AR6 Workshops and Expert Meetings
IPCC Expert Meeting on Mitigation, Sustainability and Climate Stabilisation Scenarios ( 26-28 April 2017, Addis Ababa,  Ethiopia)
Red Cross/Red Crescent/IPCC International Scientific Conference on Climate Risk Management ( 5-7 April 2017, Nairobi, Kenya)
FAO/IPCC Expert meeting on land use, climate change and food security (23-25 January 2017, Rome, Italy)
IPCC Expert Meeting on Communication (9-10 February 2016, Oslo, Norway)
During the 41st Session of the IPCC that took place in Nairobi, Kenya, in February 2015, the Panel called for a meeting where experts, IPCC focal points and other
IPCC representatives could share experiences, best practices and lessons learnt from the communication and outreach activities of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
to inform the communication of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).
The meeting was hosted by the Norwegian Environment Agency and was held on 9-10 February 2016 in Oslo, Norway. The hashtag for the meeting is #IPCCOslo
Meeting Documents
Background Documents
Advance papers
Examples: Outreach products
These are examples of outreach products that use IPCC findings as a basis of their information but are not prepared by the IPCC.
Display of this material on our website does not imply IPCC endorsement or approval of the products or the conclusions they contain. None of them has been subjected to IPCC review.
Examples: Research, articles and presentation
AR5 Workshops & Expert Meetings
A number of expert meetings and workshops have been held to support the process of preparing the Fifth Assessment Report. For more information, please see Concept Notes for
Cross-Cutting Issues and Planned AR5 Workshops and Expert Meetings in the AR5 Reference Document. Also see
IPCC-XXXI/Doc. 10 "Scoping of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report - Expert
Meetings and Workshops".
IPCC Workshop on Regional Climate Projections and their Use in Impacts and Risk Analysis Studies
(15-18 September 2015, São José dos Campos, Brazil)
This report includes a concise Information Paper that provides recommendations to the IPCC for the Sixth Assessment Cycle, in particular to the leadership of Working Groups I and II. This Report also contains summaries of the discussions in the plenary sessions and in the breakout groups. It further includes the abstracts of the keynote and perspective presentations as well as the poster abstracts presented during the Workshop. The meeting brought together 110 experts from 52 countries to discuss regional climate projections and their use in impacts and risk analysis studies. The workshop included experts from the Working Group I and Working Group II communities, including scientists from the climate modelling community, the regional modelling and downscaling community, and the climate impacts and risk analysis communities.
Expert Meeting on Climate Change, Food, and Agriculture (27-29 May 2015, Dublin, Ireland)
This report considers assessment across the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), as well as the most compelling new research since the publication of the AR5. Participants drawn from around the world discussed options for future IPCC work.
The Expert Meeting consisted of a combination of presentations and discussion sessions. The meeting addressed food production and food security in a changing climate, including climate change risks for food production and interactions with mitigation, adaptation, and development. Land-use trends and non-production aspects of food security, including future demand for food and post-harvest components of food systems were examined. The meeting also examined policy responses, including mitigation and adaptation options with the potential to enhance food security or create competition for land and water.
The Republic of Ireland generously hosted the meeting in Dublin.
Expert Meeting on Scenarios (18-20 May 2015, Laxenburg, Austria)
This expert meeting report provides a concise summary of the major recommendations coming from
the meeting. A first draft of these recommendations had been brought to the attention of the Panel
already at its 42nd session.1 The report body extends on these recommendations and provides the
necessary background required for an appreciation of the discussions that have been taking place at
the meeting. The Annex further provides summaries of the individual talks given as well as breakout
group discussions. The meeting brought together 91 experts from 29 countries. After conclusion of the IPCC’s fifth
assessment cycle, it provided an opportunity for the research community and the IPCC to jointly
reflect on the new scenario process as well as the use of scenarios in AR5 and how it can be further
improved to allow for a more integrated assessment of mitigation, adaptation, climate change impacts
and broader sustainable development across the entirety of IPCC work in the future.
Expert Meeting on Potential Studies of the IPCC Process (28-29 January 2015, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland)
This report summarizes discussions of the Expert Meeting on Potential Studies of the IPCC Process.
At its core is a set of recommendations and main outcomes of the meeting. It also contains summaries of meeting discussions of potential
studies, as well as abstracts for the meeting's key note presentations. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
approved the "Principles to guide the IPCC's engagement in potential studies of the IPCC process" as recommended by the Expert Meeting on Potential Studies of the IPCC Process (28-29 January 2015, Geneva, Switzerland) and contained in Annex 1 to this Decision.
