Centered Approaches to the Use of Climate Information, New York, USA (Meeting Report forthcoming)
- 20-22 June 2007: Integrating Analysis of Regional Climate Change and Response Options, Nadi, Fiji
[Meeting Report]
[Climate Research Special Issue]
- 8-10 January 2003: Scenario application in research on climate change, impacts/adaptation and mitigation, Amsterdam, Netherlands