Scoping Meeting for the IPCC 5th Assessment Report 13-17 July, Venice, Italy
At its 28th Session (9-10 April 2008, Budapest), the Panel decided to carry out a 5th Assessment to be finalized in 2014.
The scoping meeting is expected to prepare a scoping paper describing the objectives and an annotated outline of
the AR5 and its Working Group contributions, and to prepare a broad outline for the Synthesis Report. The draft
scoping paper will be circulated for comments to governments and will then be submitted for consideration and
approval to the Sessions of the three IPCC Working Groups and the 31st Session of the IPCC, scheduled to be held
from 26-29 October 2009 in Bali, Indonesia.
The Scoping Meeting for the 5th Assessment Report will be held in Venice, Italy, in the Molino Stucky Hilton Hotel,
from 13 to 17th July 2009.Please note that attendance to the scoping meeting is by invitation only.
List of Invited Experts for Venice
- Practical information - Please see www.cmcc.it/ar5scopingmeeting
- Meetings Documents
- AR5-SCOP/Doc.1 - Draft Agenda and Indicative Schedule of Meetings
- AR5-SCOP/Doc. 2- Chairman's vision paper
- AR5-SCOP/Doc. 3 - Policy relevant scientific technical topics to be addressed in the IPCC AR5, Summary of coments from Governments and Organizations
- AR5-SCOP/Doc. 4 - Decisions taken at the 30th Session of the IPCC (corrected version)
- AR5-SCOP/INF. 1 - Policy relevant scientific technical topics to be addressed in IPCC AR5, Compilation of submissions from Governments and Organizations
- AR5-SCOP/INF. 2 - Treatment of cross cutting themes (CCTs) in TAR and AR4, and questionnaire results
- AR5-SCOP/INF. 3 - Compromise proposal on the improved treatment of regional information in AR5
- Background information
Relevant documents considered at the 30th Session of the IPCC (April 2009)
- The Future of IPCC: Suggestions to help the production of the AR5 - Report of the Task Group
(Submitted to IPCC-30 by Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (Belgium), IPCC Vice-chair, on behalf of the Task
Group) (IPCC-XXX/Doc. 10)
- Scoping of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, Proposal for an IPCC Expert Meeting
on Assessing and Combining Multi Model Climate Projections
(IPCC-XXX/Doc. 11)
- Scoping of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, Proposal for an IPCC Expert Meeting
on Detection and Attribution Related to Anthropogenic Climate Change
(IPCC-XXX/Doc. 12)
- Scoping for the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, Concept paper for an IPCC
Expert Meeting on the Socio-Economic Consequences of Low Stabilization Scenarios
(IPCC-XXX/Doc. 15)
- Scoping for the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, Concept paper for an IPCC
Expert Meeting on Human Settlement, Water, Energy and Transport Infrastructure -
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies (IPCC-XXX/Doc. 16)
- Future IPCC activities - New Scenarios - Report from the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium
Expert Group regarding RCP3-PD (IPCC-XXX/Doc. 18)
- Scoping of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report - Additional Comments from Governments and Organizations
Relevant documents considered at the 28th Session of the IPCC (April 2008)