- Joint WCRP/IPCC Workshop on IPCC AR5: Lessons Learnt for Climate Change Research and WCRP (8-10 September 2014, Bern, Switzerland)
- WG III - African Experts Meeting (9 - 11 August 2011, Accra, Ghana)
- WG II - Least Developed Countries and Africa Regional Expert Meeting (9 - 11 August 2011, Accra, Ghana)
- WG II - Scenarios Workshop (16 - 17 July 2011, Changwon City, Republic of Korea)
- WG III - AR5 First Expert meeting on Scenarios (10 - 11 July 2011, Changwon City, Republic of Korea)
- Joint Expert Meeting of WG II and WG III on Economic Analysis, Costing Methods and Ethics (23-25 June 2011 - Lima, Peru)
(more information)
- Joint IPCC Expert Meeting of WG I, WG II, and WG III on Geoengineering (20-22 June 2011 - Lima, Peru)
(more information)
Proposal (IPCC-XXXII/Doc. 5)
- WG II - Small Island Developing States Regional Expert Meeting (27 - 29 April 2011, Belize City)
- WG II - South and Central America Regional Expert Meeting (11 - 13 April 2011, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil)
- WG III / II Expert Meeting on Human Settlement, Water, Energy and Transport Infrastructure and Spatial Planning - Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
(22 - 24 March 2011, Calcutta, India) (more information)
The meeting explored in-depth issues related to human settlements and climate change. As cities and infrastructures are at the forefront of climate change,
the role of urban planning becomes key for adapting to it and implementing mitigation strategies. The aim of the workshop was to address this topic and fill the
gaps of the AR4 as part of the preparation of AR5.
Workshop Proposal
- WG II - Southeast Asia Regional Expert Meeting (16 - 18 March 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
- Joint GEO-IPCC Expert Consultation - GEOSS support for IPCC assessments: A workshop on the data needs of the climate impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research
community (1 - 4 February 2011, Geneva, Switzerland)
The workshop explored how the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) could serve the data and information needs of the research communities dealing
with climate impacts and adaptation, exploring its potential to improve and accelerate their access to a broad range of relevant information. The workshop results
will be able to drive the implementation of GEOSS over the next several years in a way that contributes in a concrete and practical manner to the research process
for the AR5 and other future assessments.
- WG II / WG I Workshop on Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biology and Ecosystems (17-19 January 2011, Okinawa, Japan)
(more information)
- Joint IPCC Workshop of Working Group III and II on Socioeconomic Scenarios for Climate Change Impact and Response Assessments (WoSES) (1 - 3 November 2010, Berlin, Germany)
(more information)
The workshop was organized by Working Groups III and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to facilitate the further development of
scenarios by the scientific community. The objective of the workshop is to develop a framework of socioeconomic scenarios to be used by the different
scientific communities working on climate change impacts and on options for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.
Background and Supporting Material:
- Developing
new scenarios as a common thread for future climate research by Detlef van Vuuren, Keywan Riahi, Richard Moss, Jae Edmonds, Allison Thomson,
Nebosja Nakicenovic, Tom Kram, Frans Berkhout, Rob Swart, Anthony Janetos, Steve Rose and Nigel Arnell
- Socio-economic Scenario Development for Climate Change Analysis
WORKING PAPER by Elmar Kriegler, Brian O'Neill, Stephane Hallegatte, Tom Kram, Robert Lempert, Richard Moss, Thomas Wilbanks
- AR5 Synthesis Report Scoping Meeting (25-27 August 2010, Liege, Belgium)
- IPCC Cross-Working Group Meeting on Article 2 of UNFCCC (24 August 2010, Liege, Belgium)
- IPCC Cross-Working Group Meeting on Consistent Evaluation of Uncertainties (6-7 July 2010, Jasper Ridge, CA, USA)
(more information)
Consistent treatment and communication of uncertainty across the Working Groups is a key cross-cutting issue for the IPCC and goal for the AR5. To address
this important issue, the Co-Chairs of the three Working Groups convened a small meeting on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties, 6-7 July 2010 at the
Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve in Stanford, CA, USA. The outcome of the meeting was a decision to produce updated Guidance Note for AR5, with the goal
of improving the distinction and transition between different metrics and their consistent application across the Working Groups in the AR5.
The "Guidance Note for Lead Authors of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties" presents an approach for the
treatment of uncertainty and the communication of key findings of the AR5 that can be applied consistently in each Working Group. At its 32nd session,
the IPCC Panel urged the implementation of this Guidance Note.
Guidance Note for Lead Authors of the
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties
Mastrandrea, M.D., C.B. Field, T.F. Stocker, O. Edenhofer, K.L. Ebi, D.J. Frame, H. Held, E. Kriegler, K.J. Mach, P.R. Matschoss,
G. Plattner, G.W. Yohe, and F.W. Zwiers.
4 pp.
AR5 Guidance Note Annex
A. Comparison of AR4 and AR5 Approaches
B. Addressing the InterAcademy Council Recommendations
IPCC Workshop on Sea Level Rise and Ice Sheet Instabilities (21-24 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
(more information)
The purpose of this Workshop was to bring together the leading world experts on all issues related to sea level rise, including the field of ice
sheet dynamics and ice sheet instabilities, in order to accelerate scientific research that will feed results into the AR5.
- WG III - Expert Meeting on Scenarios (28 Feb - 1 March 2010, Oxford, UK)
- Co-Sponsored IPCC - NRC Meeting on RCP-2 Socioeconomic Storylines for New Scenarios to Support WG II / WG III AR5 and Other Assessments (4 - 5 February 2010, Washington, DC, USA)
- WGI / WGII Expert Meeting on Assessing and Combining Multi-Model Climate Projections (25-27 January 2010, Boulder, Colorado, USA)
(more information)
This expert meeting provided tentative best practices in selecting and combining results from multiple models for IPCC AR5; in short the beginning of
a quantitative framework for analysis and assessment of the models. The meeting will help to bring the community into a position to make better
use of the new model results and provide more robust and reliable projections of future climate, along with improved estimates of uncertainty.
- WGI / WGII Expert Meeting on Detection and Attribution Related to Anthropogenic Climate Change (14-16 September 2009, Geneva, Switzerland)
(more information)
Improving technical aspects of detection and attribution, especially harmonizing terms and definitions, is an important goal to advance this topic, with emphasis
on impact-relevant changes in the climate system and impacts in natural and human systems. The expert meeting has covered the full set of fundamental detection
and attribution issues, including techniques, interpretation and specific examples that are relevant to changes in climate and impacts for the Fifth Assessment
Report (AR5).
- Scoping Meeting for the IPCC 5th Assessment Report (13 - 17 July 2009, Venice, Italy)
The scoping meeting in Venice was convened to prepare a scoping paper describing the objectives and annotated outline of the AR5 and its Working Group contributions,
and to prepare a broad outline for the Synthesis Report. The draft scoping paper is at present circulated for comments to governments and will then be submitted
for consideration and approval to the Sessions of the three IPCC Working Groups and the 31st Session of the IPCC, scheduled to be held from 26-29 October 2009 in
Bali, Indonesia.
- Expert Meeting on the Science of Alternative Metrics (18-20 March 2009, Oslo, Norway)
(more information)
At its 38th Session (Geneva, November 2008), the IPCC Bureau decided to task a small Steering Group, chaired by Thomas Stocker (Co-Chair of WGI), to convene an
Expert Meeting on the Science of Alternative Metrics with the goal to review the basis of current scientific research on this topic, in particular to assess the
status of knowledge on GWPs and Global Temperature Potentials (GTPs) and other more elaborate metrics, as well as any other recent developments since the AR4 to
calculate CO2 equivalence, including the timescales at which possible metrics can be applicable.
- Joint IPCC-WCRP-IGBP Workshop: New Science Directions and Activities Relevant to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (3-6 March 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA) -
Meeting Report
- IPCC co-sponsored Workshop: Future Climate-Change Response Research: Learning from the IPCC's Fourth Assessment (21 - 23 January 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
For reports and other documentation related to all IPCC Expert Meetings and Workshops, please see
Workshops and Expert Meetings or the relevant Working Group website.
Workshops and Expert Meetings on Emission Scenarios
For the period of the AR5, the IPCC decided that new emission scenarios should be developed by the scientific community.
Further information can be found in the Progress Report submitted to the 32nd Session of the Panel (IPCC-XXXII/Doc. 16) and to the 33rd Session of the Panel (IPCC-XXXIII/Doc. 4).
To further facilitate the integration of a new generation of socioeconomic scenarios by the scientific community for climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation research
into the 5th Assessment Report, expert meetings on scenarios are also held back-to-back with IPCC Lead Author meetings.
For information, a list of relevant meetings is listed below.
- WG II - Scenarios Workshop (16 - 17 July 2011, Changwon City, Republic of Korea)
- WG III - AR5 First Expert meeting on Scenarios (10 - 11 July 2011, Changwon City, Republic of Korea)
- Joint IPCC Workshop of Working Group III and II on Socioeconomic Scenarios for Climate Change Impact and Response Assessments (WoSES) (1 - 3 November 2010, Berlin, Germany)
(more information)
The workshop was organized by Working Groups III and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to facilitate the further development of scenarios by the scientific community. The objective of the workshop is to develop a framework of socioeconomic scenarios to be used by the different scientific communities working on climate change impacts and on options for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.
Background and Supporting Material:
- Developing new
scenarios as a common thread for future climate research by Detlef van Vuuren, Keywan Riahi, Richard Moss, Jae Edmonds, Allison Thomson, Nebosja Nakicenovic, Tom Kram, Frans Berkhout,
Rob Swart, Anthony Janetos, Steve Rose and Nigel Arnell
-economic Scenario Development for Climate Change Analysis
WORKING PAPER by Elmar Kriegler, Brian O'Neill, Stephane Hallegatte, Tom Kram, Robert Lempert, Richard Moss, Thomas Wilbanks
- WG III - Expert Meeting on Scenarios (28 Feb - 1 March 2010, Oxford, UK)
- IPCC Expert Meeting Modeling Renewable Energies: Coherence Between Model Assumptions and Latest Technological Knowledge (30-31 August 2009, Oslo, Norway)
- Co-Sponsored IPCC - NRC Meeting on RCP-2 Socioeconomic Storylines for New Scenarios to Support WG II / WG III AR5 and Other Assessments (4 - 5 February 2010, Washington, DC, USA)
- IPCC Expert Meeting on New Scenarios (19 - 21 September 2007, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands)
- IPCC Expert Meeting on New Emission Scenarios (20 - 22 March 2006, Seville, Spain)
- IPCC Workshop on Emission Scenarios (29 June - 1 July 2005, Laxenburg, Austria)
- IPCC Expert Meeting on Emission Scenarios (12 - 14 January 2005, Washington D.C)
TFI Workshops and Expert Meetings
The Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) was established by the IPCC to oversee the IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme (IPCC-NGGIP). The core
activity is to develop and refine an internationally-agreed methodology and software for the calculation and reporting of national GHG emissions and removals and to
encourage its use by countries participating in the IPCC and by parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The NGGIP also established and
maintains an Emission Factor Database.
For a full list of TFI Workshops and Expert Meetings and relevant documents for previous meetings (meeting reports, Co-Chairs summaries, etc.) please see the TFI meeting calendar.
Scoping & Expert Meetings for IPCC Special Reports
To support preparations for the IPCC's two Special Reports released in 2011, a few scoping and expert meetings have been held. Note that a new practice at the
IPCC is the back-to-back holding of an expert meeting on scenarios with lead author meetings, to ensure coordination with the scientific community which is developing a
new generation of socioeconomic scenarios for climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation research. Further information can be found in the Progress Report submitted to
the 32nd Session of the Panel (IPCC-XXXII/Doc. 16) and to the 33rd Session of the
Panel (IPCC-XXXIII/Doc. 4).
Scoping Meeting on Extreme events and disasters: Managing the risks 23 - 26 March 2009, Oslo, Norway
- WG III - Expert Meeting on Scenarios (28 Feb - 1 March 2010, Oxford, UK)
- IPCC Expert Meeting Modeling Renewable Energies: Coherence Between Model Assumptions and Latest Technological Knowledge (30-31 August 2009, Oslo, Norway)
- IPCC Scoping Meeting on Renewable Energy Sources (Lubeck, Germany, 20-25 January 2008) -
Scoping Meeting Proceedings
AR4 Workshops & Expert Meetings
To support the preparations of the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), a number of workshops and expert meetings were held. Some addressed cross cutting themes (CCT)
that were identified in order to ensure a better treatment and coordination of matters that are dealt with in more than one Working Group. Other AR4 workshops and expert
meetings addressed Working Group's specific issues and other matters.
- Expert meeting on Integration of Adaptation and Mitigation and Sustainable Development
16 - 18 February 2005, La Reunion
Meeting Report
- Integrating Sustainable Development and Climate Change in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
5 - 7 March 2003, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Meeting Report
- Expert Meeting on scientific and technical issues related to Art.2 UNFCCC and key vulnerabilities
18 - 20 May 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Meeting Report
- IPCC Workshop on Describing Scientific Uncertainties in Climate Change to Support Analysis of Risk and of Options
11 - 13 May 2004, Maynooth, Ireland
Workshop Report
Guidance Notes for Lead Authors of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report on Addressing Uncertainties
- IPCC Expert Meeting on Industrial Technology Development, Transfer and Diffusion
21 - 23 September 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Meeting Report
- Workshop on Climate Sensitivity
26 - 29 July 2004, Paris, France
Workshop Report
- Expert meeting on Emission Estimation of Aerosols Relevant to Climate Change
2 - 4 May 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
Meeting Report
A list of proceedings and reports of all IPCC workshops can be found under “
IPCC Reports - Supporting material”.